
The Song Jieun Murder Case



“Hyung… can I go now?” Junhong asked as he sits in front of Sungjong’s table.

“Sure. Want me to take you home?” he offered after setting a couple of folders by the side.

Zelo squinted his eyes on the folder but immediately turned back to Sungjong. “And make me ride the police car? HELL NO.”

“What’s wrong with that!?” Sungjong asked, pretending to hit Zelo with a pencil.

“I’m not going home. I’m gonna meet my friend’s. Besides, riding the police car is weird, especially now. My friend texted me. He said people in school already think I’m a criminal…” he bowed his head slightly at the thought. Sungjong gave him a tap in the shoulder.

“Let’s go then. I’ll take you there then show to people that you’re innocent!” he said in a cheerful manner, making Junhong smile a bit.


“Do we really have to take the police car!?” Junhong groaned as he puts on his seat belt.

“Of course. Hyung doesn’t have a car, Junhong. So deal with it…” Sungjong pretended to be all authority but Junhong just made a face.

“WAIT!” Junhong suddenly shouted his voice louder than the engine.

“What? You have more complaints?” Sungjong eyed him with an irritated look.

“No. My name tag… can I get it back?” he faced Sungjong, and the older nodded. “It’s on my table. Remember not to touch anything!”

Right before Sungjong could finish his sentence, Junhong already darted back to the station.

As he reached the table, his eyes found his name tag quickly. Grabbing it and making his way out the door, he stopped.

‘I’ll just take a peek…’ he thought as he turns around slowly, letting himself get closer to the files on the table.

Being the son of a detective, Junhong was pretty familiar with some files. There would always be the folder for the victim, the witness and the suspect. Having the advantage of being in the station ever so often when he was younger, he would recognize certain things that are allowed to look at, and those that are confidential. But as the curious cat he is like his father, who cares if it’s confidential!?

He opened the folder on the very top of the file.


“Lee Byunghun…” he muttered as he saw the name and photo of the man he had trouble with. He scanned the first page, not interested at all with the man’s bad background.

The folder contained a lot of records, considering the man was a criminal in the past. So Junhong just flipped through the pages, not bothering to read the text. As he reaches the last set of pages, he stopped.

A photo was clipped on the top edge of the page. His eyes widened at the picture, his hands slowly taking the photo out of the pages.


That was the man he stood up against.

Lying on the floor, blood all over his upper body and pants. Stab wounds so big it looked like his bones can be seen. His feet were tied up along with his hands.

Junhong gaped at the photo in his hands.

‘I’m the suspect for this kind of murder…?’ the thought scared him, putting the photo in its place along with the folder and headed back to the car.

“You okay?” Sungjong asked as he puts on his seat belt clumsily.

“Y-yeah. Can you bring me home instead hyung?” he asked, not facing Sungjong.

“Sure,” they then made their way back to Junhong’s place.




“Sunhwa dear! You’re home early!” her landlady greeted her as she entered the lobby of her apartment.

She smiled back at the old lady, bowing to give respect. “Just a few things I have to do at home,”

‘Like keep an eye for intruders in my apartment flat…’ she thought as she remembered what happened last weekend. She first didn’t believe that Hyosung came in when the door was unlocked. But after checking the CCTV footage that night, she was horrified to find a man with a baseball cap enter her apartment, having his own key to enter her flat with no worries.

The landlady gave her a smile she found a bit weird, so she asked. “What is it, Mrs. Lee?”

“Your boyfriend is so kind-hearted darling…” her smile was so bright, contrasting with Sunhwa’s confused expression. But still, the older doesn’t seem to notice.

“He brought you a basket of goodies this morning.” She informed, confusing Sunhwa more. Sunhwa knew the landlady was one of the people who make gossips even without proofs but she decided to ride in with the old lady’s story. Besides, something in her was forcing her to.

“Really? Where is it then?” she replied, keeping a bright expression.

“Yes. He brought it up to your flat of course! You must trust him so much don’t you? Aigoo… kids these days…” the old lady muttered.

“What do you mean, Ms. Lee?” she asked, something about the lines ‘trust him so much’ made her anxious. ‘What the hell is this ajumma talking about? I don’t even have a boyfriend—‘

“What makes you say I trust him?” she asked, her voice cracking a little. Her heart beat faster than earlier as the words of the old lady sinks in.

“Well you gave him your keys! He went up as soon as he got here, so I assumed he had his own keys to your flat…” the old lady’s tone changed as she finally realized Sunhwa’s distressed expression.

“Mrs. Lee, why did you think he was my boyfriend?” she asked, her hands shaking as she slowly puts the small details altogether.

“Well he was here last Saturday—“ she didn’t let the old lady finish as she already made her way to the elevator. Her heart racing as she reached her apartment floor.

She took in a deep breath, twisting the knob easily. ‘It’s unlocked just like the day I saw the letter…’

As the door finally opens, it revealed her living room.

She stepped in, noting every little corner of her place. Not seeing anything strange. Well, maybe except the basket filled with goods on her coffee table.

The basket seemed neatly arranged, some fruits inside along with a few flower petals. If she wasn’t so anxious, she’d find the ‘present’ sweet and romantic if it really was from her boyfriend. Too bad she doesn’t have one, not even an admirer.

She kneels down the coffee table to get a better look, her eyes setting on a piece of paper behind the petals.

“You saved the life of your friend but you just let someone else’s life end…”

It was funny how a few words arranged like that could make her heart beat faster in an extremely dangerous way, making her feel like her chest is gonna blow any minute. The nervousness, fear and bitterness mixing all together to make her lose her sanity right then and there.

With shaking hands and inappropriate state of mind, she crumples the paper and tosses it somewhere.

“AAAAHHH!” she screamed and wacked the basket out of the table, making its content hit some other stuff on her living room like the lamp and vase, causing them to break and leave cracked pieces on the floor.

“I’m not gonna die…” she muttered as she sits and hug her knees to her chest.

“I’m not gonna die…” she repeated as tears fall down her face.

Suddenly, her door comes flying open as a few of her neighbours come in and take a look at the scene in front of them.

The sweet and adorable Sunhwa was crumpled on the floor, crying her eyes out with the pretty present scattered on the floor.

“Oh my… he must have broken up with her…” the land lady muttered to herself as they leave sunhwa alone, thinking she might be broken hearted and need some time alone.

Silly people. Death is much worth crying for than any man in the world…




I'll be slowly updating. I'm very sorry. I feel kinda pressured cause all of my classmates are a bunch of brainiacs and I can't seem to keep up with them due to my laziness xDD Just wanted to inform you guys.


BTW, this is my favorite chapter next to the one where Jieun died xD I love your responses! Sorry I couldn't reply to them, something's wrong with my phone xD BYE~

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Chapter 28: Pleeaseee updateeee!! I have been waiting for sooooo long but no update shown. PLEASE UPDATEEEEEEEE
brokenshoes #2
Chapter 28: Author-nim....this is amazing!!!! Can you please continue this story?? *puppy eyes*
mucicurry #3
Chapter 28: OMG THERE'S TWO OF THEM?! omo no they can't touch junghongie! no!!!!!!
_khristelle #4
Chapter 28: There's two of them? Baseball cap..Baseball cap..I'm actually pausing for each sentence that I'm writing. Please don't kill Junhong.
mucicurry #5
Chapter 27: what a sick bastard! aaaggghh please don't let anyone die anymore, especially junhong T-T
_khristelle #6
Chapter 27: What the... Hana know's Jieun too? O.O waaaaa
_khristelle #7
Chapter 26: Why on earth do I feel like the creepy guy should survive? Waaaa I'm excited for the next chapter. Thank you for the update ^^
_khristelle #8
Chapter 25: Woah authornim I you're a Filipino? Great update btw. I hate Sunhwa's character here but not to the point of wanting her to die. Creepy baseball guy please reveal a something about yourself. hehe
Chapter 24: HOKAY. So i assume you're asleep rn bc it's 12:37 in the morning ;)) new reader! Started reading earlier and read nonstop... I should be sleeping bc exams but yeah :))) hahahaha galing authornim! :)
jagiyaboo #10
Chapter 24: I thought I was the cliff-hanger in our group? How come your keeping me at the edge?! >.<