The Cinderella Girl



A/N: Omo...where did all you guys come from O__O I didn't expect this big of a jump in my subscribers for this story. It went from 10 to like 23 subscribers. Omo, it's a really big deal guys. :D Just don't forget to comment guys and upvote if you REALLY like the story :) It really helps guys. Don't forget to check out my other stories as well, including my current other story Trouble Maker. :D Thank you guys LOVE YOU!! <3

“Hey Yoon Hee, you okay?” Myung-ki asks. I was busy making breakfast when he asked that question. Without even looking up, I nodded.


“Yeah...I’m okay,” I mutter.


“You just went to your room, and I heard you crying,” Myung-ki says. Nothing gets past my older brother, I guess. I sigh, placing the spoon I was using down in the pan.


“I just had a very stressful day yesterday. I ran into Jongin at school,” I explain.


“Oh, Kim Jongin. The guy you have a cr-”


“SHHHH! Not so loud. I don’t want Hana to hear you say that.” Myung-ki just rolls his eyes.


“It’s not like she matters. She’s too clingy to guys. She sees a guy and clings to him; it drives them away. Besides, I think she’s too absorbed with that Devin guy from U-Hug. Man, that’s the stupidest name for a band...”


“Anyway, I ran into him yesterday. Suzy scolded me for not talking to him properly.”


“As she should! You should be able to talk to anyone you please and not have problems. It’s because of that Hyuna girl isn’t it.” I nodded, “Aish, I heard she’s still a . I would just ignore her. Her kind don’t associate well with men that aren’t shallow.”


“I guess.” I mumble, “I then ran into someone at the library. He says his name is Kim Minseok, and he’s really kind to me. I don’t know why though, but I ruined it by running into him at the super market yesterday.”




“Cause umma made me pick up damn super tampons and he saw them!” I yelled. Myung-ki shushed me before our step-mother could hear.


“Not so loud! Walls have ears you know,” he says, “and that’s terrible! I guess...what’s a tampon?” I blushed, pushing him away from me. I didn’t want to explain it.


“Go look it up yourself...” I mumble.


“YOON HEE!” the screams...ugh, what now, “I need you to stay home from school today to clean the house. Hana’s having a slumber party tonight and the house needs to be in tip top form.”


“Umma, I need to go to school today. I have a test today and-”


“Excuses. Ungrateful girl, I give you shelter and food and THIS is how you repay me?” she questions me.


“B-but umma-” I tried to protest, but Myung-ki stood between us.


“Umma, why don’t I clean the house today?” he asks. Our step-mother looked at him like he was crazy.


“What?” She questioned.


“Did I stutter? Yoon Hee has an important test today and needs to go to school. Otherwise, she’ll fail the grade and make our family look even MORE like a laughing stock,” he explains. Our step-mother nodded her head, like she understood what he said.

“I see. Yoon Hee does make our family look bad. Fine! But Yoon Hee, you get to clean up after them during the party and fetch anything that Hana and her friends need,” with that the left, letting me breath a heavy sigh.


“Thanks Oppa,” I say.


“Geez, can she get anymore stupid. She thinks you’re the one who makes our family look like a laughing stock. Did she forget that Hana is apart of the family or did she disown her already?” I laugh at his comment and he gave me a quick hug. Hopefully the day doesn’t go bad...




It was finally lunch time once again. I was sitting in the class room with Suzy, Min, Fei, and Jia, explaining to them what happened yesterday.


“Oh my poor baby!” Fei says hugging me tightly, “I’ll personally beat up the up for you if you want. Me and Jia can take her!” I just laugh.


“No, it’s fine. Myung-ki helped me get through it,” I say, taking another bite of my lunch. My phone buzzed on the desk indicating that I got a text message. I picked up the phone to see that it was from Minseok.


“Oooh~ Is that the Minseok you were talking about? You have his number too. Did you forget about Jongin already?” Min teases; I just gently push her and open the text message that Minseok sent me. I just hope it wasn’t about yesterday...


Hey, come have lunch with me again. I’ll introduce you to my friends.


“He wants me to have lunch with him.” I mumble softly. I swear they all squealed at the same time. I swear these girls...


“You should totally go have lunch with him! You have to tell us all the details okay?” Suzy says, packing my lunch up for me. They then pushed me to the location Minseok texted me only seconds later. With that, they pushed me towards him.


“Oh Yoon Hee, hey!” he says smiling. I just gently waved at him, “It’s not the whole group since a couple of us are missing, but I think it’ll do. Everyone this is Yoon Hee; she’s really cool.” Everyone waved hi to me, making a small smile form on my lips.


“Hello,” I say bowing at them.


“Ooh, she’s nice Xiumin. I think she’s perfect for you,” one of the commented. He had a very girly face, very young looking too, “oh, I’m Lu Han by the way.” Minseok blushed a lot from Lu Han’s comment. An older looking male just smacked Lu Han’s arm.


“Will shut up?” he commented. He then turned towards me, with a scary demeanor that soon melted into a kind one, “Hey, my name is Wu Yi Fan, but you can call me Kris.”


“I’m Zitao,” the panda looking one says bowing, “I guess since we’re telling her our nick names, I’ll tell you mine. You can just call me Tao if it makes it easier on you.”


“You met me yesterday at the store. I’m Jongdae, if I didn’t introduce myself yesterday. Most people call me Chen though.”


“Hey, I’m Zhang Yixing, but you can call me Lay. You know like Frito Lay,” the guy with the fluffy hair says.


“Where are the others?” Minseok asks, pulling a chair out for me to sit.


“Oh, the others went to go have lunch with Hyuna,” Yi Fan says, stealing some of the chips Lay had.


“Yeah, more like forced against their will,” Yixing says, snatching the chip out of Yi Fan’s hand. Yi Fan furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t understand what Hyuna and her little posse have against us. Just cause we’re Chinese...”


“I’m not Chinese!” Jongdae says, “Neither is Xiumin...”


“Yeah, but you hang out with us more than the others do. Besides, I recall Hyuna calling you guys ugly or something.” Zitao says. Jongdae and Minseok frown at this.


“Y-you guys aren’t ugly!” I call out softly, forcing everyone’s attention on me, “Y-you’re all really handsome...” I then stuffed some of my food into my mouth so that way I didn’t have to talk anymore. I just didn’t want them to feel so down hearted against Hyuna.


“SHE’S TOO CUTE XIUMIN!” Lu Han calls out, hugging me, “She needs to be in our group permanently. I don’t care what the others think.”


“She’s a keeper, Xiumin,” Yi Fan says smiling, causing me and Minseok to blush brightly. I didn’t know what else to do, but the rest of lunch and the day was pretty good. I didn’t even mind that I had to man Hana’s slumber party this afternoon.


((Kai’s POV))


I groan as Hyuna and her friends just go on and on about ridiculous stuff. We had to sit through her boring little conversation, eating our lunch...basically, we were silent, except for Chanyeol’s slurping through his straw. That was the only thing we can concentrate on before we blow our brains out.


Poor Sehun though, he’s practically being molested by Hyuna’s little friends. I then felt Hyuna’s arm slither around my arm that was holding my head up from hitting the table repeatedly.


“Oh Jongin, isn’t this a nice day to have lunch,” she coos in my ear. I wish she would take a hint and just leave us alone...


“Yeah, I guess.” I mumble drinking some of the water I had.


“HYUNA!” a shrill voice yells. Hyuna rolled her eyes for like the 15th time today, wasn’t that Seok Hana? “Hey Hyuna, might I say you look lovely today like you always do~”


“What do you want Seok Hana?” Hyuna huffs out. I tried to hold my laughter in...Hyuna had quite the stalker these days as Hana always thought of Hyuna as her friend. I wish Hyuna would at least give the poor girl a chance.


“Well, I’m kind of having a party tonight, a slumber party actually, and I wanted to invite you and your friends.” Hana says all excited.


“Well sorry, we’re kind of busy.” Hyuna says, with her friends nodding along with her.


“oh...” Hana says, her smile fading away, “Sometime later then?” Hyuna rolled her eyes and scoffed. I couldn’t help myself though.


“Hey Hana, why don’t you sit with us today for lunch.” I say making her and Hyuna’s face go in shock.


“M-me? Sit with Kim Jongin and Hyuna and their friends?! Of course!” she says wedging herself between Sehun and Hyuna’s friends. I chuckled. Hyuna gave a disgusted look as we were finally free from those girls’ grips and able to have conversation all on our own.


“Hey, what did Xiumin wanted us for?” Baekhyun asks, getting bored of dealing with these chicks.


“Oh, he wanted to introduce us to this girl he met yesterday. I think he has a little bit of a crush on her actually,” Kyungsoo says teasingly as he steals some of Chanyeol’s cake, making Chanyeol frown.


“That was mine...” he mumbled.

“Yeah, but who made it for you!” Kyungsoo snapped, pointing to himself. We all just laughed at Chanyeol’s pouty face as Kyungsoo started eating his cake, “So what was her name anyway? I know he told us.”


“I think he said Seok Yoon Hee,” Sehun says, causing Hyuna to start choking on her water, “You okay, Noona?”


“YOON HEE?!” Hyuna says shocked.


“Y-yeah, what about her?” I asked.


“Hana, Seok Yoon Hee is your sister is she not?” Hyuna asks, hurriedly. Ignoring my question completely.


“She is, unfortunately. Why?” Hana asks. I could see Hyuna smirking, those gears in her head started turning.


“Actually Hana, we’ll go to your party after all. I think it will be fun, right girls?” Hyuna says with her friends smirking as well.

I didn’t like the sound of this.

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Chapter 15: I really love your take on Cinderella and I loved the ending--ALOT! I think it was creative that you took this route too as most girls end up with princes in the story rather the the best friend. I also enjoyed that Yoon-Hee also had a brother like Myung-Ki taking care of her and looking after her while living with a stepmother. :) I did notice a few missed words, grammatical errors, and the story was rushed in pacing. I also felt that Minseok and Yoon Hee should got to know each other better before he confessed his love to her. Or rather his feelings about liking her. Just also wanted ro add that realistically if he said that he liked her rather than love her then it sounds more realistic in context. Love is not a word that can be thrown out there so easily as like per se. Apart from that, this fanfiction was enjoyable! :)
Chapter 15: Ah... the ending is so cute... i'm really happy to see that xiumin and yoon hee ended up together... i like it so much!
Chapter 9: Wah... xiumin get jealous...
I love your story eonnie! Keep it up! ^O^
Chapter 5: Stepmother, just go eat those you supposed to be eating. ing on earth.
Chapter 15: That was awesome!
Ending was great~
AsianStar297 #7
Chapter 15: Best story ever.
Man, how much I want a sequel.
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 15: Loveee it, it's really beautiful and inspiring ;D