Hating Chanyeol Finale

Be Your Hope

Wow. Such a long chapter for me. :P



“We have to explain your situation to teacher.” Suho was panicked, spoke in rush.

Baekhyun was looking at heating up Chanyeol, with hesitating eyes. Hesitating about what to do...

Even if i decide to play against him, it is not sure that i will beat him. The teacher said that i have a weak body and to think i haven’t played soccer for a long time...

Somehow i feel like Chanyeol is the cause of my desperate memories.

Baekhyun was shocked himself with his thoughts. He was seeing Chanyeol as the symbol of Baekhyun’s heartbreaking memories, insulting laughs and pitying eyes.

If i beat him up today... I will get rid of my desperation. But... Is it true to risk my health over it? Just for a silly and a selfish ambition...

Baekhyun took a deep breath and shook his head to get rid of his hesitance. Now he was looking directly at Suho with determined eyes.

“I will do it.” His voice tone was strong.

“What? No way. I’m gonna-“ Suho tried to go near P.E Teacher but Baekhyun interrupted him by holding his arm.

“I know i can do it. Please...”

“Are you crazy? You said that you might get an attack. It is not worth it...”


Suho gasped. “Okay so... If this is your last decision... I still don’t get why you want this but i will help you.”

“Thank you...” Baekhyun opened his locker and pulled something out of his sport bag and showed it to Suho.

“This is an inhaler. If i start to act like i’m drowning, you should use this on me. I’m putting it in my locker again. If something bad happens you know what to do now. I’m trusting on you.”

Suho looked at his friend, seemed sad but nodded anyways.


The class had moved to the outside of the GYM building where there was a football field. The players started to take their places. Baekhyun was in the defense with one of other guys while Suho was the goalkeeper and Chen with another guy were in the attack position. The other team had Kai as the goalkeeper, two guys as defenders and Chanyeol with Kris as attackers.

After they had taken their place except for Kai. Chanyeol looked for him and found him in the changing room, alone, doing something with his locker. When he saw Chanyeol, he panicked out of nowhere.

“What are you doing? Stop waiting us and be fast.”

“Ah, sorry. I’m coming.” Kai said and closed his locker, rushed to the outside. Chanyeol gave a quick glance at suspicious locker before going outside, joining the others.


“Okay guys Let’s start.” The teacher said and started to count down from three to one.


As the count started, Baekhyun felt a stomachache growing in himself.


He took a deep breath. You can do this Baekhyun. Just believe in yourself. Fear not to face them.

“One !” The voice of whistle filled the field. At the same time Chen started to surf the ball through the opposite goal spot but he found Kris in front of himself with a smirk on his face. Chen tried to confuse him with swift moves but Kris was way quicker and he stole the ball from Chen.

Now Kris was rushing to the other side of the field. The other attacker of Chen’s team tried to steal the ball from him but Kris tricked him and passed him, rushed directly to Baekhyun.

He is coming. You can do this, Baekhyun !

Baekhyun took a deep breath and readided himself to face Kris. But when Kris came in front of Baekhyun, instead rushing to him, Kris sent the ball to Chanyeol who was running to the goal spot, made Baekhyun to freeze in confusement. He wasn’t expecting this.

As Chanyeol got the ball, he did three swift moves to pass the other defender and faced Suho. Chanyeol focused on him, smirked and kicked the ball with all of his strength. The ball was bursted to Suho with incredible speed but Suho was focused enough to catch it. As he threw it to Chen, he did the exactly same smirk of Chanyeol and gave it back to him. Chanyeol seemed annoyed but anyways he run to the other side.

Chen saw Suho saving the score and relaxed. When the ball came to him, he focused again and rushed to the goal spot, past the players in fierce, determined. He, then faced Kai who whas standing on a place which was so easy for Chen to goal. So he kicked the ball in fury and it directly went to goal spot but unfortunately it bumped to one of the goalposts.

“Argh!” Chen hit his forehead when he was that Kai got the ball and passed it to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol went straight to the defender’s side and faced the first defender, tricked him and passed the ball where Kris was standing but instead Kris getting it, Baekhyun came in rush and kicked it quickly, sent it away from Kris.

Baekhyun didn’t look at Kris’ annoyed face and went straight to his place as he got a cheer-up from Suho.

“That was good, mate.” Suho raised his thumb to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was breathing hard, said a “Thank you.” to him and coughed a couple times.


Baekhyun didn’t let Suho to talk.  “I am fine... Let’s continue...”


The first goal had come from Kris. He had passed all the players and scored a goal. He chuckled to Chanyeol as Chanyeol patted his back in proud.

And after Kris’ goal, the teacher’s voice of whistle was heard which meant the first half was over. All the players went straight to the changing rooms and their lockers to drink water and relax.

Baekhyun sat down and started to loosen the shoelaces of his soccer shoes. Suho came and sat next to him, seemed worried.

“Are you alright?”

“I am. Don’t worry.”

Suho rolled his eyes. “How can i not? Your coughs are deepening and you started to lose your breath more frequently.”

“I said i am fine... If it bothers you... I promise that i will leave the game as soon as i start to lose myself.”

“You promised.”

As Baekhyun nodded, Suho relaxed.

Baekhyun took a bottle of cold water and drank it quickly.

I’m a defender which means i have to face Chanyeol more than other positions. I am trying to stay calm but i couldn’t have gotten the chance to directly face him. But i will defend my team at any cost.

Suddenly, Chen showed up, got the bottle which Suho was holding and poured it down to his head. With the shock of cold water he felt like a thousand needles were impaling his skin.

“That was mine!” Suho frowned.

Chen shrugged, seemed pissed off to him because he had let Kris to have a score, and then he went to the exit.

Suho rolled his eyes. “He can be very annoying sometimes.” Baekhyun nodded, showed his approval.


The second half started after the enemy players had swapped their places. The teacher counted down to one and started the match once again.

This time Chanyeol got the ball and rushed to Chen, passed him by sending the ball to Kris.

As Kris got the ball he run to the other attacker and tricked him to do a false move. So Kris passed him. Then he turned to Baekhyun and rushed to him. Baekhyun’s nerves suddenly became more sensitive, he didn’t let Kris to trick himself, with a dash to the right spot, he stole the ball and passed it to Chen.

Kris gave a you-are-dead-from-now-on glance to Baekhyun and started to run.

When Baekhyun was returning to his place he felt an ache coming and spreading from his lungs. He shook his head like it had an use.

Not yet... Please. I just started to play. So please...

He took a deep breath and tried to get rid of thoughts.


The second half of the match went on monotonous. It was like five minutes had left to the end but all of a sudden, a score had come from Chen, made his team to do a cheer-up for him. He suddenly got so proud of himself and while he was enjoying it, he didn’t see Kris rushing to him and they both crashed.

They fell to the ground. Anyways Kris seemed okay but Chen’s knee was injured so badly and because of that the teacher gave Chen’s team a penalty kick in last minutes.

As they decided the attacker guy on their team to do the penalty kick, since Chen was injured and Suho was taking care of him. The boy stood in the center of the penalty zone.,tried to concentrate. When he finally decided to do his kick, Baekhyun’s voice came to him.

“Let me do it.”

As Suho heard him, he turned his worried looks on Baekhyun and shouted: “No, you wo-“

Chen hit Suho’s arm and shutted him up. “Let him do it. I want to see his true strength.”

“But you don’t understand. He has-“

Chen interrupted him again. “No more talking. Just watch it. I believe in him.” He, then leaned on Suho and rested his head on Suho’s shoulder.


I have to do this.

Baekhyun thought as he was facing Chanyeol, who had decided to be the goalkeeper out of nowhere.

Chanyeol was looking at Baekhyun as he was insulting him and pitying him. Suddenly, his face reminded Baekhyun , his depressed past, present and future.

I will beat you Chanyeol. I will get rid of my sorrow. I will get rid of you. The source of my depression...

Baekhyun took a deep breath but when he did that he felt a sudden pain in his lungs which made him clench his teeth.

No... I won’t surrender... Even though i promised to Suho... I WILL NOT SURRENDER !

Baekhyun run and kicked the ball with all of his strenght, mixing it with all of the sorrow and hope he had in his heart. The ball went straight to the goal spot and did a score before Chanyeol could had even moved. All of the team suddenly started to cheer-up except for Suho. Becase he had seen the pain in Baekhyun’s eyes before everyone.

As Baekhyun heard everyone screaming his name, he just lost his energy to fight and fell down to the ground, coughing and crying in pain. He had no breath in his lungs. He couldn’t get more. Even he tried he felt like his lungs were going to explode.

Now he was lying on the ground and shivering because of an asthma attack.

Suho shouted his name, in fear and didn’t know what to do. But then when his mind got cleared, he rushed to the changing room, as the class and the teacher rushed to Baekhyun to understand what was happening.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun’s pale face and as he understood what was happening, his eyes widened in fear.


Please Baekhyun... Just a couple minutes. I will save you. Just wait for it. Please...

Suho went to Baekhyun’s locker as fast as he could and opened it, searched for the inhaler but when he realized something, his legs just couldn’t carry him anymore.

The inhaler wasn’t there.





I know that the last part is rushed but that's all i can do. Sorry if i have done some grammar mistakes.

And please share your opinion with me!

Thank you ^^

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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;