The First Day - Part 3

Be Your Hope


The first day in his new school was quite monotonous for Baekhyun. In every different lesson, a new teacher kept doing a greeting ceremony to him and asking him a lot of questions like “Where are you from?” “Why did you come here instead of staying in the big city?” “Do you have any brother or sister?” vice versa... All of the questions and being an attention-puller was making Baekhyun irritated.

It was the lesson before lunch break. The teacher asked about his father, because Baekhyun’s name had reminded someone. Baekhyun took a deep breath before answering teacher’s question.

“He died, sir. Six years ago.”

“Ah. I’m sorry... I didn’t know that.”

Baekhyun smiled with a bit of sadness.

“It passed, sir. You don’t have to be sorry for anything.”

After a minute of silence, teacher took a breath and started his lesson. At the same time Suho –he had taken Chanyeol’s place to be closer to Baekhyun, since Chanyeol was gone- whispered to Baekhyun.

“It should be tough. I’m really sorry.”

Baekhyun sensed Suho’s friendly feelings. He thanked.


Finally, it was lunch break.

All of the students rushed to doors while Baekhyun and Suho was standing there and watching class to empty.

“We should get going or we won’t have any good meal.” Suho said.

I don’t want to go there. Thinking how the cafeteria is full of people i don’t know...

“I brought my own meal.” Baekhyun said. “I will eat it here.”

Suho rolled his eyes. “Anyways i will need some food. That means you will come with me to the cafeteria as a friend of mine, right?”

He then, grabbed the plastic bag ,which Suho hadn’t noticed it before, under his desk, and pulled somethings out of it.

“What are those?”

“Two quick ramens! Deliciously fine when you don’t want to leave your seat.” Baekhyun giggled.

“Anyways... You will need some hot water for-“ Suho couldn’t complete his sentence because Baekhyun had pulled a thermos out of his bag.

Suho rolled his eyes again and said with a surrendered voice. “I will take the curry flavoured one, then.”

Baekhyun smiled and started to prepare them and hoped that no one will come in when they eat. He thought that it would be shameful.

He poured some hot water in ramens and closed their cover up.

“Now all we have to do is wait.”

Baekhyun seemed too excited and Suho couldn’t help asking.

“Do you love ramen that much?”

“Yup. Don’t you like?”

“I like it. I’d prefer sushi though.” Suho smiled.

“Okay so... Next time i will bring a sushi-flavoured one!”

Suho seemed surprised. “Are those quick ramens have sushi-flavoured one? I have to try it!”

Then they went on talking about other things. Mostly about Baekhyun’s life.

“Oh... I live near there. That means we can meet up whenever we like !”

Baekhyun was surprised how Suho had acted when he told him where did they move.

A minute of silence passed.

Should i say it? How idiot will i feel, if i say it? Geez. I hate that feeling but...

“Why do you befriend me?” Baekhyun’s voice, pierced the silence down.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. You are so kind. You are trying to comfort me, acting nicely to me... even we met just a couple hours ago. I wonder why... Why do you befriend me, while the others just staring at me with their pitying eyes?”

Suho felt Baekhyun’s sadness spreading with his words. He was starting to understand now.

Baekhyun has been all alone.

 He is shy and quiet person. Because of that all of his “friends” humiliated him. But that doesn’t mean that he has to be in a inferiority complex.

 Suddenly, Suho smiled. His smile was full of warm and friendship. Two feelings which Baekhyun has forgotten for a long time.

“It is nothing weird that i want to talk to you, be friends with you. The weird ones are the others. They act like you are something bad and i just can’t stand it. You are different than the others. You are nice and quiet. They ignore who isn’t as cold as them.

And if you mean Chanyeol and his gang, they are nothing but jerks. I told you to not minding them, remember? Just don’t mind them, then.

But anyways... This is your first day here so you should give it some time. I know that the other students will get used to you and start to act friendly.”

A couple of teardrops covered Baekhyun’s eyes. “T-Thank you... Suho.”

Suho smiled again and looked at quick-ramens.

“Oh. It should be ready by now. Let’s it, shall we?”

Baekhyun smiled as well and nodded.

“Let’s eat!” 



I could have done some grammar mistakes. Sorry for them :/

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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;