Dinner at a buffet

You Can Date a Fan... Right?

Xander's POV

(highlighted in English)
(not is Korean)

"There are food stalls over there!" Kibum said pointing to rows of stalls.  We headed towards the stalls.  We decided to ask around to see if anybody had seen Nicky  First we asked a vendor of desserts.
"excuse me?" I asked, "but have you seen this girl?" i showed the lady the picture.
"no, sorry." she said shaking her head. We went to the next vendors and asked but know one had seen her.
"excuse me..." Kibum said, at the 5th vendor, "but have you seen this girl?" the vendor shook his head.
"is that... Nicky?" they heard next to them.  Kibum and i turned to see a brown haired girl drinking a smoothie.
"umm yes this us Nicky. Have you seen her?" I asked for Kibum didn't know English.
" yeah I've seen her. Why are you looking for her?" she asked us.  Who was this girl anyway?
"umm Elena is looking for her" I told her. Thank god I remembered their real names.
"really! Oh that's why Nicky was alone... Elena usually doesn't let Nicky be by  herself."
"yeah... So where is she?" I asked her
"she's over there." she pointed to a girl sitting at a table about ten feet from them.  Kibum and I looked and there she was, reading a manhwa and eating pastries...  "Nicky!" the girl called.  Nicky looked up and stared at the girl for a second before looking back down at her comic.
"it's ok,"  I told the girl,"I will bring Elena here so can you please make sure thy Nicky doesn't go anywhere?"  I asked her. She nodded her head and I thank her. Kibum and I walked off and I texted the others.

To:Miho, Kiseop, Kevin
Fr: Xander
I found her.  Meet me at ______    If you get there before Miho, don't approach her, she might leave.

I sent the text and we sat down at a bench. (same one Claire and Nicky were on)

To: Xander oppa
Fr: Miho
I'm close by I'll be in a minute.

To: Xander hyung
Fr: Kiseop
I'll be there.

To: Alex hyung
Fr: Kevin
Really! I will be there soon. Make sure she stays there.

"they will be here soon." I told Kibum
And in a few minutes Miho and Soohyun appeared.
"where is she?" Miho asked me.
"over there," I pointed in front of me. " go past those and make a left, you should see her. Oh! And one of your friends is here to."
"really... who?" she asked confused.
"A girl with medium brown hair... I don't think she can speak Korean either..."
"it must me Alisha!" she smiled happily and ran in the direction where the girls were. Soohyun stayed behind and sat next to the right of me.
" so how was your date?" I asked Soohyun casually.
"It wasn't a date." he denied
"sure it wasn't..." but before he could say anything else, Claire, Kevin and Eli showed up, with a case that looked like a guitar.
"what's that?" I asked., pointing to the case on Eli's back.
"just a little something..." he smiled and looked around. "wheres Miho?" he asked.
" she went to get Nicky." I told them. And a few seconds later... "hyung hyung! Help me!" I heard. We all turned around and there was Kiseop dragging Dongho by the collar.
"don't ever pair me up with him again..."Kiseop panted.  We started laughing.
"NUNAYAAAAAA!!!!!" we then heard. We all turned our heads again and there was Miho dragging the girl in the picture by the collar and the brown haired girl following them.  After a few seconds and not getting anywhere, Miho stopped and faced Nicky. She took out what looked like a wallet. She pulled out some cash and it looked like she was going to rip it when Nicky dropped to her knees.  She was begging... Miho pulled her up by her arm ad pulled her along, with the brown haired girl following.
When they were in front of us, Miho introduced us, "everyone, this is Nicky." she pointed to the girl she held by the arm.  "introduce yourself." she said.
"wae..." she whined. She was just like Dongho. I should talk to him about her. Haha... Then Miho hit Nicky on the head.
"now..." she breathed.
Nicky sighed..." annyeong... je ireumeun Nicky imnida..."
"and..." when Nicky didn't speak, Miho started tapping her foot.
Nicky then mumbled something.
"louder!" Miho yelled at her. She was just like Soohyun...
"sorry..." she said louder so we could hear.
"I'm sorry for making you waste your precious time to look for me..." She seemed to force out of .
Miho let out a deep breath and turned to the brown haired girl. "and this is Alisha, my friend from school, but she doesn't know Korean..."
"hello..." the girl called Alisha said, "I'm Alisha..."
Miho then looked at us. "thank you so much for helping us look for Nicky... I'm really thankful." she bowed.
"ahneeyo..." Eli said walking towards her.  "were happy to help." he smiled at her. Shouldn't it be Soohyun saying that? I really need to talk to him about making a move...
"anyway..." Miho said," how about I treat you guys to dinner?"
"you don't have too!" I said, along with the rest of the members, except for Eli and Soohyun.  Obviously they wanted to spend more time with someone...
"of course I have too! You wasted your time with this thing... I have to repay you guys somehow.  And since it's about six, I will treat you guys to dinner."
"Ela nuna! I want a buffet!". Nicky said pulling her arm.
"you don't get to choose after what you did!" she growled at her. Nicky cowered next to Claire who just patted her head.
"where do you guys wanna go? Anywhere you want, price doesn't matter." Miho told us. She was so kind, so generous.
"anywhere is fine." everyone said, except for Dongho who said "I like buffet..."
"is there a buffet close by?" Miho asked.
"there is one, but it's pretty expensive." I told her.
"that's ok! As long as it has good food."
"the food is really good!" Dongho said, practically jumping up and down. "but Soohyun hyung doesn't let us eat there cause it's to expensive."
"it's fine, we can afford it. Where is it?"
"follow me!!" Dongho said before running off.  Everyone walked after him.  Miho walked next to me.
"Xander oppa, can you sit with Alisha please,  she can't speak Korean..." I looked at Alisha, she was walking alone and glancing at me.
"sure why not." I said before I went to walk with Alisha.  "hi, I'm Alexander, but you can call me Xander oppa."
"Xander oppa." she said slowly.  "hi..." she was shy, I could see that.
"so why are you in Korea?" I asked her.
"I like Korean dramas and k-pop..." she said like she was embarrassed.
"that's cool..." I said awkwardly. "are you a fan of U-Kiss?"
"I listen to a few songs..."
she said.
"like what?"
"man man ha ni..."
she pronounced slowly.
"that's cool..." I didn't know what else to say so instead I just looked around.  Eli and Miho were talking to each other whole Soohyun was walking, or more like  eavesdropping behind them.  But shouldn't Soohyun be talking to Miho? I really really  need to talk to talk to him about this.  Claire was talking to Kevin, it seemed like those two got along well.  Nicky... Eun-Hye  and Dongho were in the front practically running to the buffet.  Kiseop and Kibum were on the side walking in silence.  But Kibum had to go for his schedule, so he left.  And a few minutes later, we were in front of the buffet.

Nicky's POV

There I was sitting minding my own business and reading my manga when someone hit my head!  I immediately stood up, "what the hell! What's your problem!" I was going to punch them when I realize it was Ela nuna...  She was standing in front of my with her arms crossed and she was glaring at me.  I could just feel her evil aura admitting from her body.
"what... did... You... Say..." she said slowly, and sounding much like a snake.
"nuna... mianhe..." I said, not knowing what to do.
"mianhe... Is that all you can say?"
"ahh... " I was speechless, what was I suppose to say without making her any more angry?
"lets go." she grabbed my arm and started pulling me.  But then she stopped next to the stall, "Alisha, let's go." and Alisha hopped down from her seat and followed us.  I tried to pull away from her and finally got loose, but as soon as I was about to run, nuna grabbed my collar.  I tried to fight her but she was strong.
"NUNAYAAAAA!!!" I screamed.  I fought again, not wanting my punishment and then we stopped.  Elena nuna faced me and took out her wallet.
"this is your food money" she said waving it in my face.  Then she ripped a little bit of it.  She was going to rip my meat money!!! I dripped to my knees and begged.
"please Nuna... I promise to behave... Please...." I felt her grab my arm and we walked towards a large group of boys who I recognized as U-Kiss.  Why were they here?
"Nicky, they, ukiss I mean, helped me find you. So I want you to apologize to them ok!"
"..... Fine" I sighed.
"everyone, this is Nicky." nuna said and pointed to me, still holding my arm.  "introduce yourself." she said to ne.
"wae..." why did I have to introduce myself?Then she hit me on the head.
"now..." she breathed.
I sighed..." annyeong...je ireumeun Nicky imnida ..."
"and..." when I didn't speak, Ela nuna started tapping her foot.  I didn't like it when she tapped her foot, it was scary.
"sorry..." I mumbled so that only I could hear.
"louder!" Nuna yelled at me.
"sorry..." I said louder so everybody could hear.
"I'm sorry for making you waste your precious time to look for me..." I  force the words  out of my mouth.  Ahhh I hate this!!!! Stupid nuna... After all the introductions, apologies and whatnot, I finally heard dinner!
"Ela nuna! I want a buffet!". I said pulling her arm.
"you don't get to choose after what you did!" she growled at me. I ran Claire who patted my head. I didn't t really pay attention to the rest, but we were going to the buffet! And it was all because of a boy named Dongho!  I walked, or more like half ran, next to him. "buffet!!!" I yelled.
"I love buffets!" he said to me.
"same here!" I said.
"you know," he said slowing down his pace, "Miho is alot like Soohyun hyung..."
"chincha... I don't really know ukiss... So I wouldn't know."
He looked sad, "oh you don't... Not even me?" he asked.
"not really... I only know you guys exists because of Ela nuna..."
"why do you call her nuna?"
Why is this guy asking so many questions? "because I prefer nuna over unni..." I said half agitated.  I guess he heard my bothered tone so he didn't ask any other questions.  And a few minutes later, we were at the buffet!

Elena's POV
"Ela nuna! I want a buffet!" Nicky said pulling my arm.  Why did she think she could just pick where she could eat!
" you don't get to choose!" I yelled at her.  But I guess Dongho and Nicky are the same so we ended up going to the buffet anyway.  I walked up to Xander.

"Xander oppa, can you sit with Alisha, she can't speak Korean." I asked my oppa.  I didn't want Alisha to be left out and Kevin would be with Claire. And I would probably be with Eli.  Wait, why with... Eli...
"sure, why not." he said and walked off in the direction of Alisha. Ok yeah... I wanted them to get together.  There was a time when I showed Alisha a picture of Xander.  It was one of his cute pictures and she thought he was the cutest boy ever. Of course I would try to set them up! Anyway, after Xander went to Alisha, Eli approached me.
"we finally found Eun-Hye." he said casually.
"yep! Thanks for your help again." I looked at him and noticed that he had a guitar case on his back.
"where did you get that?" I asked him, not remember seeing it in the van.
"I bought it just now." he answered
"I didn't know you played..."
"I don't." he said simply.  I was confused, if he played, then why did he buy a guitar?
"then why..." I got cut off by Eli.
"did I buy one?" he finished my question for me. "because i got it for someone special." someone special...
"who?" I asked before I could stop myself.
"maybe later." he said.  Maybe later... I sighed and we continued walking in silence.
"Miho-ah!" I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Kibum jog up to me.
"what is it?" I asked half concerned.
"I'm late for a schedule, so I have to go."
"oh! Mianhe..."
"it's fine... Just treat me later ok!" he waved and went to talk to Soohyun. I smiled when Soohyun started yelling at Kibum to keep track of time better.
"were here!!!" Dongho yelled.


Kiseop held the door while everyone else walked inside the buffet.  I went to the cashier and to pay for everyone.
"how many?" the cashier asked. It was a mid-aged women with short black hair.
"ummm..." I turned around and scanned my group, " 10 adults." I said turning back.
"10 adults, that will be 287,500 won please." my eyes widened but I took out my wallet. I had just spent about 300 dollars.
"Kansamnida." I said when the women gave me my receipt.
" sit wherever you like." she pointed at the booths and tables.
"de..." I turned to my new friends, "let's go!" we walked around for a while, looking for a table that would fit all of us.  But we ended up sitting at two separate table next to each other with 4 at one table, and 6 at the other one.  I ended up sitting next to Eli, while Soohyun was across from me, and Kiseop was sitting diagonal from me.  I looked across to the next table to see who was sitting with who.  Claire was sitting next Kevin, Kevin was sitting next to Dongho. Nicky was across from Dongho, and she was next to Xander and Alisha. (does this made sense?) I was pretty satisfied about the seating arrangements, except at my table.

 When everybody got settled in, our waitress came and asked what drinks we wanted.
"coke please..." I said
"sprite..." Soohyun asked
"water..." this came from Kiseop
"coke too please..." Eli said.  When the waitress left and went to Nicky's table, Eli stood up (he is sitting on the outside) and grabbed my hand.
"let's go get food!" he said happily and pulled me up.  Soohyun and Kiseop followed us.  When we got to the buffet line, Eli got a tray and put two plates on there.
"just tell me what you want." he told me and started pilling food on his own plate.
"it's ok Eli-shi, I can do it myself."
He started laughing.
"what is it?" I asked him, wondering if I just did something worth laughing at.
"you spoke English..." he pointed out.
"well yeah... You speak it too..." I said confused.
"your right, I do. So what do you want to eat?"
"umm, I don't really know what's good, so can you just give me whatever your getting?"
"sure! Can you eat spicy stuff?" he said putting some vegetables on both our plates.
"yeah I can." we didn't really talk much after that. Just Eli  putting food on my plate and telling me what each on was.     After our plates were full, we went hack to the table, which was empty.  I took my seat and Eli handed me my plate.
"Kansamnida." I said to him and started eating.  I looked over to the other table, and no one was there. They must be getting their food, I thought to myself.
"how is it?" Eli asked me as I took a sip of my coke.
"it's really good!" I said with a smile. He started at me for a second, "Eli-shi, is something wrong?"
"it's Eli-oppa." he started eating once again.  Then Kiseop and Soohyun arrived with their own plates of food.
"is it good?" Soohyun asked me.
"very!" he smiled at that and started eating his dinner. I looked at the other table once again and saw that Kevin, Claire, Xander and Alisha were back.  Where were Dongho and Nicky? Probably pilling their plates with as much as possible.  I went to take a drink from my coke, when I saw the guitar case Eli had.  Why did he have a guitar?
"Eli-sh...oppa. Why do you have a guitar?" I knew it wasn't any of my business, but I couldn't help myself.  Right when I said that, two heads turned towards me.  One was Eli, the other,Soohyun, who tried to seem like he wasn't eavesdropping.
"I got it for someone special." he said with a smile.
It would be rude to ask who, so I decided to ask something else. "is it an acoustic or electric?"
"did you already get the amplifier?" I didn't see one around him.
"amplifier... AMPLIFIER!" he yelled the last part.
"yes... You use it with an electric guitar."
"shoot... I forgot it..." I heard him swear under his breath .
"Eli, it's bad to swear in front of a lady." Kiseop said.  I almost forgot he was there.
"thank you Kiseop-oppa." I said, trying not to laugh. Eli had just turned into a tomato.
"Miho, do you know what amplifier you wan- I mean what amplifiers are good?"
"yeah I do! Want me to come with you to get one?"
"would you? Thanks!" he bowed his head slightly.
"no problem." I stuck the last piece of meat into my mouth and stood up. "I'm going to get more food." I announced.
"I'll come with you!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see Soohyun get up and walk up to me.  I got a tray and a plate for him and myself.
"Kansamnida." he said, "so how long have you been in Korea?"
"a day..." I said.
"a day! Really?" he seemed surprised.
"yeah! Alot of things have happened in a day!"
"seems like it. In one day, you lost  two of your friends; stopped a bunch of fan girls from a rampage; made idol friends; bashed your head on the ground; and now your eating at an expensive buffet."
I laughed, " that wraps up my day pretty well... Vegetables?" I asked, with a spoon above his plate.
"sure. Thanks." I put the veggies on his plate and we continued gathering food until they were full.

Nicky's POV
Buffet... Buffet....Buffet...
We couldn't find a table big enough for all of us, so we all split into two tables. I sat next to wall next to Alisha and the guy named... Xander.  The boy named Dongho was across from me, and he was sitting next to Claire and... Kevin. I  was good  at remembering names, so I had already know the names of four u-kiss members.  Soohyun, Kevin, Xander, and Dongho.  The waitress came over and asked what drinks we wanted.
"mountain dew" I said and stood up to get my food.
"Nicky, it's rude to leave while other people can't." Claire said to me. I sat back down immediately and when everyone else ordered their drinks, I stood up once again.
I sped of towards the bowls and trays, with Dongho behind me.  We ended up next to each other in the line.  First off is salads!
"so how do you like Korea so far?"  he asked me as I got some
"it's okay" i responded.

"So why do you call Ela nuna... nuna?" this question again? I sighed before answering.

" I call her nuna instead of unni because in Japanese there is the word "oni" and oni means demon, devil, and represents evilness in Japanese legends... and unni, when said, sounds like oni which will get me punched by Ela nuna." I spoke really fast.

"Oh... that  makes sense." he responded. 

"oookay!!! First is salad and soup!" I put some lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers into my bowl.  I thought for a second. "This salad needs meat." Luckily the salad bar had pre-cut chicken strips. I put in a few dozen then some oranges. Because I love oranges. 

"Dongho...shi..." I asked.  Dongho was behind me making his own salad.  "Which dressing is fruity?"

"Fruity? Try the raspberry vinaigrette. Its my favorite."

I nodded my head and drizzled some on my salad.  "Next is soup!" The soup bar was next to the salad bar, so not alot of walking required.  I scanned the soup looking for one that I liked.  Eventually I picked vegetable soup, with extra carrots.  After I filled my bowl with mostly carrots, I put a few packaged crackers on my tray and walked back to the table.  I saw that everyone, including nuna's table, was back from getting their food, and that Dongho and I were the only ones left.  I sat down and a few seconds later, Dongho sat down across from me. 

I took a sip of my mountain dew and dug into my salad.  It was so good!  I made such good food.  Before I knew it,  I had finished my salad and half my soup. 

"Eun-Hye...Eun-Hye..."  I heard it, but didn't really realize that it was my name.  Then I felt someone shake me.  I took a sip of my soda again, but it got taken away while I was drinking it.

"Yah!" I yelled at whoever.

"mianhe... its just that you didn't respond."  I looked at Dongho who had my drink in his hand.  "gwean cha na?"

"yeah, just eating." I took the drink back from him and continued eating.

"I've been calling your name for a few minutes now."  he took a bite of  an orange.

"I zone out when I eat" I told him, not really concerned,

"Is that normal?"

"For me it is"  I finished my soup and stood up. 

I went to where they had the main food.  I was about to put some crab legs on my plate, when I realized that I had no plate.  But then a plate and tray appeared under the crab legs. 

"To excited to get food?" nuna asked me.

"Kansamnida nuna..." I put the legs on the plate and kept pilling them on till two plates were full of crab legs.

"Nicky-ah... don't you think you got to many?" Ela asked me. 

"No"  I returned to my table and started cracking the legs. 

"Wow... thats alot of crab legs" I heard next to me.  I turned and saw Xander's mouth hanging open.

"Not really, I would have gotten a few more plates, but Miho nuna would yell at me for being too greedy."  I rushed through this sentence fast and started eating my delicious seafood. 


~30 minutes and three plates of meat later~

"I can't believe you finished two plates of pork and one plate of beef in twenty minutes!" Kevin said. "Not even Dongho can eat that much."

"This is nothing..." I said and burped.

"Nicky, you should say 'excuse me'. Its polite you know." Claire told me across the table.

I sighed, "Excuse me..." I stood up and was about to walk to the dessert bar when I felt someone grab my arm.  I was about to turn around to cuss someone out, when I noticed that it was nuna. "Ahhh nuna... need something?"

"Dongsaeng..." she stood up, "Did you eat your vegetables?"

"I had vegetable soup!" I said to her. I tried to pull away, but she tightened her grip.

"Get some other veggies. Vega table soup isn't that healthy you know. Come on, I was about to get some too."

"Fine..." she released her grip and I followed her to the vegetables. 

"What do you want?" she handed me my plate.

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

"What was that?" she put some broccoli on her plate.

"I'll have carrots and... spinach..." Nuna grabbed a dozen baby carrots and put them on my plate. Then she grabbed a spoonful of spinach and put it on my plate. "Thats it..."

"You can have dessert after this." she told me. I walked back to my seat. 

I poked at my veggies, not wanting to eat them.

"Nicky, don't play with your food." I heard Claire tell me. I stuck the ford in the carrot and into my mouth and chewed slowly. 

~Ten minutes and a dozen carrots later~

I don't like spinach... why did I choose spinach?? I put half of it on the fork and into my mouth.

~Five minutes and a spoonful of spinach later~

"Dessert time!!!" I sprang up from my chair and ran to the dessert bar.  I put two plates and a bowl on my tray and started gathering food. After I was done, I returned to my table and started eating. 

"What did you get?" Dongho asked me.

"ummm....two strawberry cake with like a hundred layers. Parfait with extra whip cream, banana cream pie, egg pudding, and pomegranate sorbet."

I took off half the whip cream off the parfait and stuffed it in my mouth.


~After Dinner~

"Thanks for the meal!" All the U-kiss members bowed and we waved.

"It was nothing, and thanks again for helping us." Nuna said. "Well, we better get going."

"Want us to drive you?" Eli asked.

"No its ok, we'll take a taxi." nuna told them.

"wae! I don't like taxi's!" I whinnied while pulling her arm. She shot me her 'death' look and I let go.

"Well.... bye" she bowed quickly and started walking towards the taxis.  "Lets go Claire, Nicky." She called out.  We ran up to her.  I was going to ask her why she hadn't been more polite or talked more. Because usually when someone does something for her, she would be extra nice and stuff, but this time, she just thanked them and left.  I found my answer when I turned to look at her face.  A tear had left her eye.  She quickly wiped it away.  Ela nuna never cried, at least I had never seen her cry.  She must be really upset.  I saw her put her headphones on and turn up the volume high.  I pulled Claire closer to me and whispered my plan to her.


~Author's Note~

Soooo sorry I updated so late.  Im not good writing about food.  Anyway hopefully the next chapter will be quicker. And it may have alot of mistakes because I feel to lazy to fix them and reread this again. So sorry if there are alot of mistakes. And I really want people to comment!  Thats what makes me write more and quicker. Please please please comment! 


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Eun Hye sure eats a lot... O.o
You really need to update this. It's one of the only fanfics that I've ever missed reading. Please~
Omg! Plz update! Cool story
I recently got into Ukiss from watching Ukiss vampire and Chef kiss. I am really enjoying this fanfic. Thank you!
Aw.. It's going to end?<br />
So SooHyun will never get a chance at Miho? Aww.. T.T<br />
<br />
but good story though.. ^^
eLiSey #7
aww, 2 or 3 more chapters?:( i lik the story tho:) update soon!:)
awwww :)
Love it.! :))<br />
I wish SooHyun had more guts and made the first move... Poor him.. :(<br />
Well I think it's not too late yet, though xD<br />
<br />
Update soon!!!