Chapter 17

7 Seconds


Ena smiled at the sight of Yi Fan, and quickly walked over to him.


“Annyeonghaseo.” She said as she did a bow.


Yi Fan laughed at her formality.


“You do know that ‘Annyeong’ is already enough, right?”


“Well, that’s not how Appa taught me.”


“We’re the same age, there’s no need for formalities.”


Ena tilted her head to the side.


“So, no bowing?”


“No bowing.”


“No Annyeonghaseo?”


“Just Annyeong.”


Ena nodded.




Yi Fan smiled, and walked side by side with Ena.


“So,” Yi Fan said, “first on our schedule, what is it?”


“I thought you were the one making it?’


Yi Fan let out a small smile.


“I was?”


“Nae, you were the one that invited me out.”




Ena stopped in her tracks, and looked at Yi Fan.


“Yes, you were the one that invited me. How could you forget?”


Spot on. Thought Yi Fan.


Yi Fan slapped his forehead, and looked at the sky.


“I forgot!”


“Huh? Then why did you come here?”


“I remembered having you ask me to come.”


Ena sighed, and let out a little laugh.


“No, silly. You invited me.”


“Oh well.”


“Now that we’re here, we can’t just go back home.”


“Might as well go somewhere.”






Ena looked at Yi Fan for a long time, and sighed.


“Sure.” She said, and slowly began to walk ahead of Yi Fan.


Yi Fan, making sure to walk not far behind her, let out a grin.


Got you.

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!