Chapter 5

7 Seconds


The alarm sounded, and Ena grunted. She opened her eyes, and looked at her alarm clock. It was 5: 30 AM. She sighed, and rose from her bed. She rubbed her eyes, and slowly walked towards the bathroom. Ena looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, and stretched. She then grabbed her toothbrush, and bega to brush her teeth.


After about half an hour of washing, Ena stepped out of the bathroom to get dressed. She opened her closet, and took out a white long sleeved dress that reached about 5 cm above her knees. She wore the dress, and brushed her long brown hair into place. Ena looked at her self in the mirror, and smiled. She was satisfied with her looks. She then grabbed her pastel colored coat with her backpack, and ran down the stairs.


Ena opened the door to the kitchen and found Yuri making toast, while Sori was sitting and sipping a cup of tea. Yuri looked up from the toaster, and smiled.


“You’re up early.” She said.


“Yea, don’t know why though.” Ena replied as she walked towards the fridge to get a carton of milk. She shook the carton, and shrugged. She then drank the milk right from the carton, and sat on the counter chair.


Yuri shook her head.


“No wonder no one believes that you’re actually the daughter of a rich business man. What kind of attitude is that?”


“No one’s watching.”


“I’m watching.” Yuri said as she pointed a finger at herself.


Ena gave Yuri a large grin, and threw the carton across the room. It landed in the bin.


“Goal!” Ena screamed.


Yuri shook her head (again).


“I don’t think you’re fit to wear a dress.”


Sori just chuckled, and put her glass of tea down.


“You better get going,” she said, “It’s almost 6: 45.”


Ena jumped of the chair, and wore her coat.


“Bye Sori, Bye Yuri.”


“Bye Cinderella.” Yuri said.


Ena just rolled her eyes, and grabbed her backpack. She then ran out the house, off to the usual road leading to her campus. As she ran, she spotted a similar figure down the road. She stopped, and bent her head to the side.


Who is it? She wondered.


As the figure walked further, Ena recalled who he was.


“Yi Fan!”

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!