ACT 10

The Cinderella Girl

I barely got into the house when the house clocks chimed for one in the morning. My stepmother was going to be home any minute. Kibum, Jia, Fei, Suzy, and Min quickly got my hair extensions out throwing it in their bags. Kibum quickly got my dress off and threw on the clothes I was wearing before. I already wiped my makeup off on my way home.


“Okay, pretend you’re cleaning! We’ll be in your room!” Suzy says hugging me before she ushers everyone to my room. I look around to see that a duster was left out. I quickly grab it and start dusting the bookshelves. Almost instantly, my step mother walks in, carrying 20 bags.


“Yoon Hee, come get these bags and take them to my room,” was all she said as she locked herself in the bathroom; Hana just followed her, dropping her bags on the floor as well. Myung-ki walked up to me, just handing me one or two bags.


“I’ll take her bags to her room. Take these bags to your room. I managed to buy some clothes for you behind her back. I know you might need some,” he says smiling. I just hugged him close; this night couldn’t get any better.


“You smell like men’s cologne.” I get pulled out of the hug and was given a weird look by Myung-ki, “Did some man steal my place in your heart?” He teases. I shrug. I wasn’t sure what to think of Jongin’s kiss. I just wish it didn’t end as abruptly. Myung-ki sends me off to my room while he takes care of our stepmother's stuff.


When I enter, I was bombarded with questions.


“Did you have a great time?”


“Did you spend time with Jongin?”


“Did you guys kiss?!”


Kibum stepped in the middle of the millions of questions that my friends asked, “Girls, please. Yoon Hee will tell us in due time. Relax.”


“Fine, why don’t you tell us your time with Jonghyun?” Fei sasses, making Key inhale deeply. I remember him making out with this said Jonghyun when I got him from the party.


“We will not speak of that. I’m still mad at that idiot.” he mumbles, “I should go straight and date that Eunji chick in our class.”


We sat down on the floor waiting till everyone in my house was sound asleep before we started talking about tonight.

“So, girl what happened? Did you get to do what you wanted?” Min asks. I shrug.

“Well at first I was uncomfortable being there, but I found the others. Hyuna eventually found me, but she didn’t recognize me. Long story short, I pushed her into the pool and-”


“Wait, you pushed that into the pool?!” Fei interrupted, getting shushed by Min, Jia, and Suzy.


“Oh, she did.” Kibum says, “Not only that, the pool was filthy. You should’ve seen her; it was hilarious. That’s what she should get for flirting with my baby.”


“Wait, is that why you are mad at Jonghyun?” Jia asks. Kibum just gives her squid hands.


“So after that, I hanged out with Jongin and his friends, then his friends wanted to get soda so they left me and him alone.” They all scootch in closer to listen in on the story as it seemed to get interesting, “we talked a little bit and he kissed me.” My friends had a hard time trying not to squeal as loud as they could.


“You two would be the cutest thing ever!” Jia says hugging me.

“Yeah, but there is just one problem. He doesn’t know who I am. He just knows me as the Cinderella girl.” I explain.


“Well just tell him! I’m sure he’ll understand.” Min says.

“Hyuna will kill me if she finds out it was me who pushed her into the pool!” I exclaim.


“Agghhh, even after she was put in her place, Hyuna still manages to ruin our lives,” Suzy shakes her head, “Well, we’ll just see what will happen tomorrow at school.”


I nod my head as I instinctively reach up to my neck to play with my necklace but nothing. I quickly look around the room to see if my locket fell, “Kibum, did you take off my necklace when you undressed me.”


“No, I thought you had it with you,” he says. Tears flood my eyes. I lost the only thing I had left of my father, “Oh honey, it’s okay. We’ll find it.” Kibum engulfs me in a warm hug as the others did the same as him.


“Seriously? We have to have a group hug…” he mumbles.




The next day seemed everything resumed as normal. Nothing special happened, except everyone was talking about the party that happened at Yi Fan’s house, especially the part where Hyuna was pushed into the pool.


Today was normal, except I was tired from crying for most of the night.


“Hey, did you hear? Jongin is posting weird flyers around the school. It has something about this weird Cinderella girl.”


My ears perk up at the conversation a little bit aways from me. They then left the classroom we were in. I quickly follow them to see Jongin posting the same flyer up and down the hallways. His friends were tossing them up and down the hallways and down the stairwell.


I pick up one of them to see what it said:


Mysterious Girl at party last night.


Known as Cinderella.

If you are the girl, come up to me, Kim Jongin, and tell me what was left behind when you had to abruptly leave.


He has to have my locket! That’s the only thing that I would think I left behind at the party, but how do I get it back without Hyuna finding out? I can’t just let someone else claim that locket!


“Kai, you think this will work?” Sehun asks as he throws more papers down the hallway.


“I hope so,” he says.  His voice sounded desperate. He really was looking for me. I just wanted to run up and hug him, but the teacher prevented me from doing so.


“Hey! You punks! You can’t just liter the school like this with these useless flyers!” he yells smacking Jongin with a stack of the flyers. He then takes them to his office, most likely for disceplinary actions.


Suddenly, a heard of girls ran to gather the flyers.


“He’s looking for Cinderella?!”


“I can be his Cinderella!”


“This is my dream come true!!”


Kibum pulls me out of the crowd.


“You okay?” he asks, holding onto me tightly.

“I honestly don’t know…” I mumble. What was I going to do about this situation?

A/N: Sorry for this lame updates guys. >_< I honestly meant to update earlier, but, I'm trying to wrap this story up! :D Pls subscribe to my other stories *Cough* Siberia and Designer Wars *Cough Cough* After this is done, I'll get back to Trouble Maker c: cause I know people want me to update that...haha....I'm a terrible person...

Kudos to anyone who knows that tiny refrence to Stranger in this story ;) Only die hard readers of mine will know. You don't know? Go read Stranger then hahahaha

*gets shot*

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D