The Cinderella Girl


“So, what brings you to the library?” Minseok asks as I put my lunch box up. Right, cause people don’t just come to the library to eat food...especially since it was against the rules.


“Well, I’m looking for a book that I need for class,” I explain. He nodded his head, understanding what I needed.


“I could help you find it. It’s the least I can do for you giving me some of your food,” he says smiling. I blushed even more.


“Oh n-no! That’s not necessary! I don’t want you just to go out of your way for-”


“Don’t worry about it. Besides, I think I liked to get to know you better,” he says with a cheesy dumb smile on his face. I just smiled back at him. He had to be the first person to show me some sort of kindness to me besides my actual friends, “So, what book are you looking for?”


“The Brothers Grimm’s Fairytales,” He nodded as he stood up, pulling me along to go to where ever this book was. We reached the back of the library where it seemed the classics of world literature were, “This is my favorite section of the library. I find the stories from around the globe are truly enchanting. The Brothers Grimm’s provide great stories to read.”


“You like the Brothers Grimm?” I ask. He nodded once again.


“I like fairy tales. Some of these people up here make the best fairy tales in the world such as Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty,” He explains, “I think it’s great when stories have a happy ending.” I chuckle a bit.


“If it were only that way in real life...” I mumble sadly. He didn’t seem to notice and pulled down a copy of the Brothers Grimm’s Fairytales, giving it to me. I checked the book to see if it had Cinderella and there it was. The story that reflected my life.


“You okay?” Minseok asks me. I just nod.


“Yeah...I’m fine.” I say tucking the book under my arm and bowing towards him, “Thank you so much for helping me find this book.”


“Oh, it’s no problem. Do you  have a cell phone?” Well, I do. It was only in case my step-mother needed me, but I had Suzy’s number in there along with my brother’s.


“Yeah, why?” I ask.


“Well, I want to keep in contact with you. You seem different from the other girls I have met and I would like to know you more,” he says blushing a little. I giggle and hand him my phone. He quickly took his out so that we could exchange numbers, “Seok Yoon Hee, that’s a very pretty name.”


I blush when I realize he introduced himself, but I never said my name to him, “I am so terribly sorry that I didn’t introduce myself!”


“Ah, don’t worry about it. That just proves you aren’t like the other girls,” he says walking away, “I’ll text you sometime.”


I just talked to a guy...woah...I was not expecting that at all at anytime during my whole life. I went to check out my book and head back to class, before the bell rang.




The rest of the day seemed to fall into place like everyday, with boring learning and boring people around me. As soon as the bell rang for us to go home, my phone buzzed with a text message from, of course, my step-mother.


I need you to pick up some tampons, you know the super sized ones


I groaned...I hated going to the super-market to buy these things for her. I always run into someone and they think I’m buying it for myself. It’s always embarrassing...I texted back saying that I would pick it up and left the school. On the way to the market, my phone buzzed one more time. I thought it was my step-mother at first, but the ID says Minseok. I blushed a little as I opened the message up.


Hey, hope you remember me! What’s up?


I texted back saying nothing much which he quickly replied back to.

Right. What are you really up to?


I rolled my eyes and smiled. I told him I was going to the store to buy some things. I then walked into the store, hoping just to get in and out of there quickly.


((Xiumin’s POV))


I smiled at her texts. I didn’t know why either...or why I was so suddenly attracted to her. It just felt right though; I mean she made her own lunch. I don’t see many girls doing that just for themselves. Girls usually make it for their Oppas, and I did find that attractive...but a girl who is hardworking just by herself is much better.


“Oooh, I know that look Xiumin.” Jongdae says as we were walking home, “There’s a girl in the picture, isn’t there?” I blushed slightly.


“Shush, there is no girl in the picture. I just met her and I want to get more acquainted with her,” I explain, “Besides, anyone as hardworking as her probably already has a boyfriend.” Jongdae just stuck his lips out in a pout, like he was thinking.


“You know...Kai is going to have a party for his birthday coming up soon. Maybe, you should invite her.” I roll my eyes. I wasn’t much of a party fact, I am told many times that I’m really shy. Nothing like Kai is as he is the life of the school, which is why he is the most popular of our group and not me.


“Yeah, cause you know I just love parties Chen.” I say sarcastically.


“Oh come on,” he whines, “It’ll be fun. Besides, if your girl is there, then wouldn’t it be all worthwhile anyway?”


“She’s not my girl. I barely know her,” I say. He pulled my arm as I tried walking, “What now?”


“I need to go to the store to pick up some stuff. Probably pick up some chips or drinks for the party. You should change your mind then. At least come for Kai since it is his birthday.”


He had a point. Kai is still my friend and his birthday was this weekend.


“Plus it is at Kris’s house.” Jongdae teases me. I smile.


“Alright, alright. I’ll go.” I say. He hugs me tightly.


“You’re awesome! Now, let’s go to the supermarket.” he says. We walked to the supermarket, making some small talk on the way there. Jongdae was still set on me inviting Yoon Hee, but I was unsure...she might be uncomfortable at those kinds of parties.

We finally made it to the supermarket. Entering it, we made it to the junk food aisle to buy the stuff for the party. I don’t know why it had to be junk food...I don’t need to gain anymore weight as it is.  


“Are you still obsessing over your weight Xiumin?” Jongdae questioned as I was looking at the nutritional facts on the bags of chips. I frown.


“Yes, you can never be too careful about your weight,” I say, putting a bag down. He just rolls his eyes. I turn around to avoid his sass and when I turned around I saw her. Yoon Hee was standing in another aisle, “Yoon Hee!”


I got her attention, making her blush immediatly.


“Oh, is that the girl you were talking about?” Jongdae asks; I nod walking over to her. She quickly put something behind her back...she was acting strange.


“Funny running into you here,” I say. She chuckles nervously.


“Y-yeah...funny.” Yoon Hee says. Jongdae was looking at her intently, probably taking in her apperance so he can give his opinion.


“She’s so cute Xiumin,” he commented, “but, you look so overworked honey. You need to get more rest.” I didn’t even notice it now, but she did have dark circles under her eyes and generally just looked tired.


“I-I’m fine...” she mumbles, “Honestly, I am.”


“You sure. Why are you so nervous?” I ask looking behind her. SHe quickly tried to hide what she was holding, but it failed. I saw what she was holding. Tampons... I immediately turn red, “I am so sorry...I didn’t realize you needed to buy those!”


“O-oh...I-uh,” she mumbles. She quickly bowed and walked away from us. Chen was lost on the whole deal; I just let it slide.


“What was that all about?” he asks.


“I-it’s nothing.” I say pulling him in the other direction, “I’ll talk to her later. Let’s just go home okay?”


((Yoon Hee’s POV))


I was so embarrassed. The first guy to ever truly notice me in school and he saw me buying tampons. I’m so sick of this.

“Did you pick up tampons?” my step-mother asked. I just threw the bag down in front of her and just ran upstairs, tears building up in my eyes. I was so sick of this...I didn’t want to be apart of this family anymore...

I just wanted to be alone for now and get some maybe...I wouldn’t look as awful like Minseok and his friend noticed...

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D