The Lost One - Part 2

Be Your Hope

As expected, Chanyeol found Kai, finished his practice, changing his clothes. When Kai saw Chanyeol, coming into the changing room, he smiled, then changed his expression to serious, asked in worry.

“Oh, hey Chanyeol. How is Baekhyun?”

“And you are asking that.” Chanyeol’s facial expression was ruthless.

“What’s the matter?” Kai didn’t understand what was going on. After not receiving an answer, Kai’s eyes widened.

“Did something bad happen to Baekhyun? Did he- Did he d--?”

Chanyeol went to Kai’s locker directly, ignoring his friend and touched the locker.

“What are you doing? That’s my locker!” Kai suddenly got nervous, tried to interrupt Chanyeol opening the locker.

“Why? Can’t i take look at my friend’s locker? Why did you get nervous of this?”

“I- I have personal things in that lo- Don’t open it !”

Chanyeol took a deep breath in anger: “I know you have it, Kai. There is no use hiding it from it.”

“Ha-Have what?” Kai seemed scared.

“You have it, dammit!” Chanyeol hit the locker with his hand.

Kai exhaled the air noisily like he was telling that he surrendered. “Okay, I... I’m sorry. Yes. I have it. But please... Don’t tell it to others.”

Chanyeol laughed histerically, he was filled with anger. “How could you do that? That boy was going to die because of you!”

“What?” Kai raised his eyebrow. “He wouldn’t die if he didn’t have it for like a couple days and... I didn’t steal it. He gave it himself.”

“Who- How can you be that—Are you crazy? I didn’t know that you were a person like this. You disappointed me much. I’m wondering... Why did you do that?”

Kai frowned like he thought he fed up with this conversation. “What could i do? I just- Why do i have to make an explanation to you anyways? If you want it i can give it to you. Just don’t tell anyone.“

“ARE YOU ING MOCKING WITH ME?” Chanyeol seemed pissed of now. “Baekhyun got an asthma crisis because of you. How can you be that calm?”

“Wha- Wait a minute... It has nothing to do with him. Chanyeol... Are you drunk?”

“DAMMIT KAI !” Chanyeol hit the locker again, this time strong enough to open it without a key. As the locker was opened, a “thing” fell down from it.

“Ah-a. There it is. I kne- Wait a minute...” Chanyeol got that “thing” from the ground and examined it. It was a magazine which was full of pictures.

“Is that a magazine?”


“What the is this ? Where is the medicine?” Chanyeol threw it, like he didn’t care and searched the inside of Kai’s locker.

“What medicine?”

Chanyeol looked at Kai like he couldn’t believe him. “Was this the thing that you were talking about?”


“So... You don’t have the inhaler?”

“Of course I don’t. Why would i want to steal someone’s medicine?”

Chanyeol sighed. Before leaving the changing room, he handed the magazine over to Kai and apologised to him.

So... Kai was innocent.


At one of the tables in the cafeteria of the hospital, Suho and Baekhyun’s mother was sitting and having a cup of coffee to relax. They both had met when Mrs. Byun had got out of the room,stressed and distressed. When Suho had seen her like this, he had wanted to order a coffee to her, and wanted to share her pain.

“Are you feeling better now, madam?”

“I’m fine. Thank you. I wouldn’t want you to see me like this but...”

“I understand your pain, madam. He is your son so it can’t be a shame of you.”

She smiled, so Suho did.

“You are such a kind boy. Your name was Suho, right? Baekhyun was so cheerful when he entered the house. When i asked why he was, he told me that he made a friend. I can see why he was so excited. You seem like a guy who never lets bad things happening to your friends.”

Suho sighed, his eyes were still itchy because of the tears. “But i let him down...”

“That’s not true.” Mrs. Byun smiled more deeply. “You tried. That’s all that matters.”

Suho didn’t sat anything but nodded.

Mrs. Byun took a sip from her coffee and started to tell something to Suho.

“Baekhyun’s asthma sickness has begun, six years ago, when my husband died. Baekhyun was so close with his father and he just couldn’t got over it. He suddenly got sick after the funeral and fainted all of a sudden. Then i found myself in the hospital, next to Baekhyun, praying for him to stay with me, not to leave me like his father did. Hopefully, he woke up a couple days ago. I was so happy at first but then i felt something in him has changed. He wasn’t the guy who he had been before.”

“What ?! Oh- Pardon me. I am shocked now. And confused. What exactly happened to him?” Suho seemed curious.

Mrs. Byun took a deep breath and said, calmly. “He had an amnesia.”

An... Amnesia?


It was the last ten minutes before school day ending.

Chanyeol got into the changing room to gather his belongings. When he entered the room, there was noone at first but then he saw a couple of clothings lying on the bench in front of Kris’ locker and there was a water noise, coming out from one of the showers.

Chanyeol sat down to the bench, next to Kris’ clothes, waiting for him because he wanted to ask something to him.

When Kris got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, he saw Chanyeol and smiled to him.

“Hey, Yeol.”

“Hey, Kris.”

“The shower was so good. You should take one too. The water today is so relaxing. It makes me happy.”

“Happy?” Chanyeol rised an eyebrow. “You shouldn’t be happy that much when one of our classmates is in a hospital, fighting with death.”

Kris rolled his eyes. “It was a simple attack. I have seen it before. No need to exaggerate.”

Chanyeol just looked at him with unapproving looks on his face.

“I want to get dressed. May i ask you to leave? If you want to take a look on my body, you can stay as well.”

Chanyeol shook his head and rolled his eyes, turned his back to Kris.

I won’t ask it to him. I know that he wouldn’t do such a thing. I don't want to be in a situation again ,like i was with Kai.

He took a deep breath before starting to walk. When he reached the handle of the door of locker room, a thick noise was heard, after Kris had opened his locker.

Chanyeol turned to him immediately, and saw the thing he was afraid of to see.

The inhaler was standing on the ground which fell down from Kris’ locker.





I couldn't check the writing so if you see any mistakes or misundertandings please make me notice. Love you all ^^

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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;