Chapter 7

7 Seconds


Ena pulled Yi Fan along the walk to their campus. Yi Fan couldn’t stop her, so he just laughed and ran along with her.


It’s so early in the morning, and she’s already running, he thought, where does she get all that energy?


After 2 minutes of non-stop running, Ena and Yi Fan arrived in front of the campus gates. Ena grinned and pulled her newfound friend into the bulding. But before she could take Yi Fan to this place she wanted to show him, the school bells had rung, and all the students were scurrying into their respective classes.


Ena pouted, and turned to look at Yi Fan.


“Well, it looks like I can’t show it to you today.”


Yi Fan chuckled.


“Why don’t you just tell me what it is?”


“I can’t, it’s indescribable.”


“How so?”


“Oh, you’ll know when you see it.” Ena said as she grinned, “You should go to the administration office to get your class schedules.”


“Nae, Gomawo.”


“For what?”


“I don’t know. Showing me the way?”


Ena laughed.


“Okay then. See you after class?”


“Nae, see you after class.”


Ena waved, and ran to her class. Leaving Yi Fan in the quiet hallway, looking for this so called administration office.


Ena pushed open the large doors to her class, and sat at her usual seat. She took out her practice book and started to read, but got distracted when she heard the doors of her class open. Ena lifted her head, and her gaze fell upon a very tall blonde haired boy.


“Yi Fan!” she whispered loudly as she waved.


Yi Fan walked into the vast class, and heard someone call out his name. He turned his head towards the direction of the voice, and spotted Ena sitting on the sixth row of seats, waving at him. Yi Fan smiled, and waved back.


“Ah,” he heard someone say, “So this is the new student. Come here boy.”


Yi Fan turned his head, and found a middle-aged man calling out to him.


This must be the teacher. He thought.


Yi Fan walked over to the man, and stood in front of the quiet class.


“Class,” the man said, “I want you to meet our new friend. His name is Wu Yi Fan, and he is from China. Now, I hope that all of you will get along with him. Mr. Wu, you can sit anywhere you’d like.”


Yi Fan nodded, and walked over to sit next to Ena.


“I didn’t know you were interested in Medical Science?”


“I didn’t expect to find you here.”


“Why not?”


“I always thought that you’d go for something like business or Literature.”


Ena chuckled. Before she could answer, the teacher had already started the class. So she lowered her voice into a whisper.


“Lots of people say that I look like someone who’d go for business. But, Literature… That's the first time I heard someone say that.”


“You just look like someone who’d look good with a pen and a book.”


Ena looked at Yi Fan.


“You really think so?”


“Nae, why not?”




Yi Fan nodded.


“Nae, jinja.”


Yi Fan tilted his head to the side.






“Why are you suddenly like that?”


“Oh, I’m just happy. Someone finally says that I’d do good in Literature.”


“Why not?”


“I always wanted to take Literature.”


“Why didn’t you?”


Ena sighed.


“Appa said no.”




“Well, he said that it wouldn’t do me any good.”


Yi Fan stayed quiet. Finally, he spoke up.


“It’s never wrong to follow your dreams.”




“I mean, your father can’t stop you from achieving what you want. You’re not a robot he controls, just go and do what you think is good.”


Ena nodded, and smiled.


“But, I never regretted joining Medical Science.”




“Maybe, I’ll be able to find a cure for cancer.”


“Why cancer?”


Ena stayed quiet.


“Haelmoni, she died out of cancer.”


Yi Fan’s eyes widened.


“Omo, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean-“


“It’s alright, I’ve gotten over it.”


Yi Fan nodded, and Ena smiled.


“Lets start to get to know each other from now on.”




“I mean, we are in one class, we should get to know each other more.”


“I guess that wouldn’t do me any wrong.”


Ena smiled.


“Then it’s settled. From now on, we are jingu.”


“Jingu? Don’t you mean chingu?”


Ena giggled.


“Right, chingu.”


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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!