The Cinderella Girl

When we enter back into the house, the crowd cheers for me. Really, like everyone was praising me for pushing Hyuna into the pool. I guess everyone really didn’t like Hyuna.


“Dude, she’s really cool.” the dumbo eared guy says. Jongin grabs my hand making my cheeks burn bright pink. He gives me a cute smile which made me fall for him in the first place.


“Yeah, she is.” Jongin says as he leads me to a surprisingly quiet area of the house. The rest of his friends followed us into the secluded area, “This is where the we hang out most of the time at Kris’s house. I told you guys not to throw me a huge party!”


“Well if we didn’t, you wouldn’t meet her now would you?” the dumbo eared guy says, matter of factly. He crosses his arms and mehrongs at Jongin, who simply rolls his eyes.


“Why don’t you introduce yourselves so that way she knows who you guys are.” Jongin says.


“Right, well this oaf is Chanyeol,” the smart looking one says, “I’m the leader of the group. My name is Kim Joonmyun, but you can call me SuHo.”


“Geez, you take forever, and I’m not an oaf!” Chanyeol pouts, “But he’s right. I’m Park Chanyeol. I don’t have a cool nickname like most of them do, but that’s alright.”


“And you say my intro was long,” Joonmyun mumbles, earning a smack from Chanyeol. One of the shorter members sighed and smacked Chanyeol on his back.

“Chanyeol, calm down.” he pipes, “Otherwise, I’ll tell that girl from America in our class that you like her.” Chanyeol blushes at this.


“Baekhyun, you’re so mean,” he whines. Baekhyun ignores him and turns his attention on me.


“Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun and I don’t have a nickname either. Most of us in this group really don’t. It’s mainly the others that do.”


“And I’m the maknae of the group, Oh Sehun.” he says shying away in the corner, “It’s nice to meet you.” He bows, and I end up bowing back. Just to be polite.


“Sehun!” Chanyeol yells pulling the poor young boy out the corner, “Quit being a wall flower! You know that’s no way to make friends.” Sehun frowns as he tries to escape out of the giant’s grip.


“Let me go! I can be a wallflower if I want to!” He fights and struggles to get out of the grip. Joonmyun and Baekhyun step in to try to seperate the two. It isn’t going that well. I tried my best to keep in my laugh.


That’s when the last one just shook his head. His big eyes showed annoyment but quickly glance at me and soften. He smiles widely. I felt a very kind and calming aura come from him.


“Hello, my name is Do Kyungsoo. I’m Jongin’s best friend,” he says, “So if your friends with him, then you can call me D.O.”


“O-oh it’s fine. I usually call people by their real name, not nick name.” I say. He just smiles at me.


“I see, well that’s understandable. So, what’s your name?”


That’s when everyone stopped their squabbling and turn their attention back to me. I’m like a deer in headlights now; What do I do? Run across the street or run back into the forest where I’ll be safe?


“A-ah, you can just call me Cinderella.” Damn it… I guess I’m just afraid of what rumors will spread if people discover it is me.


They look confused at me; Jongin just wraps his arm around my shoulder, “Guys, relax. She’s just nervous. She’ll tell us her name when she wants to.”


The others look at each other, probably wondering why the crap I told them a fairytale name. They probably think I’m stupid….I probably am for saying this.


“Whatever.” Chanyeol blurts out, “Hey, I’m gonna go get a soda, who wants one?”


“Oh, I want one!” Sehun says.

“Well,you’ll have to get it yourself,” Chanyeol laughs, running out of the room. Sehun pursed his lips out and rolls his eyes.


“Pabo!” Sehun yells, running after him.


“Hey! Don’t run in the house!” Baekhyun screams as he power walks out the room, “Kris, will kill us if he finds out!”


“I want a soda too!” Joonmyun yells running past Baekhyun when he walks out the door, leaving Jongin, Kyungsoo, and me in the room. It was awkward enough already.


“I think I should make sure Chanyeol and Sehun don’t break anything,” Kyungsoo says before actually leaving me and Jongin...alone. Great…


It is quiet for a couple of minutes as we awkwardly stand there. I feel my hands fiddle with the bottom of my dress.


“A-ah well, I think we should sit down right?” Jongin asks. I stare at him for a sec or two; his face shows a shy side of him, gentle and soft with a pink blush. I nod my head as I follow Jongin to the small couch that was in the room, “You know, I never liked big parties.”


“R-really? I thought you would. You know, being popular and all…” Jongin looks confused by my statement.


“I don’t really enjoy being popular. I don’t even know how I became popular. It just happened. I don’t care about half the people in this house. I want a small party with my close friends that’s all. I just wish one day, I could go to school and not have to worry about girls pushing themselves onto me. You know, just have no body recognize you.”


“You mean be a nobody?” Jongin thinks for a minute or so, before slowly nodding his head, “It’s not all fun games being a nobody. People just walk all over you and it gets lonely….”


The silence returns; my grip on the dress returns, probably stronger than ever. I know he doesn’t know what it’s like to be alone, but it isn’t the greatest feeling. It’s empty. If I didn’t have my brother or my friends, I would be insane...they’re probably the only ones keeping me sane.


“Look at us. Both wanting to be something we’re not.” Jongin chuckles, “You’re not an average girl are you?”


“No...not really.” I mumble, “I guess you can say I’m like my nickname.”


“What? Cinderella?” I nod my head, “You must work hard then.”


“Yeah, but it’s fine. I guess someday a prince will come, but I don’t think so. I have my friends though so I’m fine.”


“But you’re not...are you?”


I didn’t answer. He’s right...I’m not fine. I’m glad my friends are supportive, but I just think I want something else. Whether that be someone I love, I have no idea. Just… a change.


((Kai’s POV))

I look at this girl, who is silently sitting there. It’s pitiful...My insides turn just seeing the sorrow in her eyes through that mask. She must be through a lot, and I think it’s mostly from Hyuna. I think this is my fault.


“You shouldn’t feel sorry for me though. It’s not like you would notice someone like me…” she mumbles. I frown, feeling incredibly bad for her.


“I think you're incredibly special.” Her head snaps up and turns to me. The Cinderella Girl is intrigued at what I said, “I’ve never seen another girl stand up to Hyuna like that, or actually even be shy around me. There’s something different about you that I feel attracted to. I really think I might like you.”


“Jongin…” she says softly as I close in on her. I can feel my heart beat a million times a second. My body moves by itself as I place my lips on top of her; my hand reaches up to caress her cheeks.


I don’t even know who this chick is exactly, but I’m kissing feels right too. I don’t know how to describe it. I never thought I would see myself in this position.




I feel her pull away as she pulls out her phone, “Damn it.”


“What? Was is it?”  I ask. She looks sorry as she quickly stands up, “Where are you going?

“I have to go! It’s midnight...I can’t stay here.” She then runs off. I move to try to catch her. We move to the dance floor, but I ended up losing her. I just see something sparkle on the ground. It was a tiny necklace, a locket I believe. I’m sure she was wearing this.


((Xiumin’s POV))


I feel bad for abandoning Yoon Hee, but I just got nervous. I didn’t want to confess to her in front of Kai. I wanted it to be private and sweet. She would probably reject me if I confessed to her in front of someone. I just wash my face. I’ve been locked in the bathroom for a while trying to pep talk myself into telling her.


The door opened as Chen walks in, “Here you are. Where were you? You’re missing the party.”


“Chen, have you ever loved a girl even though you’ve only known her for a couple of weeks?” I ask. He thinks on it.


“Yeah, I’m sure you can. I’ve been in a situation like that. Is this about Yoon Hee?” he asks. I blush, “it is. Dude, you found a keeper there. She fits you perfectly. You should totally ask her out or something.”


“I was thinking about it. I’m gonna do it tonight.”


“Totally! Go do it. I think you should before another guy snatches her from you.” He’s right. We walk down to see Kris trying to straighten a messed up kitchen. He doesn’t look too happy.


“Hey, where is Yoon Hee?” I ask. Kris sighs turning his attention to me.


“I don’t know, but I’m gonna kill the others. My mom is gonna kill me for this messed up kitchen. Why did they have to get soda?”


“Oh, where are the others?” Chen asks, “Mainly Kai. I haven’t wished him Happy Birthday yet.”


“I think he might be at the usual place though.” Kris mumbles. We nod and start to head that way. I guess I’ll find Yoon Hee after we talk to Kai.


We go to the usual hang out spot to see the door wide open, which is unusual. It’s mainly closed so that way others won’t just wander in. So, we see Kai in there….


We also see Yoon Hee. I can recognize that mask, hair, peach dress, and face anywhere. Kai was kissing her.


I’m too late…


“Hey, I think we should to go back to the party.” Chen quickly says, trying to distract me. It didn’t work. I was still focused on her lips on his.


“No, I think I’ll just go home.”

That’s all I did...



A/N: Aigooo... I'm sorry for not updating for a LOOOONNGGG time. I've just been busy with school. So many papers ;-; I then have work study to do and just...STUFF. But we're finally in the turning part of the story :O What's gonna happen ;) Hahaha I'm a  mean author aren't I? I'll try to update more, but I can't make any promises. :( I really would like to update often, but I don't get feedback from you guys. I get inspired by comments. I love them~ :) I really encourage you guys to give me a comment and I'll love you forever >3< Kiss! Anyway, thank you for loving my stories. Subscribe/comment/upvote. I LOVE YOU GUYS <3


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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D