Chapter 12

7 Seconds


Yi Fan sat in the vast room, quietly. He stared at the class doors, wondering when the person he was waiting for will come. One by one, students began to enter the class, but no sign of Ena.


“Where is she?” he whispered to himself.


Its only five minutes ‘till lessons start, and Ena’s face isn’t peering through the doors. He waited, and waited, but no Ena. Soon, the vast room was already filled with students, but the seat beside Yi Fan was still empty. Ena wasn't the type to be late.


Just when the teacher was about to start, the class doors opened, revealing a wet Ena.


“Sumimasen(1)- ano, Jwesonghamnida(2), it was raining.”


The teacher nodded, and signed her to walk to her seat.


“You’re lucky that you arrived here before I started the attendance.” He said.


Ena nodded, and walked to sit beside Yi Fan.


“What happened to you?” Yi Fan asked as he handed Ena a towel.


Ena mumbled a ‘gamsahamnida’, and took the towel.


“Like I said, it was raining,” she replied in a whisper as the teacher started the attendance. “And I didn't bring an umbrella with me.”


Yi Fan chuckled at the sight of Ena busy drying her hair.


“Where did you get this?” Ena asked.


“What, the towel?”




“It’s mine.”


“Why bring a towel to University?”


“I take kick-boxing lessons.”


Ena’s eyes widened as she handed the towel back to Yi Fan.


“Kick-boxing? I thought you were more of a-“ Ena’s words were cut when the teacher called out her name.


“Present!” She exclaimed, and the teacher continued with the attendance.


“You were more of a basketball type.” She continued with a giggle.


“I take them to.”


“Sugoi…” She mumbled.


“Sorry?” Yi Fan asked.


“Hm? Oh, ‘sugoi’ means awesome in Japanese.”


Yi Fan nodded, and heard the teacher call out his name.


“Present.” He exclaimed, and the attendance finished in a flash, so did the classes.




Ena stood in front of the university gates, waiting for Yi Fan who was still in the restroom. A few minutes later, Yi Fan appeared out of the doors, and spotted Ena who was busy staring at the sky.


Yi Fan silently laughed, and slowly walked towards Ena. When he reached her back, he touched her shoulders, and exclaimed, “Hey!’


Ena jumped at the sudden touch, and spun her head to face Yi Fan. Yi Fan laughed at the sight of the surprised Ena, making Ena laugh with him to.


“I guess laughing is contagious.” She said after the laughter died down.


“What were you staring at?” Yi Fan asked as he faced the sky. He couldn't see anything.


“It’s going to rain again.”


“Hm? How do you know?”


“The air, it smells wet.”


“I don't see any rain clouds.”


“That’s the problem. The rain clouds are coming in late.”


“Is that a bad thing?”




Yi Fan tilted his head to the side.




“It means I don't know in Japanese.”


Yi Fan nodded, and pulled of a smile.


“Shall we go then?”


“Don't you have Kick-boxing lessons?”


“Yea, why?”


“Is it near my house?”


“Nah, it's a ten minutes walk from there. I need to head home first; I forgot to bring my spare shirt. Our house is in the same neighborhood right?”


Ena nodded, and smiled.




The two friends began to walk down the road while they chatted, but stopped when the sky turned grey. Both Ena and Yi fan looked up, and felt tiny drops of water land on their face.


“See,” Ena said, “I told you that it’s gonna rain.”


Soon, the rain began to fall, and the two friends ran as they covered their heads with their coats.


“It’s autumn and God gave us rain!” Yi Fan screamed through the rain.


“He’s giving it in an irrelevant time to,” Ena exclaimed as she laughed, “He could’ve waited ‘till I finally remember to bring an umbrella!”


Yi Fan laughed, and ran beside Ena. As he ran, he stared at the tall girl who was running beside him, trying desperately to protect the books in her bag. Yi Fan sighed with a smile, and put his coat above Ena’s head.


Ena looked up as she realized that the rain was no longer pouring on top of her anymore. She looked to the side, and realized that Yi Fan was holding his coat on top of her, letting the rain pour down on him.


“Well?” he said, “Hurry up! Your books are gonna get ruined that way!”


“What are you doing? You’re gonna get sick!”


“YOU’RE gonna get sick if we keep on standing here!” Yi Fan said as he laughed, “Now come on! Lets run home!”


Ena looked at Yi Fan’s smiling face, and sighed.


“Okay then.”




After running for what seemed like forever, the two friends finally arrived in front of Ena’s gates. Ena quickly rang the doorbell, and faced Yi Fan. Despite the pouring rain, he was still smiling.


“You need to dry yourself!” Ena screamed through the pouring rain, “Get in and get some tea or something!”


“Nah,” Yi Fan exclaimed, “I need to get to boxing class.”


“Kick-boxing.” Ena revised.


“Right.” Yi Fan chuckled as he turned to run back home. After a few steps, he looked back and saw Ena who was still standing by the front gate.


“Annyeong!” he said as he waved.



(1) Excuse me 

(2) Excuse me

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Chapter 17: *gasp* Is he gon put da move on her?! Oooh. Fighting~!
Hey, I was looking around and I found your story. I liked the concept so I made a poster for it... I hope that's okay. Please message me if you'd like to see it :)
Love the fic so far btw ^_^
Chapter 6: aww, they go to the same university together.
i wonder what ena will show yifan.
they're so cute. ; u ; waiting for the next update~ c:
Chapter 4: Cute Story. I hope there'll be a Kris and Ena moment. xD
Update soon. =)
fahradwiputri #6
Chapter 4: Kris and ena moment please! ;A;
Update soon authornim!