Chapter 3

7 Seconds


Ena walked towards the dining table, and found that her father was happily chatting away with this Mr. Kim. It made her sad that her father would give his own daughter the silent treatment, while he happily chatted away with someone un-related.


Ena forced herself to smile, and put down the plates of pasta in front of Mr. Kim and her father’s seat. She then walked over to the seat beside her father’s, and put the last plate of pasta in front of it. She sat down, and waited for Sori to place the glasses of water on the table. She gave Sori a small smile, and turned her head to look at her pasta.


Not bad. She thought to herself.


“Ena.” She heard her father call to her.


Ena turned her head to look at her father.




“Let’s pray.”


Ena nodded, made a cross, and closed her eyes to pray. Her father started with his usual prayer, but Ena decided to do her own prayer today.


God, she said to herself, thank you for the food you have given me, I appreciate it very much. Please, bless the ones who can’t eat like me, and please bless me so that I can help them in some way. Thank you God, Amen.


Ena opened her eyes at the same time her father did, and took her fork.


“Let us eat.” Her father said.


Ena looked at her plate of pasta, and sighed. She didn’t feel like eating. She stuck her fork into the plate of pasta, and twirled it around. She put the ball of rolled pasta into , and chewed. It tasted weird in . Ena loved pasta, she really did. But she wasn’t in the mood to eat right now. Ena looked at her father. She didn’t want to disappoint him, not today. So, she forced herself to finish the pasta. When she did, her stomach didn’t feel well.


Ena grabbed her glass of water, and slowly drained the water. While she did, she listened to what her father was talking about with this Mr. Kim.


Business again. She thought. It’s always about business.


Ena sighed, and slowly stood from her seat.


“May I be excused?”


Her father nodded with a sigh, and she lifted her plate from the table. Ena pushed her chair in, and walked towards the kitchen. She didn’t bother to look back, she wasn’t in the mood to look at the staring gaze the weird Korean man was giving her, and she doesn’t like him. She doesn’t like people who are like him, those who just drift her and her father even more apart.


Ena opened the door to the kitchen, and found Sori and Yuri sitting on the counter chairs.


“Finished already?” Asked Yuri.


“Yea,” Ena said as she placed her dirty plate in the sink, “I excused myself.”


Yuri nodded. She didn’t want to hurt her anymore. It’s been about 10 years since Ena talked properly with her father. Each time they talked, it would result in having Ena nodding, and walking away from her father.


Both Yuri and Sori knew how Ena’s and her father’s relationship is. They were never that close anymore, not after the divorce. They just never seem to get along. Ena didn’t care about her father’s business, while her father is always fussing about it. Ena wanted her father to be more understanding, and just care about her a little. But her father just doesn’t seem to care. But deep inside, Yuri and Sori knew that deep inside; Ena’s father cared for her more than she thinks.


Ena walked over to the kitchen door, and slowly opened it.


“I’ll be sleeping now.” She said.


“Good night.”


Ena nodded,


“Good night.”


Ena walked out of the kitchen, and walked up to the second floor. She walked over to the door at the far end of the left corridor, and opened it. She walked into her room, and knelt down beside her bed. Once again, she made a cross, and closed her eyes to pray.


Dear God, she said, thank you for the day you have given me. Please bless my father so that he will always be successful in his business, and so that he will stay healthy. Please bless my mom and my twin brother who is still in America. Please make sure that they will stay healthy and safe, and that they will be alright. Please, bless both Yuri and Sori who have been helping me so much throughout my life here in Korea. And lastly, please bless me so that I will grow up to become a strong woman who can support her family well. Thank you God, Amen.


Ena opened her eyes, walked towards the bathroom to brush her teeth, hanged her clothes, and climbed up her bed. She pulled her blanket up to her nose, and sighed. She then closed her eyes, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!