Brightness Finale / The Seeds of Demon Part 1

Be Your Hope

Your fellow author is back!! :D Finally!! Sorry for the long wait and here we go for the next chapter. Enjoy and do comment please ! Love you all ^^


“How? Please… Tell me.” Chanyeol was all excited from bottom to top. He surely wanted his old friend back.

Mrs. Byun sighed. “We should do something which will make Baekhyun remember the past. Like, you can hang out with him as before or house parties maybe?” She smiled. The past had a sweet effect on everybody it seemed.

“Is that all? Once we do things we used to do, will Baekhyun’s memories return to him?”

“I can’t say for sure. Doctors said that doing that will slowly effect Baekhyun, effect his memory processing and eventually the memories will come out. But when? I really can’t say.” She seemed down all of a sudden.

Chanyeol held Mrs. Byun’s hands and squeezed them between his big palms. His grip was an enjection of trust.

“No worries, Mrs. Byun. We will get those memories back. For you, for Baekhyun…” He added from his mind: “…For me.”

“Thank you Yeol-ah.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me…” Chanyeol bowed, smiling and went back to the living room.


The two of them were playing with their cups, without talking. It was a habit of them which they inherited each other. When they were in deep thoughts, they would find something to keep their hands busy.



Baekhyun turned his looks from his cup to Chanyeol’s eyes. “I wanted to say that... Whatever it is between you and Chen, I don’t care. I see both of you as friends so it won’t effect our friendship.”

“I don’t intend to make someone a part of our war. If it is you or anyone.”

“I’m glad to hear that. And… One more thing Yeol-ssi.”


“I kinda… Like you.”

“What?!” Chanyeol was shocked and Baekhyun was all red.

“I-I don’t mean it that way! What I meant was whatever the others think, I don’t think I can ever hate you. I didn’t hate you the very first day and I still don’t, even if you intend to be a jerk on me sometimes… It is a strange feeling. I think I like you being strong and dominant. Maybe kinda envious… Those feelings are all mixed up. I am not sure why I’m telling you all this either. But I feel like I can trust you even more than I trust others.”


“Even I don’t know you yet, even you have done things that I wouldn’t agree, I still feel deep inside that you are so dear to me. It is like we have met when we were born. Your face, your voice all so familiar to me, yet you are that much strange too Chanyeol. You are too far away I-“

Chanyeol suddenly stood up, a smile sticked on his face. “I appreciate your feelings, Baekhyun-ssi. I should go now. You should rest too.”

Baekhyun nodded as Chanyeol left the house quickly so that Mrs. Byun came and was surprised not to see Chanyeol around.


After a couple of minutes Chanyeol left the house, the doorbell rang.

Baekhyun run to the door and opened it, while saying: “Did you forget something Chany- Oh.”

Su Ho, Chen, Lu Han, Kyungsoo were all looking at him, dumbfounded in a way.

“Who is it, Baekhyun?” Mrs. Byun came and saw the group of friends. “Baekhyun, Why don’t you invite them in? Oh please come in boys, I have made tea.”

Su Ho bowed and smiled. “Yes, Mrs. Byun, thank you.” And he kinda pushed others in.

Baekhyun could hear Chen saying: “Did he say Chanyeol?” when he get into the living room first, leading them the way.

Baekhyun hugged Su Ho and shook hands with others.

“Baekhyun, this is Kyungsoo aka BigChef. And Kyungsoo this is Baekhyun.”

They both shook hands. “Nice too meet you, pal.” Said Kyungsoo with a bright smile sticked on his face, yet he seemed creepy in someway.

“Yeah same. So do you cook?”


“Come on!” Su Ho interrupted him and wrapped his arm around Kyungsoo’s neck. “He is the best. Like the king of chefs!”

“King? There is only one king and that’s me. Lu Han.” Lu Han jumped in between the conversation, pointing at himself with both of his thumbs.

Kyungsoo ignored him and went on the conversation while Chen, placed Lu Han away, with brute force. “Nothing to exaggerate. I just love cooking so.”

“Ah, I wish I could taste your meals.” Baekhyun sighed.

Kyungsoo smiled, showing his teeth. “No worries! I brought you some made-by-me ramen!”


“Yup. And if Mrs. Byun lets me to use her kitchen, let’s all have a ramen party!”

All of the boys shouted a “YAY!” at the same time.

Mrs. Byun smiled. “My kitchen is your kitchen, Kyungsoo-ah.” As Kyungsoo thanked her and he went to the kitchen, taking Mrs. Byun with him, everyone in the living room had found their place on the sofa.

Lu Han and Su Ho were sitting on the same couch, while Baekhyun sat alone and Chen sitting on Chanyeol’s ex-place.

When they got past the “How have you been part?”, Chen couldn’t win against his curiosity and asked. “Was Chanyeol here?”

The question coming out of nowhere surprised Baekhyun but then he nodded. “He left a little while ago.”

“That’s sad.” Chen said. “I have been craving to beat someone. Oh whatever, we have Luie anyways.”

All laughed while everyone was bashing Lu Han then all went silent and became ignorant while Lu Han kept on talking how he is good at singing and etc.




Chanyeol run. He wanted to get far far away as soon as possible. A place where no one could see his tears, his weakness.

“Shower. I need a shower. No, first I have to kick something. A ball yes. The GYM. I should go to the GYM. Those feelings. Tears won’t stop. Why did he have to say those things? Feelings from the past, present are all mixed up. Someone, put an end to this...”

Chanyeol hadn’t even realized that he actually entered to the lockers room before he heard a familiar voice.

“Chanyeol-ah? Are these tears?”

Kris, standing in front of, Chanyeol was looking at his pal, with a shock in his eyes.

“Are you- Wait a minute.” His nervous looks turned pitying ones and he frowned. “Is that because Baekhyun? Is he the reason why you cry? I thought you have gotten over it. All those years… Was for nothing?”

“Be quiet, Kris, or I may hurt you.”

“Tch. Look at yourself. How pitiful. Look at how a single person can change a champion’s heart, playing with his feelings…”

“I said, be quiet, Kris. Get out of here. I need some space.”

“Hah? Now you are firing your best pal? For whom? For whose sake? And I was starting to think that he became a dust of hidden memories, what does he think, suddenly appearing in front of us? Entering our lives, bringing the devil between us.”


“No, Chanyeol. Can’t you see? I was there when you needed me. I was beside you when you were getting over that little named Baekhyun. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WITH YOU, DAMMIT ! NOT THAT ING BAG OF !”

Chanyeol’s fist crushing to Kris’ cheek made him fall down to the ground. Chanyeol searched for anger in Kris’ eyes but all he found was sadness and the color purple.

Kris slowly stood up, supporting his balance by gripping benches and lockers. “This is not the Chanyeol I know. To think you would hurt me... What have you become Yeol-ah?”

Kris looked at Chanyeol one last time and shook his head before leaving the lockers room. Fists of Chanyeol, fighting with the lockers could be heard even from the outside.




“Thanks for everything!” The boys bowed in front of Mrs. Byun, and said goodbye to Baekhyun.

“Thanks for the meal, Kyungsoo-ah!” Baekhyun patted his tummy, “Delicious.”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Everytime.”

Before the boys left, Lu Han whispered something to Baekhyun, made his eyes pop out in astonishment.

“Really?” Baekhyun turned his looks to Su Ho. “Are you really dating Krystal from juniors?”

“WHAT? NO. Lu Han why are you telling lies to people?!”

“It is not a lie.” Lu Han smirked. “She kissed him.”

“WHAT?” Baekhyun’s mouth was wide open.

“Geez.” Su Ho shook his head. “I will tell you tomorrow okay?”

“Oh.” Baekhyun nodded.

Su Ho pulled Lu Han from his ear and dragged him through the road.

“They seem like all good people. I’m happy for you that you made those bright friends.”

Baekhyun smiled. “They are the best.” Before going back inside he waved to his friends one last time.


After parting ways with the others, Chen was heading to his way of home, his headphones are put on, his mp3 player, playing one of his favorite rock songs. As the tune went high, he could feel the blood pumping from his heart through his veins and adrenaline taking control of his cells.

As he just took the last turn to his home, he saw someone coming through him.

“Here we ing go.” He thought,  as Kris’ silhouette appeared in front of him. Chen tried to ignore him and walk past through him but Kris blocked his way.

“What do you want? I have no business with- OH. Ahahahahahha...” Chen started to laugh so hard. “Someone beat you up so hard and the purple eye looks hilarious on you!”

“Haha- So funny.”

“Anyways...” Chen talked, still smiling. “What do you want? Oh I got it. You came to see me to ask me if I could make your other eye purple too. Since they look so asymmetric and ugly as .”

Chen was having fun but when he looked at Kris in the eye, he saw a passionate flame was lit in there. “What is it?”

Kris took a step closer to Chen, now a couple inches were there between their faces.

“I will say it once so hear me out. Do you want to hurt Chanyeol? You cannot hurt him directly. The only way is hurting someone who is dear to him. And do you want to know whom does he treasure the most? It is Byun Baekhyun. Interested in hearing more?”

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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;