The Cinderella Girl

The weekend approached faster than I would have hoped it would. All this week I’ve been avoiding Minseok, and his friends...just because I’m afraid of what Hyuna might do to me if I interact with anybody from EXO. I really didn’t want to go to this party. Now my friends pulled me dress shopping so I could find a dress for the party.


“You have to sweep Jongin off of his feet girly,” Suzy says, pulling a light pink dress off the rack. She put it up against my body and shook her head. I guess it was a miss, just like the other dresses we tried on.


“I think it’s her hair,” Jia says, “Long hair is in style right now. Only sophisticated women have short hair.


“But we’re not dressing her in formal attire,” Fei says, “We need to find a dress that doesn’t make her look like a nor is too cutesy.” I frown at their chatter about how the dresses don’t do justice for me.


“I don’t think we’ll find a dress for the party.” I say. They looked at me like I was crazy.


“” Suzy says, “I think we have a solution for your problem though.” She whips out her phone and dials a number, making mindless chatter with them before hanging up on them shortly.


“Who was that?” Fei asks.


“Oh, someone who is going to come to help us with Yoon Hee. He’s going to take care of the dress and hair,” Suzy says smiling like a cheshire cat. She is honestly starting to scare me, “Honestly we can go back to her house and start getting her prepared for my friend’s transformation.”




We’ve been sitting up in my room for about a good part of the afternoon. They ended up helping me clean the house and everything, so I could go to the party later on tonight.


We end up finishing just in time for my stepmother to get home.


“Oh your little friends are here,” she says, displeased at their appearance. Not like they were happy to see her though. I was about to say something until she cut me off, “I’m going to go shopping with some of my friends till midnight tonight. I’ll be back at one or so. I need the whole house cleaned before I return.”


“A-are you leaving now?” I ask.


“Yeah, I’ll be bringing Myung-ki and Hana with me since they need new clothing,” she says, “I need this place to be spotless for when I return. I don’t like a dirty house.”


“O-oh, but I’ve already cleaned the house as you can see,” I say, “So I was hoping I could get the night off to go to a party.”


“A party? Who said that you could go to this party?”


“Well, you did the other day. You said I could go if I got the whole house clean if you got home. Well, the house is clean now.” She nods remembering the whole incident. She then pushed me and my friends aside to start knocking over vases and making the whole place a mess again. I just stood wide eyed. She was in one of these moods again. Where I would work to clean the whole place up, then she would purposely make it dirty, just so I could clean it again.


I could do nothing but stare in shock.


“Doesn’t look so clean to me.” She says, smirking. My stepmother then left having Hana and Myung-ki leave with her. Myung-ki was the only one who stared in bewilderment until our stepmother forced him out of the house.


“That !” Fei yells, “I will claw her eyes out the next time I see her!”


“Don’’s not worth it...” I say sadly, “I guess I can’t go to the party tonight.” Somehow, that made me sad. I know I didn’t want to go in the first place, but knowing that I can’t go makes me really depressed. We ended up standing in silence until Suzy spoke up.


“Not if I can help it damn it!” We stare at Suzy at her random outburst.


“What are you talking about Suzy?” Min says, “There’s no way Yoon Hee can go to the party, even if we tried to help her clean up.”


“Psh, you guys really need to pay attention in class.” Suzy says, “I mean this is just like Cinderella, and if a Fairy Godmother won’t show up, then I’ll be your Fairy Godmother.” Jia, Min, and Fei smile at the idea.


“Suzy is on to something,” Jia says, “I mean it’s a party and you have to be back before midnight. It’s exactly like Cinderella...including the fact that you have an evil stepmother.


“Guys, my story isn’t like Cinderella. I’m not going to the party,” I explain, “My stepmother would kill me if she found out I snuck out of the house.”


“Girl, you are going to that party whether you can help it or not,” Fei says, “We’ll clean the house up before your stepmother gets home. You deserve it after all the crap you’ve been putting up with ever since your father died.”


I became silent. They were right. I needed to spoil myself now, otherwise I’ll never be able to be happy in my life; besides, seeing Jongin will probably make me happy.


“Okay, I’ll go!” I say, making gigantic smiles appear on my friends’ faces. They all run up to hug me tightly.


“I knew that you had a rebellious streak in you somewhere,” Fei says. Suddenly the door knocked and Suzy smiled.


“That would be my friend,” she says walking over to the front door, opening it to someone I’ve never seen before, “Guys, I want you to meet my good friend Kim Kibum. He prefers to be called Key though.”


“Isn’t that the guy who sleeps with Kim Jonghyun?” Min asks, earning a scoff from Key.


“Not now I’m not,” he says, “That idiot. Anyway, who am I suppose to do up?”


Suzy points to me, and he looks in shock, “I didn’t think her hair was going to be this bad! Oh my gosh, no. I’m going to have to put some extensions in.” He played with my hair a bit, “Girl, definitely is going to need some fake hair right now. It’s nothing I can’t do though. I can work with this.”


He drags in this huge trunk that apparently was full of his supplies, “Show me to your room.”


I was skeptic til Suzy pushed me up stairs, “Her room is the top room to the right. Don’t worry I trust Key with my life. We’ll start to clean up down here, so don’t worry.” Key then lead me to my room where I was the ashamed for him to see.


“Aish, this is really no place for a girl to live in,” Key says, placing his trunk down. He grabbed my tiny stool that was near my tiny vanity, “Sit and let me work my magic.” I was skeptic on if I should sit down, but I see I had no choice. I sat down and he immediately started working on my hair.


I remember him saying that the extensions would only be clip in so I could just take them out before my stepmother got home. My hair is now longer than what it originally was made me realize that longer hair looks so much better on me, and that for once, I am beautiful. I could feel tears well up in my eyes as Key finally finished my hair.


“Oh baby, don’t cry,” he says giving me a hug, “You know every girl is beautiful in their own way. This long hair just helps enhance your beautiful. You would be beautiful even if you had no hair.” That earned a smack from me and he just laughed.


“Clean your face up and I’ll start on your make up, okay?” I wipe my face, and he easily added light shades of pink and beautiful shades of peach on my face. In a blink of an eye, he turns my boring face into a beautiful face that I can’t stop looking at, “Okay, that should go well with the dress I picked out for you. It’s a simple hi-low dress that would fit your body image.”


When I put the dress on, I was surprise. I actually looked beautiful...for once in my life, I look beautiful. I felt more tears well up in my eyes, and Key immediately starts fanning my eyes.


“I’m not gonna let you ruin your make up! You need a necklace to go with the dress since it’s strapless.” I show him my tiny jewelry box that was filled with sentimental jewelry. He picks up the locket that my father gave me the day he died, placing it around my neck, “There now you look perfect.


“I packed some make up remover in your bag so you can easily take it off on the way back to the house. Since I’m invited to the party also, you need to find me when you go home so no creepy dudes try to attack you on the way back. Who knows what kind of creepers are around these days.”


I give a gentle smile and hug Key, “Thank you so much for what you’ve done for me.” He just hugs me back and says,


“My pleasure. Now, let’s go.” he says handing me a simple beige mask that complimented the light peach dress I have on. When I head downstairs, my friends gawked at me.


“You are so beautiful right now!” Fei says, “I can’t believe you aren’t a personal stylist yet Key!”


“Seriously, her extensions don’t even look fake,” Min says lifting a part of my hair. Suzy just smiles at me and gives me a hug.


“I always knew you were perfect Yoon Hee,” she says. She then places the mask gently on face, making sure not to ruin my make-up in the process, “Now you have a party to go to! Make sure you have fun and remember to woo over Kim Jongin!”


I nod my head as Key dragged me to the front door. He placed beautiful shoes on my feet, and there we were.

Hopefully everything goes as plan.


A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN FOREVER!!! I've been busy with lots of school work and procrastination....not gonna lie. I'm probably going to put one of my stories on hiatus, but I dunno...maybe I will maybe I won't. Depends on how busy I is....:P Anyway, thank you guys for waiting patiently. 

Also, I'm writing a new story with Emily_Brownie414 called Designer Wars. You guys should check it out if you love EXO <3

Designer Wars

Last thing....did you guys see EXO's's so beautiful. Xiumin is sooooo makes me want to cry

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D