Chapter 11

7 Seconds


Ena silently walked home, taking each and every step down the road slowly. She didn’t want to go home, not yet. Yi Fan already went home, so she’s continuing her journey alone. It does feel rather lonely, but she decided that she like the lonely feeling. Just this once, she wasn’t going to miss Tao.


The walk home was silent, and slow. Ena knew that her father had connections everywhere; there is a 60% chance that someone in the crowd during her accident knew her father. She wasn’t going to risk getting yelled at on a Saturday morning. Ena tried to slow down her pace, and smiled as she tried to recall whatever happened this morning. She was lucky that Yi Fan was there to save her, if only he wasn’t there.


Yi Fan, the boy she remembered being friends with just about a week ago. Now that she thought about it, she still couldn’t get how they became friends in the first place. But then again, each time they were together, Ena could feel something familiar from him. It was the feeling she got each time she was together with Tao.


Ena finally arrived in front of her gates, and sighed. Before she could ring the doorbell, she heard someone call her from inside.




She looked up, and saw both Sori and Yuri standing by the door. The two ran towards Ena, and grabbed her shoulders.

“Omo, Ena-yah, gwenchana?” asked Yuri.




“I heard you had an accident!”


Damn it. Cursed Ena.


“Does Appa know?” asked Ena quietly.


“So you did have an accident!” Exclaimed Yuri.


“Yuri, stop pushing it.” Whispered Sori as she nudged Yuri’s arm.


“DOES Appa know?” asked Ena once more.


Sori sighed, and pulled Ena in.


“Yes,” she said quietly, “and he’s waiting for you.”


Ena nodded, and slowly opened the door to her house. She slowly peeked towards the dining room, and found her father sitting on the dining table, staring at his cup of coffee. Ena could see him try to lift the cup up to his mouth, but spilled it due to his shaking hands. He grunted, and put the cup back on the table. Ena sighed, and walked over to the dining table.




Ena’s father stood up from his seat, and looked at Ena.


“Kochira e ki te kudasai.(2)” He said as he pointed a finger at Ena.


Ena silently walked over to her father, and stared at his feet.


“Do shi ta no?(3)” he asked as he stared at Ena.


“Doyuu imi desu ka?(4)”


“Anata wa watashi no ii tai koto o chodo te.(5)” He said as his voice shook in anger.




“Do shi ta no?!(7)” He asked once more as he pounded the table. His voice shook, and his breath became uneven.


Ena stayed quiet.


“Answer me!”


“Watashiwa…” Ena shook at his loud voice, and clenched her fists. She couldn’t answer him.


Ena’s father looked at her, and sighed. He slowly sat back down, and held his glass.


“Go to your room.”


Ena’s eyes widened, and she stared at her father.


“Otou-san, watashi-(8)“


“Chodou ni ikku.(9)”


Ena quivered, and slowly walked towards the stairs. Before she climbed them, she looked back to her father.


“Gomen nasai….(10)”


And she walked back to her room, leaving the whole house in a silence wreck.






(1): Father…

(2): Come here.

(3): What happened?

(4): What do you mean?

(5): You know exactly what I’m trying to say.

(6): I-

(7): What happened?!

(8): Father, I-

(9): Just go.

(10): I’m sorry….

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!