Chapter 15

7 Seconds

Hi there, I'm really sorry for not posting much these days. The school year started, and I have been studying everyday. I know i have been in a really long hiatus (i just lost 3 subscribers, maybe), and i think i'm going to be ina longer one starting from now. i'm really sorry about this. for all you subscribers, thank you so much for subscribing, and please don't un-subscribe. i won't be able to type that much, but i'll try my best. Thx all!

Ena silently stared at the empty road ahead of her. It was really quiet, and rather lonely. Yi Fan would usually be there, just waiting for her by the tree.


But, he wasn’t there today.


Ena wasn’t expecting him to be. Sometimes he’d be there, sometimes not. And when the times come when he was not there, she was fine with it. But it was different today. It felt… lonelier without him.


After the fight with her father the other night, she just felt really lonely. She knows that she has Sori and Yuri whenever she needs them, but she feels as if they can’t relate to her that well. Not as well as Tao.


It’s been three years, and she’s been able to forget whatever happened. But during times like these, when she’s feeling extremely lonely, she’d start blaming herself, wishing for him to at least pick up the phone.


Ena kept on walking along the road, not really paying attention to where she was going. That is, until she heard a loud crash. Ena quickly turned her head to the right, and stared at a small blue house, one that she thought was the source of that loud sound.


“I’ve seen this house before,” She thought. “I pass by it a lot of times.”


Though, this is the first time it was being so loud in front of her. Ena shrugged, and began to walk away, but stopped when she saw a similar figure appear by the door.

He was blonde, and very tall. Ena smiled, it was Yi Fan. He put his bag on his shoulder, and walked out of his house, closing the door behind him. Yi Fan didn’t seem to notice her.


Ena was about to call out to him, but stopped when he reached to open the gate. Her smile faded, and she tilted her head. He was different. His smile wasn’t there. He looked, pissed… no, hurt. Ena clenched her fist, and forced a smile.


“Yi Fan!” She called.


Yi Fan lifted his head from the gate, and slowly forced a smile. Ena giggled. It really hurt her that he wasn’t smiling, but seeing him try so hard to smile, she appreciated it.


Yi Fan quickly walked over to Ena, and started walking together with her.


“You’re early.” He said.


Ena silently nodded, and turned back to look at the blue house.


“So, that’s your house?”




“We don’t live to far away then,”




“So, it wasn’t a burden to wait for me?”


“Not at all.”


Ena nodded, and continued to walk in silence. Yi Fan looked at her, and sighed. The walk to campus seemed longer than ever. Maybe because there was no talking, Yi Fan wasn’t sure. But, he was sure of one thing. Something happened last night, he didn’t know what it was, but he knew his friend more than anyone. Ena was sad, and he could see it.


The two friends continued to walk, until finally, halfway to the campus, Ena spoke up.


“Remember the place I wanted to show you?”


“What place?”


“The one I told you on the first day of university,”


“Oh, the one you couldn’t show me?”




“What was that place?”


“Let’s walk faster, then I’ll show you.”


Yi fan nodded, and started to walk faster. Soon, they arrived in front of the campus gates. The yard was still empty; they were the only ones in the campus. Well, apart from the janitors.


Ena continued to walk silently, while Yi Fan followed. They walked into the campus, up the stairs, down a hallway, up into another set of stairs, and so on. Yi Fan couldn’t remember the way, but he did remember that there were a lot of stairs to climb.


After ten minutes of walking, the both of them finally arrived in front of a door. Ena pushed it open, and revealed the rooftop. Yi Fan opened his mouth in amazement, and walked out. Ena followed behind him, and directly walked to the edge of the roof. She leaned on the railings, and silently stared at the horizon.


“I didn’t know there was this kind of place in campus,”


Yi Fan said as he looked around.


“It’s just the rooftop,”


“Why is it so hard to reach the rooftop?”


“This is the west side. It’s easier to get to the east,”


“There are two roofs?”


“Well, not technically. If you look down from that side,” Ena said as she pointed to her right, “you can see the east roof. Really, it’s called the west roof cause it’s facing the left, that’s all.”


Yi Fan nodded, and turned to look at Ena. She was silently staring at the sky. Yi Fan slowly walked up to her, and stood beside her.


“The view is really nice up here,” she said, “calms the soul,”




“I don’t know. It’s just nice and breezy up here. No one comes up here, so it’s a nice place to space out.”


Yi fan chuckled.


“Well, it doesn’t beat Namsan Tower though,”


“Namsam Tower?”


Yi Fan pointed at a silhouette of a skyscraper.


“Yea, it’s right over there.” He said.


Ena stared at the tower, and shook her head.


“I’ve never went up there,”


Yi Fan’s eyes widened.




“Nae, jinja.”


Yi Fan stood quiet, and turned to look at Ena.


“Wanna go there?”


Ena looked at Yi Fan with wide eyes.




“I can take you to Namsan Tower if you want.”


“Jinja?” Ena asked as she slowly smiled.


“Jinja, you’re living in Korea, it’s a shame if you don’t go up there.”


“Jinja?” Ena asked again with a wider smile.


Yi Fan laughed.




Ena smiled at Yi Fan, and so did he.

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!