Chapter 18

7 Seconds


Yi Fan smiled as he sat next to Ena in the bus. It was Saturday, and the bus was surprisingly empty. Well, not really empty. There was a mother with her child, and five high school-ers that were probably off for a glass of smoothie together. Ena was staring out the window with a sour look on her face, oblivious to what was going on. Yi Fan had took her on a bus ride saying,


“Let’s just take a tour around town.”


God, she doesn’t even know where this bus is going, or what route this bus is taking (due to the disability of reading hanja, and very slow hangul interpretation). Ena was starting to regret stopping her Korean lessons. Besides, Yi Fan was the one that called her to spend some time together, and he didn’t even make a schedule.


Yi Fan on the other hand, was in a good mood. He had managed to convince Ena on riding the bus with him, and it doesn’t look like Ena even knows where the bus was headed. His plan was going perfectly.


Yi Fan held back his laugh, and turned to look forward. They’re arriving at their stop soon. Suddenly, the bus stopped with a jolt, and the doors opened. Yi Fan stood up, and tapped on Ena’s shoulder.


“Come on,” he said, “we’re stopping here.”


“I thought we were taking a bus tour around town?”


“Nah, I decided this place was better.”


Ena shrugged, and stood up to climb off the bus. When she stepped out, she looked around her, and wondered. She saw lots of buildings, and people. The streets were bustling with people, the air filled with various noises. Ena couldn’t understand any of them, but for some reason she liked it. It reminded her of the time she spent in Shanghai Square, or at least, that’s what she remembered calling it.


She had visited Shanghai lots of times, and went shopping with her mother in a big place filled with buildings and lights. From what she learned at school, she’d recall that place as a city square. And remembering that she was in Shanghai, she didn’t bother to ask her mother where they were; she had concluded that she’d give that place a name for her to call. The Shanghai Square.


And now, here she is in a place similar to it, only smaller.


Where are we?


She looked back, and saw Yi Fan smiling at her.


“I figured that this would be a great place to kill time.”


Ena forced a smile, and nodded.


“Nae, shall we go?”




Yi Fan led the way, and had Ena walk behind him. Along the way, he could see how Ena looked around him in wonder. He’d make sure to slow his steps when he thinks that Ena is interested in something, and look back a bit to see her adorable face. He’d laugh a little at the sight of Ena loosing sight of him. She’d look around her with a little hint of fear on her face, and when she spots Yi fan’s blonde hair, she’d heave a sigh of relieve, and run up to him.


Now that he thought about it, Ena looked like a lost child, and Yi Fan her elder brother.


Yi Fan continued walking with a smile, that is, until he didn’t find Ena behind him. He looked around him frantically, wondering,


Where did that girl go?


She couldn’t have gone that far.


Yi Fan looked around him, and tried to find the tall girl he was trying to please. It took him a few seconds before he spot the brown hair peeking out among the crowd. Yi Fan approached it, and realized that Ena was staring into a pastry shop. He laughed, and came up behind her.


“I didn’t know you had a thing for sweets.”


Ena smiled. Without turning her head, she replied as she continued to stare into the glass.


“Not really, I don’t eat sweets that much.”


Yi Fan raised his eyebrow, and decided to stare in himself. With all those cakes displayed behind the glass, Yi Fan couldn’t really make out which one caught Ena’s eyes.


“Which one are you looking at anyway?”


Ena lifted her finger, and placed it on the glass. Yi Fan had expected her to point at the pink strawberry with all those colorful sprinkles on it, but it turns out that she was pointing at the cake below.


It was a Lotus Moon cake.


“You like Moon cakes?”


Ena nodded, and managed to earn a small laugh from Yi Fan. He stepped to the side, and opened the shop’s door, earning a small ring from the doorbell.


“Let’s get some.”

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!