Sudden Decisions

We'll Prove That We Never Hurt Anyone Just Because We Love Each Other

No one’s POV

(still in Jessica’s house)


Jessica was laughing as she keeps on using her phone, her bestfriend Tiffany seems to be disturbed by it already.

“Jess? What’s so funny did you won or like is is really a funny joke that you keep on laughing.”

“No, I am texting Donghae, using a different number, he keeps on texting who am I so fuuny.” She commented.

“My God, Jessica, can you just stop it?”

“no, I am just beginning and this is fun trust me.” She grinned at her evily.

“Well before anything else, I better get my other phone I need to call someone.” She said as she dialed a number.

“Hello, yes I would like to do a deliver yeah, of course I will give you the address.” As she hungs up the phone, Tiffany seems to not like what her best friend is doing.


Eunhyuk’s POV


Hae is back in Mokpo again I actually missed him since, that fortune telling incident he always contacts me when he had time, I know I had been paranoid but Hae showed me that I shouldn’t give up, even my family and friends support us.

I was busy preparing to help my umma today when suddenly Taemin hands me a box giftwrapped.

“Taemin who gave this to you.”

“The mail man, he told me to give it to you hyung.

“Maybe it’s from Donghae-oppa.” Sulli said excitedy.

“I wonder what could it be.” I said as I shake the box.

“Uhm, a book?” Taemin guess.

“Strawberry!.” Sulli shouted but I just laugh.

“Maybe a shirt.” Umma joined in.


I excitedly unwrapped it, but when I check it, it’s a girls shirt as I take a vew of it I throw it in the table, it has blood in it then I saw a letter.


-This is what she wore when she died, your next.


Umma, decided to throw the shirt away and burned it. I am more shocked I decided to stay at the room.

I again feel like shaking.

“Umma.” I called her when she went in my room.

“I know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m really afraid now.”

“Hyukjae, you should learn to fight for it, remember you nor Donghae is the cause of her death, she choose to do it.”

“Umma I….”My mother holds me tight, she played with my hair how I feel comfortable when she do this to me.

The next day, I return to my energetic self as I pack my things, Donghae will be back again so I put my positive side alive.

“Seems like you’re okay now.” My mom commented.

“You’re right, maybe that fortune teller’s not right I better go now, by the way Hae messaged me he wants to have dinner here.”

“Sure so I’ll make some seafood’s.” I rolled my eyes well I hate them but DOnghae does so I let them be I wave at them and head to work.


Donghae’s POV


Can’t wait to see my Hyukkie again, though I felt disturbed with those unknown messages, who could it be, I could suspect its Jessica, why can’t she just leave us.

As I arrived at Hyukkie’s workplace, I can say he’s struggling but still we’re fighting together, we know we beong to each other.

“Hae!” I greeted me with a hug.

“Yah! I am just gone for 3 days now you’re clinging like a monkey huh?” I said to him.

He slaps my chest and pouts.

“Alright I missed you too.” I said as I kissed his forehead.

“Uhm excuse me.” It was Sungmin who break our romantic moment.

“Mister, we still have shift, perhaps just wait for couple of minutes, Hyukkie here will take his lunch ok?” he told me as I let go of my boyfriend for a while.


As we take our lunch I noticed Hyukkie being quiet again.

“Baby is there a problem.”

“Uhm, well I already told myself to get over it but, I think I should tell you.”


“I received a package, it was Yoona’s shirt, when she…. You know.”

“What?” I gasped. “Where is it now?”

“Umma burned it.”

“Well did you know I got suspicious texts.” Hyukkie grabbed my phone and was surprised.

“Hae, I know you might hate me for saying this but I was think what if we just take a break?”

“You’re breaking up with me.”

“No, I mean like lets have just space, maybe if Jessica is really doing this, if she observe whatever she is doing do not work she will keep on pestering us,  I just don’t want us to be taunted by her.”

“But if we do that she’ll be more happy.”

“Look, we play her game that’s the way it would be, this is the only way to stop the fire she started.” He told me I sighed and agreed to him. It hurts but maybe, a little space would do.

“But we’re still together right?” I asked him.

“Babo! Of course, I don’t think I could find a cute fish like you.” He told me I just laughed at it.


And so our agreement went on, actually it feels like torture to me, not seeing Eunhyuk, only Kyuhyun and Sungmin told me what he is doing, though we still text and call each other but of course we need to be careful just in case. Sungmin said Eunhyuk is also tortured not seeing me and at least I know he missed me too. A week of not being together I feel like being torture worse that Jessica’s antics actually.


(No one’s POV)


(At Jessica’s place)

“Going back to America?”

“Yeah, maybe after I settled everything I might just go back there, after I am done with those couple.”

“Jessica stop it.” Tiffany warned her.

“I just can’t stand them being happy.”

“Tell me are you doing this for your sister or because you are hoping Donghae will go back to you.”

“What are you talking about?” Jessica asked her back.

“I’m your best friend you can’t deny things to me.”

“You know just leave me if you’ll insist that issue!” She said as she pushed her away.

“Hey that hurts, ok I’m sorry, oh can I just go to your room, I need to borrow your fur jacket I have a dinner date later.”

“Alright.” Jessica said.


As she enter her best friends room, she opened the cabinet and look for the jacket, as she is walked backwards she bumped into one of Jessica’s box and there she saw an enveloped addressed to Donghae as she opened it she gasped.


“Oh my, Jessica what a mess have you done?” Tiffany exclaimed as she keeps on reading the letter.

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Chapter 1: OMG... Hyukkie's acting.. =.="
Chapter 19: Aaaw, it was very cute! But sometimes I had big problems reading this because there are many mistakes in it.. language mistakes I mean. That was a bit disappointing. But I liked the story itself :D
yekung #3
Chapter 19: update soon~~!
yekung #4
Chapter 17: update soon!!
rossy80 #5
Chapter 14: hoping that hyukie will be alright....thanks for update....
Chapter 14: Hope hyukkie will be alright..... Authour-nim don't kill him
kiki-chan #7
Chapter 13: Oh now am super curious about what will happen next~~~

By the way thanks for the updates really likes them

Overall i really like this fic solo much

Hope jess will be stopped by hae and kyu she really gone crazy how could her kill her own sis?!
cha1996 #8
Chapter 13: ok didn't know that jessica was a murder
Chapter 12: Oh now I'm curious about what's in that envelope