The Cinderella Girl

A/N: I'M REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING AS SOON AS I GOT BACK FROM MY TRIP ;-; it took me a while to get inspiration to write x( but I am officially back c: I will probably be writing the part for Trouble Maker tomorrow (Hopefully I can get it up, but no promises). If it isn't up tomorrow, then I'm probably killing the construction workers who are working on my roof at like 7 o'clock in the morning while I'm trying to sleep. -__- I don't mind that their working on the roof, but PLS DON'T DO IT IN THE MORNING. Do it in the afternoon when I don't care >:( (okay rant over) OTL Also, KAI IS BLONDE NOW AND SO IS KRIS!! AHHHHHHHHH I like Kris's hair, but I have mixed feelings about Kai's :P

The next morning was rough. It was hard looking at myself in the mirror. The long hair I usually had was now gone. Hyuna made it chin length after my brother evened it all out. So now, I had really short hair that didn’t fit my face shape at all.


“Yoon Hee, you have to go to school,” Myung-ki softly says from behind my door.


“I know...” I choke out from crying so much last night. My eyes were puffy and red...quite frankly, I just look miserable. I gently pat my face to see if it was all a horrible dream that I could wake up from, no luck. I grabbed my school bag and walked downstairs, where everyone was. Surprisingly, my stepmother didn’t force me to make breakfast or lunch.


She had it all prepared for us, which just meant ingredients in a bag for me. I saw Hana sitting at the counter, but she didn’t say anything; Hana just stared at me with a sort of hurt in her eyes. I didn’t stare at her that long; I turned my attention on the food that was in front of me. I didn’t eat a lot as the food didn’t taste like anything.


“Try to have a good day at school, Yoon Hee,” Myung-ki says kissing my forehead. I nod and grab all my stuff before leaving out the door. I didn’t say anything to stepmother or Hana. I didn’t want to.


“Yoon Hee!” I hear someone call out around halfway to school. I turn around to see Hana running with all her might to catch up with me. She was breathing as hard as she possibly could; her face was red and shows pain. I was shocked to see her in a state like this.


“What is it, Hana?” I ask. She holds out her lunch box, forcing it into my hands.


“I want you to have it. I’m really sorry about what happened last night,” she says, “I never imagined Hyuna to do what she did. I might not like you, but I know how hard it took you to grow out your hair when umma gave you permission.”


I had no words to say. Hana was for once being nice to me.


“But don’t expect this treatment every time something bad happens to you. I only did this cause it was my fault that it happened,” she says, turning her head away blushing. I felt tears in the back of my eyes, and I just wrapped my arms around her. She tensed up, but soon relaxed. Hana then pried me off of her, “We have to go to school. Don’t tell anyone that this happened.”




I walked into the school doors, and no one paid attention to me. Well, I guess that’s a perk of being unpopular, until I hear snickering from Hyuna and her little gang.

“I’m surprised you even showed up today,” one of her friends say, “you look like a mouse.”


“You know, you’re right. She does look like a mouse,” Hyuna laughs, “and you know what happens to mice, right?”


Hyuna inches closer to me, and that’s when everyone noticed me. They exchange whispers trying to figure out what happened. Hyuna smirks, opening a water bottle that was in hand. The water was dumped on me. The cold water slides down my short, ugly hair and runs into my face and uniform.


That’s when everyone started laughing. I felt the heat rise to my face and tears start spilling over. Why did I even come to school today?


“Hyuna,” a deep voice says from the crowd. Everyone goes silent and turns towards who spoke up against the most popular girl in school, “are you being stupid or something?”


“Kai-oppa,” she says, straightening herself up and hiding the water bottle behind her back, “what are you talking about? I’m just doing what I do everyday.” I look over to see Kim Jongin and his crew standing in the middle of the part of a crowd.


“You torture this girl everyday?” he asks, “That’s low even for you.”


“That’s not what I mean, Kai! I swear.” Hyuna quickly says, “You know I’m just kidding and so does she.” Jongin just rolls his eyes. His little group,who Minseok says are called EXO-K, lead everyone away, including Hyuna and her group. I am now left with Jongin...alone.


“Are you okay?” he asks. The warmth of his voice made me calm down a bit, but I still couldn’t look him in the face. I still loved him, but...he deserved someone better looking than me, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know Hyuna was doing this kind of thing to people.”


I lift my head up high enough to see his hands. They reach into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a handkerchief. Jongin then placed it in my hands; his hands gently grazing mine. Surprisingly, his hands were warm and kind. I couldn’t help but look up at him. Our eyes met and he smiled.


“To make it up to you on Hyuna’s behalf, you should come to my birthday party this weekend. It’s probably not going to be much, but I think you’ll have fun. Also, it’s not halloween, but my friends suggest bringing a mask to have ‘more fun.’ You don’t have to if you don’t want to though,” Jongin then pulled out an invitation and placed it in my hands, “Oh, how silly of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kim Jongin. You are?”


Before I could say anything, a teacher came out screaming, “YOU TWO GET TO CLASS!” I quickly scrambled away. Never telling Jongin my name.



“Seriously!? Hyuna did that to you?” Suzy furiously says, while we were eating lunch. We decided to eat outside today, even though it was freezing. I just didn’t want to be near Hyuna when I tell them what happened between her, Jongin, and me, “That ...I swear she’s going down today.”


“But you think Hyuna will mess with her after what Jongin said to her?” Jia asks before slurping on some noodles she brought.


“I don’t think so,” Fei says rolling her eyes, “Knowing Hyuna, she’ll target Yoon Hee more.”


“I still can’t believe she cut Yoon Hee’s hair. We can’t let Hyuna keep doing this,” Min says, “I say we get revenge.” Suzy, Jia, and Fei laugh and agree with her. Somehow, I don’t think they wanted me involved with the revenge plot. I was in enough trouble with Hyuna already.


“That’s not all that happened though,” I mumble. They all turn to me in shock, “Hana was actually nice to me this morning for what Hyuna did, and Jongin invited me to his birthday party this weekend.” I handed them the invitation. They all just stared at it.


“GIRL! Why didn’t you tell us earlier!?” Fei yells, “You are so going!”


“Oooh, we’re going to make you look so pretty. We’ll come to your house and get you ready so that way you can whisk Kai off his feet,” Suzy teased. I blushed slightly at their teasing. At least they were back to their normal selves and having a good time, instead of worrying about Hyuna for me.


Today has just been weird.


We hear the bell chime saying it was time to get back inside.


While going back, we hear someone yell my name. I turn around to see it being Minseok. Crap! I don’t want him to see me with my ugly hair cut. I quickly throw my arms over my head in a last ditch attempt to make him not notice. I was going to run away, but Jia and Min grab my shirt and push me towards him, whispering good luck.


They left...great.


“Yoon Hee, why do you have your arms over your head like that?” Minseok asks once he was in front of me, “That has to be uncomfortable for you.” He gently pulled my arms away from my head, uncovering my hair. Minseok’s eyes grew wide, and I quickly looked away from him. I didn’t want to look at him in the eye. In the distance, I caught of glimpse of Hyuna glaring at me from across the hallway.

“Yoon Hee, why did you cut your hair? Did something bad happen to you?!” he asks, concern was present in his voice; I was going to answer, but Hyuna drew her thumb across her neck indicating that I was dead if I said anything. I quickly bowed and ran away.


I didn’t want Hyuna doing anything else to me.


((Xiumin’s POV))


When I asked  Yoon Hee what happened to her hair, she ran away. Was it something I said or-


“Xiumin, oh poor baby,” I hear someone say before me. I knew that voice from anywhere. It was Hyuna, “Even the little mouse didn’t want to talk to you. It’s a shame that you hang out with your Chinese friends. You really could have been as popular as Kai if you did.”


“I don’t really care for popularity, Hyuna,” I grumble, “And don’t call Yoon Hee a mouse. It’s girls like you that make her uncomfortable with herself.”


Hyuna just laughs, “I’m not doing anything to her. If she’s the one who wants to cut her hair in an ugly fashion, then so be it. I highly doubt you want to hang out with someone who is really that uncomfortable with herself.”


“Don’t be stupid,” I say. My heart was now racing with anger. Hyuna was pushing my buttons, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her. I tried to walk away, but she quickly grabbed my wrist.


“Xiumin, why don’t you hang out with me and my friends instead of a girl who clearly doesn’t want to hang out with you. I mean, Yoon Hee is an ugly girl who doesn’t have any friends and-”


“Shut up. Don’t you call Yoon Hee ugly again.” I yell, breaking her grip on me. She was in shock and then she scoffed.


“Ah, it makes sense. You like her don’t you?” Hyuna laughs. As humorous as it seemed to her, I just walked away from her. I didn’t confirm nor denied what she said, and she was left screaming my name in anger saying how I don’t just ignore her at any time at all.

Not that I would tell Hyuna my feelings for Yoon Hee. I barely had the courage to tell her myself, besides...I’ve only known her for a couple of days. It would probably be weird for her to date a guy she just met.

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D