ACT 12

The Cinderella Girl

((Kibum’s POV))


“Babe, I’m sorry. Can you ever forgive me?” Jonghyun whispers, holding me tightly. The day was finally over, and he’s doing his usual apologies since I caught Hyuna flirting with him. Ugh, I’m so totally annoyed by him.


“Jonghyun, you pay no attention to me,” I mutter, “go away.” I try to get out of his hold, but it was no use.




“Not until you forgive me, babe” he says. He looks at me with his puppy eyes, and it pulls at my heart strings….like it usually does. He has been apologizing for a couple of days.


“Alright babe,” I say, turning towards him, “I’ll forgive you, but please don’t flirt with anyone else while you’re with me okay?”


“I’ll stay completely faithful,” Jonghyun says giving me a kiss on the top of my head.


“Key!!” Suzy yells from down the hall running up to us, “H-have you seen Yoon-Hee? She’s been missing since English!”


“No, I haven’t. I saw her this morning when the posters were being put up by Jongin,” I explain, “Why would she go missing?”


“I dunno. She went to go talk to Minseok, and we haven’t seen her since,” Suzy says, “the others are looking for her all over the school.”


“Do you need us to help?” Jonghyun asks. When he finished his sentence, the intercom binged for an announcement.


“If you guys want to see the biggest loser in all of school history, report to the front of the school immediately.”


That was Hyuna’s voice, “I don’t think it’ll take long to find her.”


((Yoon-Hee’s POV))


I am in tears as Hyuna drags me by my hair outside. So far, she has put at least 10 pounds of make-up on me to make me look like a clown, “Hyuna, please stop!”


Everyone in the school had to be outside as they made room for Hyuna to walk through. She quickly throws me to the ground, “Everyone look at this pathetic little mouse. She was the one that humiliated me at the party by pushing me into the pool. Everyone started laughing at me!”


She starts laughing herself, “You can’t know the humiliation of trying over and over to get a guy to like you and this stupid gets in your way and pushes you in a pool with gross water. She’s even gone as far as lie to everyone as to what her identity is. The Cinderella that people have been crazy about for the last couple of hours is nothing more than the biggest loser in the whole school.”


“Hyuna!” that was Fei’s voice, “You stupid what are you doing?”


“Oh, what am I doing? Getting payback, that is what I am doing!” She grabs my wrist and pulls me to my feet, “she’s going to pay for what she did to me!”


Hyuna is about to slap me so I flinch expecting pain, but no hit came. I open my eyes to see that Yifan was holding her wrist, “Kris! Let go of me!”


“Shut up Hyuna! We’re sick of your crap and you’ve been terrorizing everyone since you got here. How about you just back off and leave Yoon-Hee alone.”


Hyuna’s eyes never showed so much rage as they did right now. Yifan then pulls her away from me and into her little posse of friends. I just hold on to Yifan and cry my eyes out. I am literally shaking because of how scared I was.


“Alright people! There is nothing to see here!” a teacher yells, “Hyuna, office! NOW!”


Everyone leaves, except my friends who I was happy to see.


“Thank you,” I say through my sniffles to Yifan. His face softens and nods.


“If anyone ever bothers you, you can call me or anyone else okay?” he says, “I’ll tell the others, and we’ll keep an eye on you so Hyuna can’t ever bother you ever again.”


I’m glad I have such great friends.




When I got home, Myung-ki was the only one there. He saw what happened to my face, and I had to explain to him what happened.


“MY BABY SISTER!” he yells, pulling me into a hug, “Oh my gosh, are you okay?! I had no idea that this was going on! I should have been there to protect-”


“Myung-ki! I’m fine.” I yell over him, “I have wonderful friends.”


“But why would this Hyuna chick be acting like this?” Myung-ki asks. I was about to answer, but Hana and the of a step-mother.


“Yoon-Hee?!” They exclaim at the same time.


“My dear, you look like a hot mess! Ugh, I have visitors coming soon, and you have the audacity to look like this?!” my step-mother says, “You are such a useless girl and can’t do anything right? Just for that, clean the whole house!”


“Mother, I cleaned the house earlier,” Myung-ki says, “I don’t think she has to-”


She ignores him and does what she did the other day by knocking over vases and pots, “Really? I don’t think this house is clean, and you shouldn’t be doing her work deary. Now, Yoon-Hee, get to work and I want it spotless when the guests-”




Everyone becomes wide eyed as I yell that, even myself.


“What did you just say?” she says in disbelief.


“I said, no! I’m tired of being treated like crap by you and people at school! I stood up to my bully at school one night, and my father loves me. If he was here, he would have divorced you immediately because you are a of a mother Hyun Ok!”


She and Hana looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn’t care, “I’m leaving!”


“Good! I don’t need a whiny like you for a daughter!” I just go upstairs and throw a lot of my stuff into suitcases, not that I had much. When I slam my door, I was confronted by my brother who had his suitcases.


“Myung-ki, what are you-”


“I’m coming with you. I was only here because of you,” he says, “besides, I want to protect you. I know your friends would take you if they could but they would have done it by now. I texted my friend and its cool to stay with him, okay?”


I nod, walking into the bathroom. I shouldn’t go into public with this ridiculous clown make up on me. When I was done, Myung-ki was still waiting on me, “you ready?”


“Yeah, let’s go.” I say, walking down the stairs with him.


“And where do you think you are going?” she asks, more to Myung-ki then me.


“I’m here brother. My dad told me to protect her when he died and I’m doing just that.” he says, “we’re going to stay with a friend of mine since you are a failure of a mother.”


“B-but darling! You’re not really going to leave are you?” she asks, getting all teary.


“Yes I am, cause I am tired of dealing with your crap.” he says and we left without another word. Honestly, I just felt bad for Hana cause now she has to deal with her mother.




“Hey, thanks man,” Myung-ki says to his friend. His friend’s name was Bang Yongguk, really tall man with a deep voice. His roommate, Kim Himchan, kind of scares me, but he has a beautiful face.


“No problem, I’ve been wondering when you were going to leave that you call a step mother,” Yongguk says, “you can stay as long as you want. Your sister can sleep in Himchan’s room. We three can sleep in my room since it is the biggest room in my house.”


“Thank you so much,” I say bowing towards them. Himchan made me comfortable in his room and left for me to sort of relax.


I lay down on the foreign bed, which was really soft compared to the bed I’m used to sleeping on, thinking about how school was going to go tomorrow. Jongin is bound to find out now that I was his Cinderella, but...Minseok is still on my mind since his words earlier.

I really messed up with him...

A/N: BLEGH I'M SORRY FOR LIKE NEVER UPDATING I LOVE YOU GUYS THOUGH! Sign up for my new writing contest celebrating my one year anniversary on this site, you'll get good prizes is.



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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D