Thirtythird Chill

Hero of Ice

                        "You're lying." I croaked, not even sure if I should believe my own words. "How can you be Haeyoung when you have been protecting me all this time?"

            "It's a game sweet pea. How do expect me not to have a little fun with you when you were so obliviant of who I was?" His smile didn't reach his eyes.

            His eyes held that look that I couldn't read back a few months ago. But I remember what they represented now. His heart, mind and soul was trembling with misery. "You're lying." I stated once again, a little louder this time. "Why are you lying to me, Jaejoong?" My hand reached for him. He was my sense of security after all.

            His hand slapped it away.

            I looked at his face, petrified. He can't be.

            "I am Haeyoung, Minji." Jaejoong repeated what he had said earlier. "And I am the reason your parents are dead."


            "Yes. The boy who wanted you to kill yourself. The boy who got an asthma attack in Song hospital because of you. The boy whose toy truck you broke. The boy who you ran into embarrassingly in the bathroom to give your handmade choc chip cookies to. I am that boy." He remembered every moment we shared together when we were little.

            "Why?" I then asked. He never answered me ten years ago.

            "Why do I hate your guts?" His words cut me like a knife. "It's actually quite simple." Jaejoong continued. "Your father killed my mother."

            I blinked at his words. "My father would never do that!" I supported my dead father.

            "He admitted it himself." Jaejoong sneered at me.

            My knees felt like jelly. Was Jaejoong lying to me? But everything he said to me sounded quite honest. Jaejoong killed my parents. I sank against the door.

            "Are you going to move?" Jaejoong spat disdainfully.

            "Huh?" I looked up at him, completely disorientated.

            Jaejoong didn't say it for the second time. He picked up my sweater from the ground and used it as a glove to shove me aside. He opened the door and let himself out. Jaejoong killed my parents because my father killed his mother. A part of me still felt like some important piece of information was missing. The whole of me wanted to run after him. I still love him but he didn't even want to touch me anymore.


                        "My real name is Kim Jaejoong." The little boy surrendered to the doctor. "I came here with the intention of killing you before I leave."

            "Kim Jaejoong. That name does ring a bell." Doctor Song admitted.

            "You killed my mother."

            Doctor Song took in his words and had an epiphany. "I remember now. Your mother died from child labour."

            "You were supposed to make sure she made it out alive." Jaejoong sneered at him.

            "Yes." Mr. Song spoke grimly. "I am so sorry, Jaejoong, that I was unable to protect your mother."

            "And because of you, my father hates me." Jaejoong looked at him with displeasure. "So why don't you go and die then?"

            "No." Mr. Song's voice was calm and gentle. "I will live on."

            Jaejoong glare only intensified. "You're selfish, doctor."

            "No, I am not." The doctors tone of voice did not falter. "You are the selfish one, Jaejoong."

            "No I am not!" Jaejoong bellowed angrily.

            Doctor Song squeezed the boy's arm gently. "Tell me, Jaejoong. Who do think would suffer the most once I die by your hands?"

            "You're family of course." Jaejoong replied. Yet deep inside him, he felt a little sullen at the idea. He knew what it felt like to lose a parent hence he knew how Minji was going to feel.

            Mr. Song shook his head. "It will be your father."

            Jaejoong froze. Never did he want his father to suffer.

            "My family would be devastated with my death. Minji will suffer more because she regarded you as a friend. But the person who would suffer the most would be your father. He loved your mother but your mother has passed on. The only person he has left now is you, Jaejoong." Mr. Song continued to give his reasoning. "And how would he feel to learn that his son is a murderer?"

            "No, my father doesn't care about me." Jaejoong confessed. "He doesn't care about what will happen to me."

            "Your father's name is Kim Seungheon, is it not?" The doctor rhetorically asked. He went to grab an old newspaper in the lowest drawer of the cupboard and showed him an old article. "I've been reading the paper everyday and for the past six months, in the missing person's section Kim Jaejoong is there. He is looking for you, Jaejoong."

            Jaejoong hesistantly took the paper in his hand and read it. His hand started to shake in fear. When was the last time, he had heard his father's icy remarks? Or experienced insufferable beatings over minor issues? He couldn't remember. But now that he wanted to return home, just to get away from this hospital, the painful memories were all coming back to him.

            Mr. Song saw the fear in the boy and grasped his shoulders to abstain his trembling. "Every father loves their child." The doctor said. "He will forgive you, Jaejoong."

            Jaejoong looked up tearfully at the man whom he wished to never seek comfort from. The terror he felt was overwhelming. "What if it was someone who has a heart as cold as ice?"

            Mr. Song gave him an encouraging smile. He pointed his stethoscope to the boy's chest. "You are able to listen to your heart now, Jaejoong." Doctor Song crooned. "Use your heart to melt his."

            Jaejoong was still frightened. "How?"

            "I don't know." Mr. Song then looked to Jaejoong's heart. "But somewhere in there is the answer. How can you truly make your father happy, Jaejoong?"

            Jaejoong could only think of one way. It was to become the best of the best. He had to make his father proud. He had to help his father with everything that he needed. He had to surpass in knowledge and etiquette. He had to become a good person. And now that he had realised it, he intended to do all that, because he had the smallest hope that his father may love him back.

            Jaejoong looked to the doctor who only cared for him for the past six months. His hatred for him was slowly diminishing and he hated it. How could he stop hating someone who killed his mother and turned his father against him? That was the reason why he wanted to leave this place. A place where the wrong people showered him with love and care. He didn't want any of it from them in the first place. They however, were pulling at his heartstrings. "I'm still going to kill you one day." Jaejoong said as convincingly as possible but even he, himself, didn't believe his own words.

            Doctor Song took his threat lightly. "When you're ready, I would like to take you home Jaejoong." He chuckled. "Plan your murder well."

            Jaejoong's hardened face softened, just a little. A part of him wallowed in agony. A part of him was jumping with joy. He knew then, that he would never be able to kill such a loving man. 


                        I sat at the dining table umcomfortably all alone. It has been just over 24 hours since Jaejoong discovered my true identity and from that night on, I hadn't caught a glimpse of his face. The congee wasn't inviting at all.

            "Why aren't you eating, Minni?" Narin had popped up to check on me and saw that I hadn't touched my meal at all.

            "Narin. Can you sit with me please?" I asked, hoping my urge to bolt up to Jaejoong's room would subside with her company.

            Narin eyed my sad expression and took a seat next to me. I stirred my food lifelessly.

            "Narin." I croaked. "Are Haeyoung and Jaejoong the same person?" If Jaejoong wasn't going to tell me anything, then I had to find other resources.

            Narin only nodded.

            "How?" I asked another question.

            Narin sighed. "When he was eight years of age, Jaejoong ran away from home." Narin explained. "In a matter of six months, he returned home and I learnt that he had been staying at a prestigious hospital for that time, posing himself as Han Haeyoung. He couldn't come home, not unless he told the head doctor at that hospital who he really was and why he went there."

            "Why did he run away from home?" I asked another question.

            Narin paused for a moment trying to think of the right words to say. "Let's just say that he really loved his father back then."

            I was still confused. "But-"

            "When the time comes, Jaejoong will tell you the truth himself." Narin cut me off. "But Minni, I must say that I was really glad that he ran away. When he came back, he had matured a lot. He had developed a new mindset and was very persevering. I don't think that Jaejoong would have come this far if he didn't run off. I don't know what had specifically happened during those six months but I am so thankful that that experience he had has helped shaped Jaejoong to become the person he is today."

            I turned away from my food and gave Narin a smile. Jaejoong must have learnt a lot from Jungwoo. He was the only person then that he would listen to. "I am proud of Jaejoong as well." I just wished that he would come back to me. My vision blurred at the thought.

            "Minni, you're crying." Narin pointed out with concern. "Is something wrong?"

            How could she not see that something was wrong? Jaejoong wouldn't even look me in the face anymore. Didn't she see that? Should I tell her who I was as well? She seemed like such a sweet and caring person. "Narin, my real name is actually S-" I was interrupted by heavy fast footsteps bolting down the stairs.

            For the first time, Jaejoong was standing before me. I stood up in shock but stopped there. I didn't know whether I should run towards him or bolt off. Remembering that I was in tears, I sat down again, tilted my head to the floor and messily wiped the water away from my cheeks.

            "Narin." Jaejoong's voice was so close. I looked up to see him standing right beside me. "Minni doesn't seem to be feeling well. I'm going to take her out for some fresh air."

            What? I was utterly speechless.

            "About time you take a break from your books." Narin said in a motherly tone.

            Jaejoong chuckled and held onto my hand tightly. "Come on, let's go." He pulled me along with him and I easily complied. He grabbed two coats at the door and let us out.

            "Where are we going?" I asked after we had worn our jackets and were walking to the gates. "You want to know how I ran away from home ten years ago?" Jaejoong asked.

            I gulped. Yes, I was curious but I didn't know what he would do if I asked.

            Instead, he put the hand he was holding in his coat pocket. "I'll show you, Minji." He opened the gates and we walked.

            After a few kilometres, I was brave enough to start talking again. "So you walked all the way to Song hospital?"

            "Yes." Jaejoong laughed satirically. "We're taking a direct route now, but when I was eight years old, I didn't know where the hell I was going. I started my adventure at dawn and arrived there at dusk."

            I couldn't help but smile. Jaejoong was really rebellious even before I met him.

            "And I did all that, just because I badly wanted to kill your father."

            My smiled died down. "And you did." I couldn't help but say it in a cold tone. "How does it feel?"

            Jaejoong was shocked by my hostility. "Dissatisfying." He admitted. "Because someone managed to survive and escape until this day."

            It was my turn to be shocked. Jaejoong whipped me off the streets into a secluded street and pinned me against a brick wall. I heard a clicking noise and felt a gun being pressed against my chest overlying my heart.

            Jaejoong was going to kill me. He was going to be a murderer, again. "Are you going to finish your job now?" I asked.

            "What if I am?" Jaejoong looked at me maliciously.

            "I won't let you." My hand found a place on the gun and tried to push it away but Jaejoong had it securely against my chest. After this failure, I desperately searched my coat pockets. There was something strange in there. I pulled it out and pressed a button on it. A blade came out of hiding.

            Jaejoong was slightly shocked. He had given me that coat to begin with. "You've got a knife. Is that how you're going to stop me?" He sneered at me.

            "Yes." A sudden idea erupted within me and I became quite nervous. "Ten years ago, you told me to go and kill myself." I placed the knife to my throat and I saw from Jaejoong's expression that his astonishment only grew. "When I was eight years old, I was too scared to die but now, not anymore. If by doing this will stop you from taking another life, I'll gladly do it." The blade was pressed tightly against my throat. All I had to was slice myself. "Please, Jaejoong. I beg of you. Think of all the people you love before you decide to kill another person again." I knew that Jaejoong could be as self-harming as I am so I had to hit a weak spot. Even though he no longer loved me, surely he still had other people who were precious to him. "I-" My voice began to shake. "This is all I can do for you, Jaejoong." Because I love you still. I closed my eyes. My hand gripped the handle and began to rip my throat.

            But all of a sudden, Jaejoong grabbed my armed hand by the wrist and whipped the blade away from me, high above my head. Surprised, I dropped the knife and heard it clanker when it hit the floor. I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw his face. On his right cheek was a cut with blood bleeding out slowly.

            "I didn't say I was going to kill you, Minji." Jaejoong said coldly. His eyes were hot with anger. "I am simply going to make your life, a living hell." My eyes didn't turn away from his wounded cheek. Feeling my stare, Jaejoong dragged my out of the alleyway like a floppy doll and we continued on our walking.

            We walked in silence. His face was unreadable but my thoughts were going haywire. He was going to make my life a living hell, again. But at the very least, he wasn't going to kill me. We reached the hospital sooner than later. Jaejoong and I stopped at the bike racks. He removed my hand from his pocket.

            "I would like to officially end everything we had between us, Minji." He said abruptly.

            My whole life shattered before me and I couldn't do anything about it. I croaked an "Okay."

            "And this will be the last time we'll ever see each other again." Jaejoong noted as well. My heart stopped. "Goodbye, Song Minji. Never let me see your face again." Jaejoong turned his back to me and walked away.

            My heart was overfilled with torment of the thought of never seeing his face again. I instinctively wrapped my hands around him. My cheek pressed against his back relishing this warm, alive Jaejoong. "I won't let you see me again if that's what you truly want." I told him firmly. "Because I love you, I will let you have your way."

            "I know that you still love me." He heard the satirical smile in his voice. "That's why I'm letting you live miserably without this man who killed your parents, without this man whom you love with all your heart." I noticed it that he was constantly reminding me that he was responsible for my parents' death. He really did wish to torment me until the very end.

            But everything he said was all true. I still loved him. And I didn't want him to go and leave me with an empty feeling inside me. So, I pressed my lips on the back of his jacket, stealing a final kiss goodbye.


            "You knew that she was Song Minji all along?" Jaejoong sounded quite calm on the phone.

            "Yes." Yunho replied from the other end of the phone. "But I wasn't allowed to say anything about it."

            "I understand." Jaejoong stated simply. "Come to the bike rack at the hospital in two hours or so."

            "Why?" Yunho asked, quite puzzled.

            "You're taking Song Minji home." And Jaejoong hung up before Yunho could ask him anymore questions. 

            Now Yunho was walking towards the bike rack but what he saw only crushed his heart. Minji had her arms tightly around Jaejoong from behind me. In time, Jaejoong peeled her arms off of him and walked off without glancing back. It was as if Minji was just another clingy fan girl to him.

            Minji sunk to the ground after that and Yunho knew that he had to rush to her aid. "Minji!" Yunho called.

            She looked up and suddenly realised what he had said. "Did you just call me Minji?" She asked.

            "Oh come on, Minji. Don't you remember me?" Yunho said trying to mask the sadness he was feeling in her place. "I'm Gu Jungwoo."

            "Jungwoo." Minji gasped. "You were so close to me all along? And you knew who I was all this time?"

            "Yes and yes." Yunho replied. "After I got adopted, I changed my name to Jung Yunho. I wanted to surprise you after graduation but I guess this is close enough."

            Minji before him started to wail. She began to hit him but it no longer hurt him like when they were little kids. Minji grew up to be a girl with little strength. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She cried, still hitting him.

            Yunho knew why she was saying such words. He knew that Jaejoong had never intended to fall in love with Song Minji. He knew that if he had told her in the first place that he was Gu Jungwoo, there was the greater chance that she would still be in love with him. And then she wouldn't be sitting here crying over her loss.

            But a part of Yunho had been arrogant. He thought that Song Minji would always love Gu Jungwoo no matter what. He forgot to consider that being apart from Gu Jungwoo for nine years gave someone else an opportunity to shake up her heart. And out of everyone else, it just had to be Kim Jaejoong. The little boy who had hated her more than anything, stole her heart. But Yunho was also certain that Song Minji still held Jaejoong's heart. She might even have held it since they were little kids.

            "I'm sorry, Minji." Yunho crooned. He still wore his sweet signature smile. "As an apology, I'll give you a piggy back ride. Just like old times." Yunho turned his back to the girl and crouched down.

            Minji didn't budge.

            "You know, it's quite embarrassing staying like this for too long." Yunho commented. "And I don't want to be rejected by you once again."

            Slowly, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck. Yunho brightened up. "Don't worry. You're much lighter than you used to be when you were little, Minji." He threw in another remark.

            "Shut up, Yunho." Minji muttered.

            When a door closes, another one opens. Minji may have lost the love of her life but Yunho was persistant to heal her heart. Yunho didn't intend to make Minji fall in love with him once again. That task looked impossible now. But he was going to make her happy again, as if she had never lost her parents or met him and Han Haeyoung.





Another chapter for you guys.

The next chapter will be more focused on Jaejoong so don't worry guys. You will get an idea of how Jaejoong feels about the current situation.

Jungwoo and Minji reunite!

Another note that I would like to add is that I won't really be focusing on Yoochun/Kimmi and Changmin/Hana until the very end because I intend to finish this story in the next 5 ish chapters.

I do however intend to make a sequel for Changmin/Hana. Let me know how you feel about that in the comments below.

And yes, don't forget to subscribe, upvote and comment if you think my story deserves it. 

Thank you my lovelies, for coming this far in the story. You're almost there! :D


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20141026 Hi everyone! I have changed the name of the story. I felt like this title is more original and suits more to the story. Hope it's not too confusing ^^


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Chapter 45: " Happy now ?? "
" very "
"good "

damn why didn't i see this story till now ?
Chapter 40: I loved this story.Great writing skills I may add.I haven't seen a proper story of dbsk with conflicts and and very descriptive.Most just skip many details and it's very short.You take it step by step and the story tensed up slowly going to the end.I like that.I thorough;y enjoyed reading it.I hope you make more stories with dbsk in it.Love this. infinity out of 10.Haha
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 44: OMG! I finally finished this story! At first, i was kinfa 'eh' in reading the story cause i felt like its too slow but i gave it a chance and read it! Thank god I did cause the story is beautiful.
Chapter 41: your writing is good and i havent seen a dbsk story with good writing for a long time-i just dont like the plot. sorry
2029 streak #5
Chapter 43: Hello author-nim ^_^ this excluded chapter is really sweet and cute. Enjoyed reading it
chunnea #6
Chapter 43: This excluded part is cuutee~~heheh.
jejemine_90 #7
Hello author-nim, how are you? Just found this story and will start reading now. :)
2029 streak #8
Chapter 41: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just finished reading your story and I gotta say that it was really interesting. As I read, I predicted Yunho and Jaejoong as Jungwoo and Haeyoung but at times, I was thinking vice versa. Even though I started reading this story knowing Jaejoong is the main character, I still couldn't help myself from feeling 'Why does Yunho is always involved in a love triangle and in the end, loses the girl to the other?'... do you happen to have an answer author-nim?
Haha :D anyway, nice story ^_^
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana too ∩__∩
Chapter 41: I love it it's lovely story thanx u for great stor~>_<~~>_<~ I hope do Changmin/Hana to ∩__∩