From Chanyeol's Diary 2

Be Your Hope

Hey I'm back guys. I edited lovers-2 so check out the last part. Waiting for your support because it is so hard to find motivation. Thank you all for being my readers:)

I'm updating from my phone too so sorry about the font mistakes.













Erm. Hey diary. It's me again. As you can see I'm super happy!

I will quickly tell you what happened today.

Hyung promised to play with me today so we went out to play football. We have this little grassland in the woods we always play in. We went there. Our moms packed us food so it would be more like a picnic. Actually woods are a bit scary but because I was with hyung all was okay.^-^

We went there but some older kids were hanging out in there. I was sad we wouldnt be alone but it didnt matter anyways. I think can go anywhere with Baekhyun. He gives that much strength to me. 

There were three kids from the school. When they saw us, they came near and said hi to Baekhyun, completely ignoring me. Not that I care again. 


"What are you guys doing here?" Baekhyun asked.

"We are doing picnic. Want to join us Baekhyun?" 

I let out a sigh and shrugged when Baekhyun looked at me.

"Fine." He said. I could see in his eyes that he wasnt really happy.


I actually hated being near the others but I didn't want trouble and hyung knew that so that's why he accepted I believe.


Everyone was sharing their foods. I was so shy to take a piece of their food so Baekhyun filled my paper plate for me.

"I-I have pa-pancakes!" I showed them the porcelain plate full of chocolate, honey pancakes. Two of them didn't even look at me, instead they made sour expressions, like I said something disgusting. The other grabbed one and took a bite then his face became as if he was vomiting, he immediately throw the pancake off his plate. I gulped down the tears and tried to dominate sobbings by biting my lips.

"Woah, Chanyeol-ah. This is so good." Baekhyun devoured one, two, three pancakes quickly and his lips. He then smiled a big one to me. As I did the same.


He always know how to make me warm. Hyung really protects me always. He is like my armor.


I couldn't really eat anything because they didn't eat my food, I was scared to eat theirs. So I just ate pancakes since there was so many left.


A familiar voice cracked from behind. A blond guy smiled to everyone-and yes even to me- then sat the space near me.

"You are late." One of the guys said.

"Yeah, haha. Sorry all. Oh and hey Chanyeol."


Are you in shock diary? Don't be. He is Kris. Our dads are close friends so he is one of the few who behaves well to me. Actually I heard that min, Kris' and Baekhyun's fathers are all high school friends. But I don't see Baekhyun's dad that much so I don't really know the relationship between them.


"What are we eating? Oh pancakes. I love your mom's pancakes." Kris grabbed a pancake and finished it in just two bites. I smiled. He was always a bit weird.

"You don't give even a gum but take all the foods? Wow such shameless." Baekhyun's was looking directly at Kris' eyes.

Kris coughed a couple times and put the pancake back in the plate, he was clearly annoyed. 

"Come one Baekhyun. You say all the food but he just ate a pancake. It's okay." I gave the whole plate to Kris and in return he gave me his biggest smile.

Then I felt Baekhyun's gaze on me. His eyes were filled with disappointment. At that moment, I regretted it all.


How I want to rewind time to that moment so I never offered Kris food. Hyung's face was hurt, I felt like I slashed my heart into pieces by my own hands. How could I ever oppose my hyung? Stupid me...


After sitting on the grass and feeling the wind a little, Baekhyun suddenly stood up and said that he was going for a walk.

I got up too and followed him into the woods. Now we were walking together with only a small space between us.

"I'm sorry, Baekhyun-ah." I bit my lower lip.

He didn't say anything, he just kept walking.

"Baekhyun-ah." I stopped and tried to stop sobbing.

"What?" His voice was harsh. A tear stuck between my eyelashes dropped down.

"I'm sorry. Stop acting like I killed someone!" Somehow my sadness was giving me strength.

He grabbed me from my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Stop making me want to kill someone. I don't want you to get near that Kris ."


I can still feel his nails digging into my skin. It hurt. I didn't know Baekhyun hated Kris that much. He even wants to kill him? I was really scared when he said those words to me.

We explored around a bit and no one talked after that. But I assumed we were fine because one time he saved me from falling onto a stone and his touch still felt warm. So we were fine. I think?


We were back a while later and found the kids setting up a football pitch.

"You'll play right?"

Baekhyun grinned. "You ask?" 

"Okay we are 6. So our team is like this and your team is you three."

Apparently me, Baekhyun and Kris were the team. Pffth.

"Do we have to do it like this?" Baekhyun was cold.

"Why? Scared?"

"Me? Hahaha. No. But we can just do it 4 and 2 you know?"

"Tch." Kris gazed at Baekhyun. "Do you want to make it 1 on 1?"

God. They were going to fight.

"No thanks. I'm too scared to play with you." He then gave a quickly smile to me. If it wasn't for me, he would probably rip Kris' head off with ball kicks. I chuckled.


So we played football. As expected hyung and Kris never passed the ball and I couldn't catch the balls thrown at me and eventually we lost. But it was fun anyways. Baekhyun always cheered for me and gave me tactics. We even did one big play when I shifted my places with Kris. 

After the match kids shook hands with each other then they congratulate me because they thought I was good. I couldn't believe it myself too. I think they don't hate me now. All thanks to hyung again. 


"Well, it's only us now."


"The sun will be down in an hour. Before that, want to do one last fun thing?"

"Sure. What's it?"

He smirked.


Well. It is kind of embarrassing to write this but I will tell you anyways. But don't tell anyone okay? :)



Baekhyun took me to a small lake deeper in the woods.

"I thought bathing in there would be awesome. Right?"

My cheeks was all red now. "Together?"

"Yeah of course. Why?"

"It's a bit..."

He laughed. "Come here shy boy!"

He grabbed me and took off my shirt in an instant. I was so embarrassed. Then he took his shirt off. I was even more embarrassed.

"Come on! that's why those kids call you a girl. Be a man!"

Yeah I should be a man! I closed my eyes and took off my pants too. Baekhyun did the same and we were all now. God it felt awkward.

"Wow, yours isn't that little!" Baekhyun shouted, laughing so hard.

The teasing was too much and my body was burning because of it. I shouted him to shut up and pushed him into the cold water. I readied myself to laugh but before I could he grabbed my wrist so I fell into the water with him.

I could feel his body warmth under the water as I fell into his hug.

As we pushed ourselves to the surface, he seemed worried. 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

Our eyes were locked in for a second then we bursted into laughter.

We played with the water until the sunset. Laughing, screaming, full of happiness.

When we got tired it was sunset. Baekhyun laid his body on one of the flat rocks so I threw myself next to him. The rocks weren't comfortable so hyung offered his chest by hugging me from my shoulders. I gladly accepted the offer.

Then we watched the sunset together.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" His voice was calm.

I closed my eyes. The sunset was nice so was his heartbeats.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Let's come here again, eat pancakes, play football, swim and just stay like this." He looked at my eyes.

"Yeah." A tear found its way through my eyes. 

"What's it?" He asked.

"You are always so nice to me. If someday you disappear, what will be of me?"

Hyung held my hand and squished it. I could see his eyes getting watery but his voice was full of confidence.

"Even If I die, I will find my way to you. I will break the heavens and come to you. Just wait for me okay?"




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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;