After The Storm

We'll Prove That We Never Hurt Anyone Just Because We Love Each Other

Donghae’s POV


"Hyukkie!" I panicked, literally.

"No, no, please open your eyes. Hyukkie!" I am now shaking him a little violently, Sungmin-hyung trying to restrain me, No response from him, his head rested on the side, hands lay limp on the cold dusty floor, pale lips pursed in a little smile.

He doesn't look like in pain. In fact, he looked… serene. As I felt myself being hoisted up by Sungmin and pulling him back away, my eyes never left Hyukkie.

Even when Kyuhyun tended to him again, my gaze never wavered.

I whimpered, noting the blood stains in his clothes in contrast with the pure whiteness of the dress.

I felt horrible. I had caused this. 

My baby got hurt because of me. Hhe might die because of me. Oh my God! I felt sick. Feeling my legs wobble, I clutched on Sungmin's arms tightly. Still not taking my eyes off him, my vision blurred and felt my body go numb. Before I falls on his Sungmin-hyung's arms, I barely registered the sounds of sirens and wailing of an ambulance that has just arrived.


No One’s POV


He woke up in a hospital bed, still troubled by the events, feeling drained.

His bruised and his arm had been bandaged, and now that he sees it, realized that they sting, done by his futile efforts to free himself from the strong string. He feels a bit dizzy, from the blow he received earlier and the rush and shock of the events that followed. Donghae sat up slowly, careful not to force himself. That's when he noted a presence beside him, sitting on a chair, arms and head lay on the bed.

Judging from the person's hair color, he knew it was Sungmin. It wasn't only him who must have been tired Kyuhyun is with him as well..

"Donghae…" Sungmin calling

"Sungmin-hyung" He smiled.

The brunette boy straightened up, scratching his eyes and stretching his back and waist muscles.

"How are you feeling? The doc said you only have minor some broken bones but not major ones. They did not find any concussion either. But you may be having dizziness and a little pain now and then. It's okay to stay here for a while."

Donghae nodded. "Yes, I'm feeling dizzy now. But I can handle it. How is Hyukkie? he's safe, right?" He refused to think he's not.

"He's still in the operating room. It's been 3 hours, I think. I was just waiting for you to wake up but I fell asleep. Kyuhyun will be waiting outside for any news. I'll go check up on him. You still need to rest. Go back to sleep. I will be right back." With that, Sungmin stood up.

But before he can turn around, he felt a tug on his shirt.

"I'll go with you. "Donghae said with pleading eyes. Sungmin was about to refuse. "Please hyung. I need to know how he is. It's because of me he's in there right now. I can't rest until I know he's safe." The other man sighed and shook his head but helped Donghae on his feet. "Okay then. But when you feel bad, you have to tell me immediately and you will rest. Got it?" Donghae nodded in affirmative.


“By the way Hyukkie’s parents will arrive tomorrow they are bothe worried about you, and nope they are not angry at you or blame you.” Sungmin said knowing what Donghae will tell him.

“But hyung I…”

“"I understand how you're feeling right now, but it was not your fault. Nothing of this is your fault. Please keep that in mind. Hyukkie saved you because he loves you so much; he did not want you to get hurt.” Sungmin again assured him.


But do you really thing Hyukkie will appreciate it if he knows you're blaming ourselves for what happened to him? It will come out as an insult to him. So you should give him what she needed right now, your love for him. He will be alright."

Feeling tears about to pour out of his eyes, Donghae blinked them all back and nodded at Sungmin. "You're right. I have to be strong for him." He has to be alright. He have me and his friends and family.

They resumed walking and in no time, reached the waiting area outside the operating room where they saw Kyuhyun sitting on a bench, sipping on a styroform cup of what seemed to be hospital cafeteria coffee.

"Any news yet?" Sungmin inquired as he helped Donghae sit comfortably on one of the bench near the wall.

Kyuhyun shook his head. "Not yet. There were just a few nurses who went out and back again, carrying supplies they needed inside but they can't tell how he is at the moment. We have to wait for the surgeon himself to come out." The trio sighed in unison. "I see. We will wait then." Sungmin said.

'Well, you both wait here. I'll buy us food outside. It's past 10 already.

"Kyuhyun stood up and threw the cup in the nearby trashcan. Before he went his way, he turned to Donghae. "It's good to see you're fine, Hyung I am relieved. Get well soon."

"Thanks Kyuhyun"


Donghae’s POV


After dinner, it was a couple of hours of crucial waiting before the surgeon finally emerged from the operating room. We were swiftly on their feet and approached the doctor. "How is he? Will he be alright?" I asked worriedly.

The doctor wiped his sweating forehead and removed his mask.

"It was a difficult operation but she is now out of harm's way." We all sighed in relief. Oh thank God! 

"The wound was deep but not really fatal. He suffered mainly from blood loss. Fortunately, we have supplies of the same blood type as he. So I can safely say he will live."

I nearly went limp with joy but Sungmin managed to catch me and held me up to my feet, supporting my weight. Kyuhyun shook hands with the surgeon.

"Thank you so much, Doc. When can we see him?" I asked him

"He's still unconscious and will be for quite some time. He will be transferred to a private room later. But he still needs rest. You can check up on him tomorrow." With a last reassurance, he left.

"Now that we are sure he's alright, let's take our rest too. We'll visit him tomorrow, Donghae." Sungmin is now ushering me to my room, with Kyuhyun beside him.


Hyukkie's been in and out of consciousness the next day we visited him.

He can barely move his mouth to speak but his eyes show she understands what we're telling him.

I informed her that Jessica was arrested and has been put to jail, the evidence against him strong.

I had stayed beside him in comfort all day, encouraging and thanking him over and over again. Kyuhyun, always the stoic one, had about his silence, noting that it's the first time a room is quiet when he's around along with Sungmin.

I had glared at him and shooed him outside while Sungmin was chuckling in a corner and, since he doesn't have enough energy to retort, Hyukkie just rolled his eyes showing his exasperation.

His parents are laso relief Taemin and Sulli keep on crying, Hyukkie is really loved by his family even my parents visits him and brings him fruits and flower.


I am glad My Hyukkie is now safe, I can’t wait for us to get home.






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Chapter 1: OMG... Hyukkie's acting.. =.="
Chapter 19: Aaaw, it was very cute! But sometimes I had big problems reading this because there are many mistakes in it.. language mistakes I mean. That was a bit disappointing. But I liked the story itself :D
yekung #3
Chapter 19: update soon~~!
yekung #4
Chapter 17: update soon!!
rossy80 #5
Chapter 14: hoping that hyukie will be alright....thanks for update....
Chapter 14: Hope hyukkie will be alright..... Authour-nim don't kill him
kiki-chan #7
Chapter 13: Oh now am super curious about what will happen next~~~

By the way thanks for the updates really likes them

Overall i really like this fic solo much

Hope jess will be stopped by hae and kyu she really gone crazy how could her kill her own sis?!
cha1996 #8
Chapter 13: ok didn't know that jessica was a murder
Chapter 12: Oh now I'm curious about what's in that envelope