Chapter 13

7 Seconds


Ena stared at Yi Fan who was frantically running to reach his house. She touched her wet hair, and smiled.
'Why did he do that?' she wondered. She stood under the rain, playing back all the events that just happened. 
"Ena!" She heard a voice call.
Snapping back from her day dream, Ena turned towards the voice, and spotted Sori running towards the gate with an umbrella.
"What are you doing standing in the rain, you're going to catch a cold!" Scolded Sori as she pulled Ena under the umbrella with her.
Ena didn't say a word, and just walked into the house with Sori.
"Ena," Sori called as she opened the door, "I suggest you come to the kitchen first to dry yourself."
"Your father-"
"Ena." She heard her father's voice ring out from the hall.
Sori sighed.
"That's why." She whispered.
Ena shuddered at his loud voice, and walked over to the source of the sound, not realizing Sori's terrified expression. He was sitting on the dining table.
"Father, you're home."
"And you're wet."
Ena opened to reply her father, but her father beat her to it.
"Why are you wet?"
"I forgot to take my umbrella."
"Why did you forget?"
Ena stayed quiet. She didn't know how to answer her father.
"Why did you forget?" her father repeated with a louder voice.
"Speak properly!"
"Seikaku ni ie ba ganbatte i masu!(3)" Shot back Ena.
"Don't start speaking like that to me!" Screamed her father in Japanese.
Ena stood quiet. She was tired of trying to reason with her father. Ena looked down, and stared at her feet.
'I don't get why he's getting angry over me forgetting an umbrella.' She thought.
"Who was the boy with you?"
"Huh?" Ena looked up towards her father. His face was expressionless. 
"The boy before."
"He's my friend."
"Don't lie to me."
"Uso ja nai!(4)"
"Don't use that tone on me!"
Ena stood quiet, and clenched her hands. She heard her father sigh, and stood up from his seat. She didn't have to look up to know where her father was going, it was always his office. Ena waited until she heard the sound of closed doors, and sighed. She then walked over to the kitchen, and opened it's doors.
Sori heard the doors open, and lifted her head from her cup of tea. She didn't need to see who it was.
"Ena." Sori saw the young girl smile. 
'They had a fight again.' She thought.
Ena walked into the kitchen, and put her bag on the counter.
"Can I also have some tea?" she said with a smile.
(1): Yes?
(2): I-
(3): I' AM speaking properly!
(4): I'm not lying!
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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!