Chapter 9

7 Seconds


Ena slowly paddled her bike, and looked around her. She grinned when she felt the wind blow on her face, and paddled her bike quicker. She almost arrived at the end of the Crossroads slope, but slowed down when she saw someone familiar siting on a bike by the lamppost.


Ena smiled.


“Yi Fan!”


The blonde male looked back, and spotted Ena slowly coming closer. She stopped in front of him, and grinned.


“Hey,” he said.


Ena waved, and waited by Yi Fan’s bike.


Yi Fan looked at Ena, and spotted a package in the basket of her bike.


“What’s that?” Yi Fan asked as he pointed at the package.


Ena looked down at her package, and smiled.


“Oh, that’s just a box of peaches. I’m taking them to a client’s place.”


“A client?”


“Yeah, my Appa’s client. It’s sort of like a ‘congratulations for the new house’ gift.”


“Oh… I see.”


Ena nodded with a smile, and looked down from the slope. She could see the trains pass by the railroad crossing. Soon, the barriers rise and people start walking over it.


“Nae,” Ena called, “wanna make a bet?”


Yi Fan chuckled, and turned to see Ena.


“What bet?”


“I can reach the railroad crossing faster than you.”


“Jinja? How long will it take you?”


Ena closed her eyes, and hummed.


“Seven seconds.” She said as she looked at Yi Fan.


“What if you loose?”


“I’ll treat you to ice-cream?”


“Deal.” Yi Fan said as he held out his hand to shake Ena’s. Ena shook his hand, and sat on her bike.


“You count, okay?” she said as she looked back to Yi Fan.


“Nae.” Yi Fan said as he nodded.


Ena then, steered her bike down the slope, and Yi fan began to count.


“Hana…” Ena passed by the fruit store.


“Dhul…” Ena passed by the bookstore.


“Seht…” Ena passed by the music store.


“Nett…” Ena passed by the restaurant.


“Da seot…” she’s almost reached the barrier, but Ena’s not slowing down.


“Yeo seot…” Ena wasn’t slowing down. The smile on her face started to disappear, and Yi Fan could see a flash of fear in her eyes. He saw her hand move to pull the breaks, but her bike wasn’t stopping.



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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!