The Cinderella Girl



A/N: Hello! ^-^ Sorry for the little wait for this story ;A; I didn't intead to take it this long to start this story. I never like writing intros anyway; I think they always end up boring. I just applied for jobs and am suppose to hear back this week. I'll notify you guys if I get a job and tell you I won't update as much. I'm also volunteering at my church for VBS cause I like helping out so it will also probably take long to write chapters. It just depends. :\ So wish me luck on getting my job. OH and guess what :D I passed sophmore year with As and Bs xD Hell yes! <3

The lights somehow blinded me when I walked outside. Photos of my every move as I walked down the street.


“Miss Seok! Over here!” they all called as they tried to make me face their cameras to take a picture of my face. I just laughed and played with them, blowing them a kiss to their camera before walking over to this long limousine. Reflecting, this was truly fabulous. Everyone loves me.


“Yoon Hee, you look beautiful today,” a deep voice says right next to me. The man was no more than my true love Kim Jongin. He grabbed my hand to gentley place his lips upon it, making me turn red.


“Jongin-oppa,” I say shyly.


“I love it when you call me Oppa,” he whispers into my ear as he pulled me closer to him, “I love you Yoon Hee.” Jongin was moving in to place his lips on mine when-


“YOON HEE!” He screams. I quickly realize shortly after that it wasn’t him...but it was my step mother instead; Her shrill voice wakes me up from my lovely dream and back to the reality I called my life, “Wake up, you lazy ! I’ve been calling you for ten minutes.”


I roll my eyes as I slowly got out of my bed, careful not to hit the beam that held the roof up. Why was it there? It was because I sleep in the attic which is too small to be a room. It was enough to house my bed and a small vanity with a mirror. Even then, the vanity was a faded off white instead of the pristine white that it used to be. On top of it was a cracked picture frame that I saved from being thrown out, that way I could have a picture of my real family. My mother who died when I was very young, and my father who died when I was ten. It’s been six years since his death.


I sighed. I loved and missed them so much. Now, I was stuck with this .


“YOON HEE!” she screams again.


“I’M COMING!” I yell back in the nicest tone possible. As much as I hated being nice to her...I had to be. My father would have wanted it. I take another good look at my room, now taking in account the mirror. It displayed much of the messy room I also showed how bad I looked. My hair was in a mess, the bags under my eyes were dark from lack of sleep, how much I was skinnier than the other girls, and the ghostly paleness that I had. I wasn’t afraid to say I was ugly.


I straightened out my hair to make it look presentable and trudged down the stairs to meet my step-mother, “Yes, Umma?”

“Ugh! I hate when you call me that.” she screams, “If your father didn’t install that into  your head, then I would’ve beat you senseless.’’ I held my tongue. I was only honoring my father’s wishes, but she acts like I want to call her Umma.


“What is it?” I ask kindly. She quickly takes a drag of the cigarette that she was smoking, which she wasn’t suppose to be. Father didn’t like her smoking in the house. She then blows the smoke directly into my face, forcing me to cough.


“Make breakfast, do the laundry, and get my children up then get your lazy to school,” she says.


“Yes, umma.” I manage to say from coughing too much. She glares at me as I walk into the kitchen. I started the rice cooker and went straight to work on cooking eggs and some ham. It was a simple meal that is one of my favorites. It didn’t take long to do. Setting out the plates for everybody, I dash upstairs to wake my “lovely” sister.


“Hana, it’s time to wake up. We have school.” I yell. She ended up throwing a pillow at my face.


“Go away you little pest. I have an alarm clock you know!” she snaps as she lays back down. I huff, leaving her to be late as her alarm clock went off a little while ago. I heard it in the kitchen. At least my brother...well...adopted brother was nice. After mom died, dad wanted me to have a sibling that was older than me to take care of me. So he adopted my brother...then married that ... She doesn’t seem to mind Myung-ki, saying something like how her “baby boy” would marry some rich woman. It made me want to gag.


“Oppa! It’s time to get up.” I say, entering his room. He didn’t stir in his bed, forcing me to walk over to shake him gently.


“Mmm....five more minutes...” he mumbles.


“Yah! You’re going to get me in trouble!” I yell. I hear him chuckle as he sits up, you know...My step-mom has a point. I mean, damn my brother is handsome and kind, but he deserves a kind loving wife not just someone who is rich.


“Alright, alright.” he says, “I’m up.” I smile warmly at him. He’s the only one who’s been kind to me. I quickly grab his basket before leaving and made sure I grabbed Hana’s and the ’s laundry baskets to throw in the washer while I got ready for school. I could at least hang them to dry while I was at school. I dashed to my room to put my school uniform on.


I was so excited the first day of school of middle school, cause now I could be like those girls in mangas and animes. As I grew older, I discovered that middle school or high school wasn’t an anime. It was a living hell.


Now all I had to do was eat breakfast before I went to school. I dash downstairs to see Myung-ki and Hana in their school uniforms, sitting at the table. The strange thing was that Hana wasn’t eating anything; she just had a glass of water in front of her.


“Hana, why aren’t you eating?” I ask.


“Why? So, I can be a fatty like you.” Last time I checked, I wasn’t’s not like I wanted to be skinny though, “Please. I need to maintain a figure for my future husband.”


“And who would that be?” I asked.


“Why Devin from U-Hug,” she says a matter of factly as if I was stupid or something. Myung-ki just chuckled at her.


“What makes you think he would fall for you?” At least he was on my side on this one.


“Cause I am the most beautiful girl he will ever lay eyes on.” Hana says rolling her eyes.


“Ah, so the most beautiful girl has a pimple on the middle of her forehead?” he asks, pointing to his forehead to show her the general area of where he saw this pimple.


“WHAT!? Where?” she says pulling out a mirror out of her bag. Myung-ki and I just laugh as she was searching frantically for this pimple when she discovers there wasn’t one, “You guys are so stupid.”


“Says the girl who only cares about her appearance,” Myung-ki fires back.


“Guys! Relax.” the walks in, “Yoon Hee! Why did you make something like this? My kids deserve better.”


“Umma, I don’t have time to make something more ‘fancy.’” I say.


“I don’t care!” She screams, “My kids deserve better food then this simple garbage of a meal. You have to make at least two different dishes for breakfast now.”


“Umma, why should she? Her and I are the only ones who eat it. So, why shouldn’t it be something that we want?” Myung-ki asks. She just rolls her eyes at him.


“I know what you want Myung-ki!” she adds. He just rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath, continuing to eat. I just sat down at the table and started to eat.


“Just go to school,” she says, “Don’t screw this up again otherwise you won’t get dinner!” I nodded my head. Hana and the then disappeared. Myung-ki just handed me some of his food, “Oppa, I can’t-”


“Hush! I won’t let my baby sister starve by the hands of the dominatrix over there,” he says, “I swear once I get a job. We’re getting out of here.”


I smile as he also left, leaving me to finish the meal. I did some dishes and hung the laundry before I left for school, making sure to grab the lunch I made the night before. I walk to school almost everyday, sometimes my friend can swipe her brother’s moped and drive us. It didn’t seem like that today.

I turned the corner to head into the school ground and bumped into someone, “Woah, watch where you are going.” the person’s voice was deep and kind. I look up to see the guy who makes me like school. Kim Jongin.

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D