The Truth Revealed

We'll Prove That We Never Hurt Anyone Just Because We Love Each Other

(No one’s POV)


As Tiffany finished reading the letter, she feels like there is something her best friend is not telling her, she decided to go back to Jessica who is busy packing her sister’s things, as she hides the letter she suddenly stopped when she hear her best friend took Yoona’s picture.


“Yoona you know noona loves you right? Well I love you more than anything until you stole Donghae from me, if only you decided to fight for him maybe this shouldn’t had happen I didn’t mean it you know…




Yoona keep on crying as he went home, realizing the one he come back for will no longer return to her, she decided to just start over again in America, she went to her room and make a letter for Donghae.

Suddenly her sister appeared in her room.


“Noona, he no longer love me well I guess deserve it because I decided to believe you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He fell in love with that guy you paid to break us up.”

“What! That is not the plan !” Jessica cursed.

“Noona what do you mean? Noona… don’t tell me…”

“Yes I still love him, but he knew you and I never got the chance, I thought if I broke you up he’ll come to me but you, you decided to go to America, well the supportive sister I was went with you, then you learn about Hyukjae, and you return here I have no choice but to follow you, worried he’ll come back to you and now this happens I can’t let them.

“Noona, enough how many lives are you going to ruin just to get what you want it’s over, Donghae will never choose either the two of us!”

“No! This is all your fault you stole him from me!” Jessica said as she strangled her sister.

“N-noona stop p-please…” Yoona tried to struggle but Jessica was able to restrain to restrain her up until the last minute Yoona tried to reach for her sister but, as Jessica stopped it was too late Yoona is no longer breathing.

“Y-yoona?, Yoona! Oh my!” But she was not answering.

Jessica panicked, she undress her sister and put her in her bathtub turn on the faucet, she took out a blade and slashed her younger sister’s wrist and put the blade on Yoona’s hands and positioned her in a sitting position.

That’s where she called an ambulance to report the” suicide”

(end of flashback)


“But you know Yoona, the world is so small for the three of us, don’t worry, Hyukjae he will accompany you sooner.” Jessica said as she now broke her sister’s picture frame.

Tiffany who couldn’t believe what she heard, pretends as if nothing happened, still trembling she wait for some minutes before coming back to Jessica.

“You got the jacket you need?” Jessica suddenly asked her.

“Y-yes, I-I d-did.” She stuttered.

“Something happened?”

“N-no, uhm I b-better go you know I need to prepare.”


She hurriedly went to her car.

“My god Jessica, how could you killed your own sister, I need to warn Donghae, but how?”

She went to Donghae’s school, unfortunatey she was not able to see him there as he had already went home, he asked for Donghae’s place even cancelled his own death.


Donghae’s POV


I was at home, I tried to call Hyukjae, but all I reached is his voicemail, maybe he is busy again, or forgot to charge his phone, I really miss him. Suddenly my maid told me I have a visitor.

I never see her before, so I was surprised.

“You’re Donghae right.”

“Yes, you are?”

“I’m Tiffany, Jessica’s best friend there is something you need to know.

I was shocked hearing her telling me that Yoona was killed by Jessica, she said heard herself when Jessica apologized to Yoona while looking at her picture.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I can no longer tolerate her if she will keep on torturing the two of you and by the way. I saw this seems like Yoona wants to give this to you she wrote this on the day before she died.


Don’t get me wrong. You have made me very happy just by sharing yourself and your life with me. The memories will stay in my heart forever. From the time we first started going out until now, you have unfailingly shown me how it is to be really cared for and cherished. At the same time you have managed to keep my feet on the ground, always reminding me that my life is my own and no one else’s. I thank you for that. You taught me how fully comprehend what real love is like without even telling me you loved me. Just by showing me in your own way, you made me see how two incompatible persons can actually become real friends and true lovers.

You have kept my feet on the ground and yet showed me how beautiful the stars and skies are.

If someone had told me that we would have dated for nearly a year and then broken up this way. You seemed to think that everything I did was somehow "cute". I would never have believed that I would have fallen for sister’s ex-boyfriend. I also never expected anyone to accept me for who I was, and just as I was.

Do you remember when we would make dinner together and go out. all we ate was tuna sandwiches, and you had to have yours perfect, and you would get angry and make me make you another one if it wasn’t. But they were good. Those were some of the happiest times in my life. I knew then that you loved me very much. Looking back I feel exceptionally stupid.  We shared our our thoughts, and what we wanted to do with our lives...

Whenever I needed your comport and strength, your level-headedness and rationality, you were always there for me. Our relationship has gone through a lot of things ranging from the serious to the stupid. 

I guess the only thing that went wrong is meletting you go and never let you explain your side. Now I realize there is nothing for me now in Korea I thought we could still have a chance

No one is to blame. Not you, nor me, nor Hyukjae…maybe I’m just a victim of circumstance like you. And since the circumstances surrounding our relationship have changed, I don’t know anymore if I can handle things the same way I’ve handled them before. your presence and your help will not matter. Seeing you and being with you when we spend time together gives me a certain kind of happiness only you can give. But now that you really leave me my heart breaks. I am hurting and I have to heal my wounds alone. I can do this with you in my life.
I will miss you. I will miss you very, very, very much..

I am becoming more critical of you and the things that you do and do not do. I expect you to make up for everything that has happened but I know that is impossible now. I even harbor the hope that you will want me back, something which I know will never happen

You will forever be a part of my life, thank you for making me a part of yours. I will always remember you with a smile and with I have to go now. I am afraid that if I stay, something will be destroyed; either be part of you, a part of me, our friendship or the relationship itself. I don’t really know. At least by leaving now, I am sure that everything remains intact, the relationship beautiful untouched unmarred by jealousy and hatred we both don’t deserve a relationship that would always be fraught with questions and conditions.

I no this is not the end of everything. It is actually a new beginning, hopefully of a better, more beautiful friendship for the future. But I have to do this, to say goodbye to you properly. I need closure to move on. And I realize I have to move on.

I cannot hold on to something I don’t believe in anymore. I would have been really nice to grow old with you…to laugh with you while reminiscing about the years that have passed…to share with you my whole life, and I would share with you yours…but I guess now is not right time for us, or we’re just not meant to be together, now or forever, I don’t really know. You deserve someone who will fully understand your needs and your personality, I guess I deserve someone who will love me like you did …it’s painful to say goodbye but even more painful to stay.

I'll always love you, Oppa. Thank you very much for always being there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for sharing yourself with me, thank you for looking after me when I was down.
In fact, my life will never be the same without you

You have been the love of my life without me expecting it. Maybe when our paths meet again, we would both be ready for whatever it is that we were really meant to be…friends, maybe bestfriends perhaps.

I also want to be friends with Hyukjae, it’s just that everything happens at the wrong time, when we see each other again, let’s promise the three of us going out together ok!



I cried to her letter, if only she was not taken right away, but for Hyukjae shoot!

Eunhyuk’s POV

Thanks to Sungmin-hyung and Kyuhyun’s date I was forced to cover him until evening good thing I don’t have class, after the shift I already went home, I suddenly missed ODnghae, usually if I get this late for sure he’ll pick me up but no Donghae that will appear until everything is ok, as I walked on the alley I heard someone call me but when I turn around someone hit me.

I feel like the place is spinning and then I out.


As I gained conciousness I saw my hand bind, my mouth has a tape on it where am I?

what’s this place?

Suddenly a figure approached me.

“Good you’re awake now.”

Jessica, why is she here now, Donghae please save me.


Donghae’s POV


I walk back in forth, Hyukjae still not answering his phone, I went to their house buthis mother said he has not yet arrived, even Kyuhyun and Sungmin arrived when I told them that Hyukkie is missing.

Shoot I am now worried but then another phone call appeared, this suspicious number I answered hoping I could get clues where Hyukjae is.


Hi Donghae.”

That voice. “Jessica?”

“So sweet of you to know my voice, listen if you want to see your by=oyfriend alive you need to come here alone.”

”Why you, don’t dare to hurt him!”

“You are not in the position to tell me things, just do what I say.” And then the phone call got cut off.

“I know where he is but I need to go there alone.”

“Son, are you sure?” His mother asked me worriedly.

“This is the only way.”

“Donghae, you might need our help.” Suggested Sungmin.

“Well I guess, can I rely on you Sungmin-hyung.” He nodded and Kyuhyun decided to help as well. Wait for me Hyukkie I’ll save you.


Well so it was a formal goodbye letter and I know i make Yoona kill herself but, in reality i made it a murder-suicide, too much watching of Detective Conan it pops out of my mind suddenly.

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Chapter 1: OMG... Hyukkie's acting.. =.="
Chapter 19: Aaaw, it was very cute! But sometimes I had big problems reading this because there are many mistakes in it.. language mistakes I mean. That was a bit disappointing. But I liked the story itself :D
yekung #3
Chapter 19: update soon~~!
yekung #4
Chapter 17: update soon!!
rossy80 #5
Chapter 14: hoping that hyukie will be alright....thanks for update....
Chapter 14: Hope hyukkie will be alright..... Authour-nim don't kill him
kiki-chan #7
Chapter 13: Oh now am super curious about what will happen next~~~

By the way thanks for the updates really likes them

Overall i really like this fic solo much

Hope jess will be stopped by hae and kyu she really gone crazy how could her kill her own sis?!
cha1996 #8
Chapter 13: ok didn't know that jessica was a murder
Chapter 12: Oh now I'm curious about what's in that envelope