The Cinderella Girl

A/N: AIGOOO! Forgive me for not updating this in forever ;A; I was going to update last week, but I was so busy doing VBS that I would come home tired from chasing kids all day ;__; I'm sorry. Well...that and I had writer's block. I'm REALLY itching to write that sequel for ...I Remember, but I promised to take this one fic at a time. So...yeah...I lost inspiration to write for a little bit. THAT AND READING THE MOST DEPRESSING FAN FIC EVER (see my blog post about it to get the link to it). Anyway, remember to upvote, comment, and subscribe to this story for more awesomeness ;)

I blinked a couple of times to make sure that it was actually him in front of me. I couldn’t believe it...Kim Jongin was standing in front of me and he was talking to me too!


“You okay there?” he asks, breaking my daze. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. No words could come out; they all got caught in my throat...except a small murmur.


“Oppa...” I mumbled; I quickly covered my mouth realizing how informal I was being in front of him. Damn it Yoon Hee, now was not the time to relive your dream. I quickly bowed in apology and ran away...I didn’t want to see his reaction.


I slowly walked into the classroom, where all the girls were talking amongst one another. I just walked to my desk and plopped down.


“Yoon Hee!” my friend Su Ji says, “Why do you look so sad? What happened?”


I frowned. Besides my step-mother’s usual antics, I just embarrassed myself in front of the most popular guy in school. I explained to Suzy, Su Ji’s nickname, what happened and she nodded her head.


“I understand, but you need to overcome your insecurities Yoon Hee,” Suzy explained.


“I know, but...I couldn’t help myself. Kim Jongin is just...perfect.” I say; my heart beating even harder than it did two seconds ago.


“And what would you know about perfection Seok Yoon Hee?”


I huff, hearing that voice. It didn’t belong to it belonged to the who tortures me at school, Kim Hyuna.


“What do you want Hyuna?” Suzy asks, rolling her eyes in the process.


“Ah, nothing. I just overheard your conversation on how Jongin is perfect,” Hyuna says smirking, “Face it. He is perfect what makes you think that you would ever be in his league?”


I said nothing...I couldn’t. She had a point; I wasn’t in his league. I was far from it. Jongin probably dates people like Hyuna since she’s so pretty.


“OH and what makes you think Jongin will date someone like you?! You’re a dumb .” Suzy yells, earning a chuckle from Hyuna.


“Oh Su Ji, watch your words. It’s not ladylike you know,” Hyuna says walking away to her friends. I sigh as Suzy just  huffs.


“Don’t listen to anything that says. You’re an amazing girl who can be in anyone’s league! She thinks she’s all high and mighty because her father owns one of the biggest businesses here in Korea.” I just shrug my shoulders.


“Class sit down!” the teacher says walking in, forcing Suzy to return to her seat not without giving me an encouraging smile, “Okay, today we’re going to learn about a story you guys might be very familiar with. In Korea, the story is called Kongji and Patzzi, but we will be studying the French and German as this is World Literature. The story is called Cinderella and we’ll be reading it for a while so I’m going to need everyone to get this story and read it.”


I mused at the story. I remember my father reading me the original version as a kid; I just laugh at the story though as fairy tales don’t exist anymore. My life may be similar to Cinderella’s, but I probably won’t get a happy ending like everyone expects.


Class was pretty boring afterwards and all I kept thinking about was how Jongin made my heart flutter everytime I saw him.


((Jongin’s POV))


This morning was weird. That girl that I bumped into this morning was still bothering me. She just ran away after calling me Oppa. It wasn’t the first time I have been called Oppa; I mean...I am the most popular guy in school...not that I really want to be. Girls just fling themselves at me and it’s annoying; it’s mainly the y girls too since they intimidate the nicer ones, but I want a nice girl to approach me and have courage. I thought today would be the day...guess not.


“Hey, you okay Kai?” Kyungsoo asks me. In our little group, we called each other nicknames so it wouldn’t be a handful to call each other our full names or hyung. If you wonder why it would be a handful to call people their real name...we have someone in our group that has like a hundred real names so we just call him Kris.


“Yeah, it’s just this morning is bothering me,” I reply, answering Kyungsoo’s question.


“Oh, what happened?”


“Well...I just thought today would be the day that a girl would come up to me and tell me that she likes me. The girl looked a little sick, so I asked if she was okay. She mumbled ‘Oppa’ and then ran away...” Kyungsoo just nods understanding my dilemma.


“She seems shy, maybe you need to take back that rule about a girl having to approach you and you talk to them.”


“No way! I couldn’t do that. The girls are already going through a hard time what with those y girls going after them. I swear, it seems all these girls are just looking to tear each other down. Why do that over me!? I’m just a person.” Kyungsoo just pats my shoulder.


“You can always tell them you’re gay.” Chanyeol says coming out of nowhere. I just punch him in the arm and laugh.


“Yeah, cause that will fix them.” I joke. The rest of the group then joined us as we just sat down at our desks.


“So hyung, you’re birthday is coming up soon. What are you going to do?” Sehun asks. I just shrug my shoulders, not really knowing what to do for my birthday. Just like every’s not like it matters.


“Let’s throw a party!” Chanyeol yells, jumping up from his desk, “we can invite everyone in the school! We can use Kris’s house since it’s so big.” Yifan just glares at the giant as if to say ‘Hell no.’ Oh his famous, face that girls just fawn over.


“Calm down there, Channie,” Baekhyun says, pulling Chanyeol back down to his seat, “We don’t even know if Kai wants this party or not.”


“Dudes, did you say party?!” a random class mate asks.


“Well, no-”


“I heard it was at Yifan’s place!” another student says, “PARTY AT YIFAN’S!” Everyone in the room cheers, running out to tell the female class. Yifan looked like he was going to kill fact we didn’t blame him.

“You idiot!” Yifan says, as he lunged to strangle Chanyeol.


“I’M SORRY KRIS!” Chanyeol screams, running away from Yifan. Zitao stops Yifan from chasing the poor boy.


“It’ll be fine gege,” Zitao says, “Your parents will be out of town won’t they? We’ll clean the place up before they ever get back.” Yifan’s scowl slowly goes away and he just pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to calm his nerves.


“Fine...but the place better be spotless.”


Not once did they ask me if I wanted this party...and it was “my” party. I roll my eyes. Stupid Chanyeol...


“Hey, where’s Xiumin?” Lu Han asks, “I haven’t seen him all day.”


“Oh, he’s probably in the library. He says he has to look for this book that he’s been dying to read for a while. He’s been into world lit. for a while now,” Jongdae explains. I nodded. I wonder what book he was going to find.


((Yoon Hee’s POV))


During our lunch time, I decided to go to the library to go find a copy of the Brother Grimm’s Fairytales. There was no way my step-mother would buy me a copy of the book. It was normal for me to do this whenever we had reading assignments.


My stomach growled; I shushed it to try to keep it quiet, but alas, it was no use. I looked around to make sure that the librarians weren’t look this way and I ducked behind a bookcase. My hand then slipped into my bag and pulled out my lunch box. I grinned to myself as I worked hard to make my lunch today. Normally, I just throw stuff like ingredients into my box, but this time I actually made something. I pulled my chopsticks out to begin eating.


“You know eating is forbidden in the library,” A voice says. I looked up, cause I was sitting down, to see a boy that was in Jongin’s group of friends. I couldn’t remember what his name was.


“A-ah, I’m sorry...” I mumble; he just shook his head.


“Don’t be. You look like you need to eat; you’re so skinny,” he says. The boy then stared at me for a little bit then my lunch, “Did you make that yourself?” I was a little taken back by his question, but nodded my head in response, “That looks really good.”


He was smiling; I blushed a little as he cute when he smiled. His cheeks were very defined when he smiled. He looked into my eyes for a second, before sitting down next to me.

“Would you mind if I tried some?” he asked, “I would really like to try some of it since it looks so good.”


“Uh...I don’t even know your name...” I mumble.


“Oh, right. I’m Kim Minseok,” he says, “So, can I try some food?” I was a little unsure at first, since I just met him...but he was the first person to want to try my food behind my brother. I handed him my chopsticks, and he ate some of the kimbap I made. He hummed in delight.


“This is really. really good!” he says, “you have a talent.” I blushed a little and gave a soft smile.

“Thank you...” I say.

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D