Hating Chanyeol - Part 2

Be Your Hope


The next day...

Baekhyun opened his eyes with his alarm song, “Kanade” coming from his cell phone. He rubbed his eyes and got out of the bed, shutted the alarm off and went to bathroom, half awake-half asleep.

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he went to his room and prepared his bag. He had almost left the room when he remembered that today’s schedule was including physical education. He put his sportswear into another bag which he had been using it for football practices before.

Baekhyun wasn’t keen on having breakfast in the earlier mornings, so he wasn’t going to eat anything but anyways he went to the kitchen to get some quick-ramens for today but then he remembered that he has promised Suho to eat in cafeteria, he passed it and went to the door.

After he put his shoes on, he left the house, tried not to make any sounds. At the same time he closed the door, his phone started to ring. Baekhyun looked at his phone. It was Suho, but it stopped ringing before he could answer, instead Suho’s voice came in front of Baekhyun.

“Hey, Morning!”

“Ah. Morning, too.”

They started to walk together on the school road and talking.

“Have you thought about what i said, yesterday?”

Baekhyun raised his eyebrow, meaning he didn’t understand.

Suho rolled his eyes. “About joining a club...”

“Ah... Not yet... Which club are you in?”

Suho smiled and talked with full of pride. “Music Club.”

“Wow.” Baekhyun seemed impressed. “Which instrument are you playing?”

“Nothing. I sing.”

“Really? I’d like to listen sometime.”

Suho nodded, then he turned to Baekhyun in rush, like an ampul lightened in his brain.

“Maybe you can join the music club as well. I find your voice pretty strong.”

“Me? N-No. I don’t think so.”

“Ahh. What a waste. But... think about it, okay?”

Baekhyun nodded.

“Hey, your bag seems smaller than yesterday, eh?”

“That’s because i didn’t get any ramens with me.”

“Wow. I’m glad that i don’t have to force you to come with me, anymore.”

Suddenly, a boy run from their behind and jumped onto Suho. They both fell down to the ground.

“Weeee, hyung!”

“Ah, geez. Get off from me, won’t you?”

“Sorry...” The boy who seemed like a child, got up and helped Suho to get up as well.

“How are you today, hyung?” His voice was full of cheer.

“I’m fine. Just stop doing this.”

“Stop what?”

Suho rolled his eyes.

“But it is funny. You are funny, hyung...”

When Baekhyun started to cough, the boy turned to him, looked at his body, then raised his eyebrow.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Baekhyun.”

“Bacon- What?”

Suho rolled his eyes  again. “He is my new classmate. Baekhyun. Not Bacon.”

“Whatever. I’m Luhan. The hottest, funniest, iest and-“

Suho lip-talked to Baekhyun. “Just ignore him...”

“Have i told you about how my voice is super-good? Maybe that’s why i’m the king of the music club. Soon... I will be king of the school ! But first i need to defeat Chanyeol !”

Ch-Chanyeol ? This guy again ? Baekhyun mind rolled his eyes.

Luhan smirked. “Whatever. I’ll see you at the music club, hyung.” After saying that, he rushed to another student and jumped on him.


“What is his problem?” Baekhyun had to ask.

“I really don’t know. He has a narcisus syndrome. Okay he is handsome and all but... To think he is a junior, he should have been more  easygoing but he just can’t stop being so annoying.”

 When they reached the school, they saw a big group of crowd made a circle. Baekhyun looked at Suho, hoping that he has an anwer but appereantly he hadn’t.

When they got closer to the circle, their curiosity-meter was full.

“Hey, what’s happ-“ Suho tried to ask someone from the circle, but then he saw the two guys fighting with each other.

“Holly...” The duo was... Chanyeol and Chen !


“What is your problem Chenny? Stop being an . So what, if i skipped one or two practices? It is not the end of the world !”

“How can you be so arrogant and selfish? If you cannot do your job as a captain, why the hell are you the captain?”

All of a sudden, Chanyeol started to laugh. “Ahahah... So that was the problem... You are angry because you couldn’t achieve ‘the real captainship’.”

“It has nothing to do w-“

“Don’t lie, Chen. Everyone knows that you want it so badly. But guess what? With this degree of your over-ambition and hatred flows through your veins, you won’t be able to reach anything good. You mark me as a jerk but... You are worse than me. You are a LOSER !”

“You BASTARD !” Chen was pissed off. With a quick move, he punched Chanyeol’s stomach.

And with the force of the punch, Chanyeol tripped and fell onto...



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vlee_gonghyung #1
Please update TT
orangenhead #2
Chapter 16: Wow I didn't think you would update but you did so thanks for the update:)
vlee_gonghyung #3
Omg...please update soon,,....
cloud_melo #4
Chapter 14: why kris hate baekhyun so much,,?????? please chen don,t hurt baek,,,,
pcyxbbh #5
Chapter 14: Kris-sshi why you do that?? o>_<o~ .. our baekhyunee..

Fighting writer-nim and update soon.. *^O^*
Welcome back btw :)
orangenhead #7
Chapter 14: Welcome back^^
Chapter 14: NOOOO!!! COME BACK!! You haven't updated in months! I like this story, please hurry and come back!!
56shas #9
Chapter 14: uh :( why didnt u update yet? ; w ;