
We'll Prove That We Never Hurt Anyone Just Because We Love Each Other

Eunhyuk POV


Darn! Who is this woman? Well she looks beautiful but I feel like being bugged by her, she is asking me a weird favor, yeah I am gay but he wants me to destroy a relationship.

“500,000 won, help me to have my sister and his boyfriend to break up.”

“And why would I do that?”

“Look, I know you do random jobs, in supermarket and you are a scholar at school and in need of money, and besides I don’t want him for my sister.”

“Fine! But after this don’t ever bug me again.” I said as I walk away from her. He gave me some money as down payment for me to buy some clothes for the upcoming party can I really do this, he showed me her sister’s boyfriend picture, yeah cute but not my type, looks like a fish to me if I may say.  Poor guy I don’t want to hurt him but I need money deeply I guess I just have to do this one time.

One thing disturbed why the hell we have edited pictures argh! I going to throw this after my job is done.”


As I arrived from “shopping” well this is the first time I did not enjoy things like these I mean I buy things from my own earnings while I also gave some to my parents and brothers, I don’t feel enjoying it.”

“Umma! Appa I’m home.” I said.

“Hyukjae! Finally you’re home and what’s with those stuff.”

“Uhm for my part time job.”

“Seems like expensive to me.” My Appa told me.

“Yeah I know don’t worry it’s a friend’s money.”

“Hyukjae since when did you starting to cling on someone’s money my mom suddenly scolded me.

“Umma calm down this is part of the job that’s why I bought this ok?  Well who wants some food I brought some.”

“Me!” it was Taemin my 6 years old brother.

“And me!” Sulli my cute 8 years old little brother

“Alright alright!” I unboxed the muffin suddenly my phone rings.

“Yes, okay got it I looked at the watch seeing the clock reaching 5 minutes before 7 I excused myself and took a bath, after that I started to wear theclothes I bought earlier, breath in breath out, Lee Hyukjae this will just happen one time after this you won’t see any of them ok? This is for your family.”

I bid goodbye to them and went to the Hotel that woman told me to go.

“Ritz Carlton Hotel, they really are rich people.” I sighed I took a taxi and decided to get there.

Almost 8pm finally I had arrived at the hotel, I saw my target, that woman staring at me giving me signal to do my thing.


Donghae’s POV


I am happy to be Yoona’s for her birthday, I know Jessica and I had a past before but I am glad she agrees to our relationship, though I can still feel she is bitter towards it, I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized it was my turn to make a speech for my beloved girlfriend.

“My Yoona.” I started yeah I know cheesy. “I know how many hardship I went just to be with you, I know I have a playboy background but you made me the man I am now and I thank you so much.” I finished my sentence as I give her a peck on his cheeks and gave my gift to her.

Suddenly I saw a man approaching us, he seems so good looking for a man actually looks like a girl and he showed me his gummy smile as he approached me. Wait why is he approaching me?

“Hae, baby I missed you.” He said as he kissed me on the lips, my eyes got wide with what he done but damn his lips are soft wait what am I saying? I suddenly pushed him.

“Excuse me who are you?” I asked him I wonder.

“But, I thought we’ll met today, now I see you with her are you really this cruel.” He suddenly have some tears in his eyes come one I can say he is faking it.

“Donghae-oppa who is he?” Yoona suddenly asked me.

“Donghae answer my sister who is that guy?” it was Jessica now interrogating me.

“I uhm…” I have no idea but why am I speechless.

“Yoona, I am sorry but I am his lover we had been dating for almost a year now.” That guy suddenly announce in front of the visitors.

I was shocked, Yoona pts his hands on , surprised of what she heard, Jessica comforting her and me clueless and speechless no WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!


Well first chapter is up! I was thinking perhaps I do One heart update by Wednesday the other chapters, my friend took it from she told me not to update it yet because she wants to continue it for me because she loves it hahaha, A sweet friend of mine oh well hope you enjoy the story ^^

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Chapter 1: OMG... Hyukkie's acting.. =.="
Chapter 19: Aaaw, it was very cute! But sometimes I had big problems reading this because there are many mistakes in it.. language mistakes I mean. That was a bit disappointing. But I liked the story itself :D
yekung #3
Chapter 19: update soon~~!
yekung #4
Chapter 17: update soon!!
rossy80 #5
Chapter 14: hoping that hyukie will be alright....thanks for update....
Chapter 14: Hope hyukkie will be alright..... Authour-nim don't kill him
kiki-chan #7
Chapter 13: Oh now am super curious about what will happen next~~~

By the way thanks for the updates really likes them

Overall i really like this fic solo much

Hope jess will be stopped by hae and kyu she really gone crazy how could her kill her own sis?!
cha1996 #8
Chapter 13: ok didn't know that jessica was a murder
Chapter 12: Oh now I'm curious about what's in that envelope