Haehyuk in Japan Part 1

We'll Prove That We Never Hurt Anyone Just Because We Love Each Other

Eunhyuk’s POV

It’s been two months now after the incident and I am healthy as a bull, and yup finally I graduated college, Well Donghae still has one more year, so my plan is to support him and even help him now with his studies but for sure we will be busier than ever, our family bakery has finally expand, Sungmin-hyung and Kyuhyun well they are still together and guess what, Sungmin-hyung is planning to continue his studies, he said he wants to make Kyuhyun proud of him.

To celebrate our 6th month being together, Donghae take me to Japan, at first I don’t want I mean we can just enjoy here, but he insisted so I just agree besides this is my first time to travel as well.

When we reached our destination about two hours later my eyes went wide at the sight that unfolded before him.

Huddled against the slope of a mountain range was a small village. Traditional Japanese houses framed winding narrow streets, the snow glistened beautifully in the sun that had risen high into the blue sky and the air was crisp and clear.

"Wow, this is absolutely breathtaking," I said softly, my eyes sparkling with delight.

"I'm glad you like it," Hae answered with a smile.


Donghae’s POV

"It's so quiet and serene," he marveled and closed his eyes with a sigh of contentment.

I gazed at him with adoration, totally captivated by his innocent beauty. Hykkie’s lips were slightly parted, the sun reflected gently in his blonde hair and a relaxed peaceful expression graced his soft handsome features.

To me it was an amazing sight and I silently thanked the heavens that Hyukkie's heart belonged to me.

After a few moments Hyukkie opened his eyes again only to find me staring at him.

"What," he asked innocently.

"Nothing," I replied nonchalantly.

"Am I not allowed to look at my very handsome boyfriend?" He smiled shyly at my compliment and I felt his cheeks growing red.

Over the last 6 months he had gotten used to and had learned to enjoy those words of affection and appreciation he often received from me when we were alone.

However, he still found it difficult sometimes to deal with these compliments, especially when they came out of the blue like only a moment ago.

"H-Hae," he stammered and cast his eyes. Sensing his discomfort, I placed a hand on his shoulders and squeezed it gently, chuckling lightly.

"How do feel about a second breakfast or brunch," I asked casually as if nothing had happened and Hyukkie eased up immediately.

"That sounds great," he beamed, locking eyes with me again.

"Do you have any special place in mind?" he asked and I nodded in reply. "There's a very cozy little restaurant a few minutes' walk from here," I explained as I took his hand in his and started to walk.

"My parents and I used to go there quite often when we were guests at the  and the food at that place is incredibly delicious." I told him

“Oh Hae, I hope there is straweberry cake there” Really Hyukkie’s strawberry would always be there

"Gochisousama dea," I said and put down my chopsticks with a content sigh.

"I'm full." "Me too," Hyukkie answered chuckling. "And the food was indeed very good." "So, what do you want to do next," I asked curiously.

"It's still early." "I don't know," he replied thoughtfully.

"You know the area best. I mean your travel often here. What options do we have?" "We could either stay here and explore the village or I can call ryokan and ask them to send someone down to pick us up." I explained.

"How far is the ryokan from here," Hyukkie asked in surprise.

"On foot it'll take us about forty minutes to get there," I replied.

"But like I told you before, this is a very special ryokan and they offer a pick-up service for their guests."

Hyukkie nodded his understanding. "Hae, if you don't mind I'd like to walk there and enjoy the snow and the winter landscape," he said after a brief moment of silence.

"Back in Korea I never had the chance to do so." Hearing that, it was my turn to be surprised. "Are you trying to tell me that you never experienced anything like this," I asked wide-eyed, motioning to the snowy landscape outside the window. Hyukkie slowly shook his head. "I mean why?"

“You see, being the eldest and since I always focus on helping my parents I always just either stay home and I rarely go out, not unless Sungmin-hyung invited me out but when he goes to some trip like this I always say NO.” He replied.

"Alright, then let's walk to the ryokan and explore the area a bit," I finally said, an idea forming in my head.

"I'd also like to take you to my favorite place. I used to call it my secret hideaway, when I go here in Japan"

"That sounds exciting," Hyukkie replied, his eyes lighting up again. I smiled warmly in response. "Then get ready, I'll just call the ryokan to send someone down to pick up our luggage from here," I said and excused myself.


Eunhyuk’s POV

Holding hands the we walked through the narrow streets of the mountain village, that lead uphill, occasionally stopping here and there at one of the small traditional shops to take a look.

Once we had left the last rows of houses behind them, they continued to follow the main road for a few more minutes before Hae suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around, motioning to Hyukkie to follow his example. "Look," he said quietly.

I did as I was told and gasped at the sight in front of him.

Below my feet the village laid in peaceful serenity, the snow on the steep roofs glistening in the sun, bathing the houses and streets in a silvery glow. "It's so beautiful," I whispered in awe. "Like a place out of a fairytale."

Hae nodded and for a few moments we just stood there in silence, taking in the view.

"Let's go," Hae finally whispered softly and motioned to a small path that wound away further uphill, away from the main road.

"Where are you taking me, Hae? What are you up to," I asked curiously as they continued their walk.

"You'll see," he said, smiling secretively.

"We're almost there."

After a few more minutes I was led away from the path and we continued our way cross country until they reached the flank of the hill where Hae announced that we'd reached our destination.

I was confused. I let my eyes wander but apart from the trees that were spread here and there across the hilltop I couldn't discover anything special. "Come with me," Hae commanded smiling warmly and let me over to a group of trees.

"Take a look and see if you can find anything interesting."

I did as I was told and sure enough he soon noticed something out of the ordinary.

Against one of the tree trunks sat a large plain travel bag. I looked at Hae and back at the bag on the ground.

"Can I open it and see what's inside," I asked excitedly.

"Of course," I heard Hae chuckled but I ignore because I am so excited what’s inside the bag.

"Inside you'll find your first surprise." We crouched down and I ped the mysterious bag to reveal a medium sized wooden sled.

"Hae," I whispered huskily and turned to face my boyfriend who was smiling affectionately.

"After you told me at the restaurant that you never went sledding as a child, I decided that it's about high time for you to do it," Hae explained as he gently ran his hand over my cheek.

"My Japanese friend lives only a few minutes from here. So, before we left the restaurant I called his house and asked if he could do me this little favor. I was lucky that he was home." He'd barely finished the sentence when I flung myself into his arms.

"Thank you so much," I stammered, my voice breaking.

"You're welcome," Hae answered and pressed his lips against my temple in a loving caress, holding me tight.


Donghae’s POV


"Shall we," I asked after a few moments of silence and leaned back to meet Hyukkie's gaze.

Hyukkie nodded eagerly, his eyes glowing with excitement.

"Then let's go," I exclaimed as I stood up and pulled him to his feet.

"Let's be children once again!"

And for the next hour they were. We laughed and squealed in joy and excitement as they sped down the hill over and over again, I am holding my boyfriend with one arm while navigating the sled with his other hand.

Finally I maneuvered them towards a snow bank, grinning devilishly.

"Hae, no," Hyukkie protested laughing when he realized what I was up to, but it was too late.

We hit the snow bank full force and tumbled giggling and squealing into the soft white mass.

"Y-you are impossible Hae," Hyukkie sputtered chuckling as he rolled onto his back and stretched out his arms.

"Don't reprimand me, when in truth you enjoyed this as much as I did," I laughed and took Hyukkie's hand in his.

"Do you want to play some more or should we call it a day," I asked once they'd calmed down a little.

"I think I've indulged myself enough for today," he answered.

"I'm afraid tomorrow I'm going to have a bad muscle ache from laughing too much."

"Alright, then let's put the sled back to where we found it and get going. It'll be really nice to soak and relax in the hot springs after this," I exclaimed and got up before he extended a hand to help him to do the same.

"Is it really ok to just leave the sled here," he asked frowning.

"It's no big deal," I explained.

"I agreed with Kazuya to let him know when we're done so he can fetch it. And tomorrow, before heading back, we'll stop by his house to thank him properly."


No one’s POV

Once they'd placed the bag securely where they'd found it, Donghae led Hyukjae back to the small path they'd used before.

"Where are we going now," the blonde-haired boy asked curiously.

"From here we'll make our way to the ryokan," his boyfriend explained. "It'll take us a little longer than using the main road, but the scenery is much more beautiful.

Besides, I promised you to take you to my favorite place, didn't I." With that He took Hyukjae’s hand again.

The two lovers walked in comfortable silence, basking in the sweet feeling of being so close to each other as they continued their way through a true winter wonderland.

From the corner of his eye Donghae stole occasional glances of his boyfriend and what he saw made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Hyukjae's cheeks were slightly flushed from the cold crisp air, his dark brown eyes glowing with delight and from his delicate face radiated nothing but happiness and contentment. He was a vision of innocence and beauty.

When they reached a small wooden bridge that led over a frozen creek Donghae suddenly changed directions and guided his boyfriend away from the path again. "Come on," he said softly as they began to follow the course of the narrow river that curled away somewhere between clustered clumps of trees and bushes.

Donghae entered the woods and Hyukjae hesitantly followed his lead. They had walked for some time already when the trees unexpectedly gave way to a small clearing, revealing the most amazing sight the blonde-haired boy had ever laid eyes upon.

The creek met the main river that curled away into a different direction, at its source, a frozen pool of water at the foot of a rough stone wall. From the rocks high above cascaded a majestic waterfall, frozen in its movements, forming long ragged crystals of a white bluish color.

The rays of sunlight that broke into the clearing, made them glisten almost magically and Hyukkie could only stare in awe, rendered speechless by the sheer beauty of the scene in front of him.

"Isn't it amazing," Donghae breathed softly into his boyfriend's ear as he hugged him from behind, letting his hands rest on the boy's stomach.

 "Ever since I've discovered this spot I wanted to come here one day with you, the one I love," he whispered and placed a tender feathery kiss on Hyukjae's neck, just below his ear.

The blonde-haired boy shuddered under Donghae's caress. "W-when…was that," he gasped out and turned his head to face his lover.

"I found this place shortly when I got lost during my first trip here, when I saw this place, I swear I will only bring a special someone to see it and it will be between me and that person." he explained and began to trail butterfly kisses along the other boy's jawline.

"Hae…that means…," Hyukjae stammered.

Donghae released him for a moment from his embrace, only long enough to turn him around, so that they came face to face. "It means that you are the only one I brought here, not even Yoona know this place and yes because I do love you so much and this is how special you are to me." he said tenderly, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"Hae," Hyukjae could only gasp in reply before he felt his lover's mouth brushing sensually against his own.

He willingly parted his lips to allow the other boy to deepen the kiss.

He obliged and he moaned softly as Donghae’s tongue swirled teasingly around his.

He was in heaven. Once they'd pulled away Hyukjae buried his face in the curve of Donghaes neck, sighing happily.

"Gomawo Hae," he whispered.

"Gomawo for making this day so special, for making me feel special."

Donghae leaned back a bit and placed on hand under Hyukjae's chin, gently forcing him to look up.

"Baby you are special," he replied, brushing his thumb over his boyfriend's soft lips in a tender caress before claiming them once more.

Hyukjae lost himself completely in Donghae's passionate kiss, wishing that time would freeze for a few moments just like the cascading waters behind him.


Ryokan is japanese word for inn, I choose Japan since I have more strenght when I imagine sceneries there. Someone had asked me before If I speak Japanese yes I do, though conversational only, you see i was first addcited to J-Pop before K-pop, loved Morning Musume(I know the group since 2003 because I was Takahashi Ai's fan, before Super Junior (I discovered the group back in 2010, I was watching Bad Family i don;t have an idea that time Kim Heechul was a member, when my friends dance Sorry, Sorry and I don't have an idea before who is the singer at that time, but now I am addicted to Super Junior wanting to know all facts about them well not usually just interested in OTP's^^ though it's an incident they tried to pattern SUJU to MOMOSU's graduation pattern good thing it did not happen.)

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Chapter 1: OMG... Hyukkie's acting.. =.="
Chapter 19: Aaaw, it was very cute! But sometimes I had big problems reading this because there are many mistakes in it.. language mistakes I mean. That was a bit disappointing. But I liked the story itself :D
yekung #3
Chapter 19: update soon~~!
yekung #4
Chapter 17: update soon!!
rossy80 #5
Chapter 14: hoping that hyukie will be alright....thanks for update....
Chapter 14: Hope hyukkie will be alright..... Authour-nim don't kill him
kiki-chan #7
Chapter 13: Oh now am super curious about what will happen next~~~

By the way thanks for the updates really likes them

Overall i really like this fic solo much

Hope jess will be stopped by hae and kyu she really gone crazy how could her kill her own sis?!
cha1996 #8
Chapter 13: ok didn't know that jessica was a murder
Chapter 12: Oh now I'm curious about what's in that envelope