chapter 3

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain… (Chpt 3)

It has been 5 days since Hyora came back to Korea. She did not realise how much she missed Korea until she went around Seoul and experienced the life in Korea all over again. The thing that she missed the most is the food vendors along the streets. She missed the Spicy Rice Cake too. She really felt peace being in Korea. When she was in US, the first year was awful. Hyora felt outcasted and she had to struggle to blend in with the new environment. Wherever she go, people will give her stares and looks as if she was an alien. In Korea, she really felt a sense of belonging. In fact, she felt happier.

Actually, the Beast guys played a significant role in the change in her attitude. Hanging out with them was always fun. Especially with Yoseob and Dongwoon. They will always argue about the slightest thing. Being with them was a great way for her to forget about Sean. She realised that she had no time to think about the past when she was with them. There is always somebody that will talk to her. But mostly, it was Doojoon.

Doojoon was always talking to Hyora about everything and anything. After some time, she felt comfortable around him. It was as if she was talking to a normal guy and not an artist.


Hyora, like the past few nights, hanged out at Beast’s dorm after they came back from their radio interview at MBC Radio FM. She was washing the dishes after dinner, when Doojoon offered to help. They chatted with each other while Hyora do the washing and Doojoon do the drying.

“Huh?! You fell during performance before?” Hyora asked, a little shocked.

“Yeah…Hey, I’m human too, you know,” Doojoon replied, hiding his embarrassment. Hyora grinned at Doojoon and he smiled.

“So, what are you gonna do? Now that you’re back in Korea,” Doojoon asked, glancing at Hyora.

Hyora thought for a while. She have not thought about it yet. Now that Doojoon asked, she felt nervous. She wondered how her future will be like. Realising that Doojoon was still waiting for her reply, she turned to him.

“I’m not sure…” Hyora sighed. “I studied fashion and design when I was in US. I have always dreamed of becoming a fashion stylist. You know, when I was a kid, I used to play dress up with my friends. I will then help them match their clothings and all. I guess that’s when I developed my interest in fashion,” Hyora siad without stopping to take a breath.

Doojoon was surprised at first. But he smiled when he realised, that was the talkative Hyora that Junsuk was talking about. He turned to look at Hyora, who was smiling thinking of the past.

“You know, you should really smile more often. You looked prettier when you smile,” Doojoon said, smiling at Hyora who was surprised by his comment. She slapped his arm lightly when she felt herself blushing. Doojoon chuckled at Hyora’s cuteness. Hyora soon joined him and they started laughing together.

Upon seeing this side of Hyora, he realised why Junsuk desperately asked him for help. This side of Hyora is so much better. Seeing her just smiling makes him feel warm inside. It makes him feel like smiling together with her. It makes his heart flutter for no reason. Now that he had seen the sweet-smiling Hyora, he wished he will not see the gloomy Hyora ever again. He promised himself that he will do whatever it takes to not let that smile disappear from Hyora’s face.

After doing the dishes, Hyora and Doojoon joined the others in the living room. Dongwoon and Yoseob was, once again, arguing. Hyora smiled upon seeing them.

“Hey, why are you guys always arguing?” Hyora asked with a frown and pouted her lips.

“It’s hyung! He started it! He changed channel when I was watching TV!” Dongwoon complained. Yoseob just stuck out his tongue.

Hyora smiled and shook her head. Suddenly the main door opened and was slammed shut. Everyone jumped in shock and became quiet. A few seconds later, Junhyung came storming into the living room. He was always missing when the rest of the Beast members gathered around. Beast knew the reason why Junhyung was acting that way, but they kept Hyora and Junsuk clueless. When asked, they just gave a shrug as an answer.

“Oppa…your dinner is on the table,” Hyora said when Junhyung walked past her. Junhyung stopped infront of her and gave her a glare before walking towards his room again. Hyora frowned at what Junhyung did.

Doojoon who saw what happened, walked over to Hyora and touched her arm slightly. “Ignore him,” he said to the disappointed looking Hyora. He smiled reassuringly.

“What’s wrong with him?” Hyora asked as she took a seat beside Gikwang. She looked around at the others for answer but they just remained quiet.

Beast knew exactly what was wrong with Junhyung. But they have already promised each other to let him handle it himself. But his attitude day by day was getting worse. He used to keep to himself. Recently however, he started coming home late and was drunk most of the time. Beast just kept silent and managed to get Junsuk and their boss out of the problem.

Not getting any response from any of the Beast member, Hyora stood up and headed towards Junhyung’s room. The other members looked at her in horror. They were about to stop her when they realised it was too late. She was already knocking on the door.

“WHAT!” Junhyung shouted as soon as he opened the door.

Hyora jumped in shock. Her eyes was slightly widened. She blinked a few times, calming herself. “Y-you should eat your dinner. I’m sure you have not eaten. You looked pale,” she stammered.

“Why the hell should you care if I looked pale?! You’re nobody in this house. So get the hell out of here!!” Junhyung shouted. He then slammed the door shut infront of Hyora’s face.

Hyora was shocked and angry at what Junhyung said. In her anger, she kicked the door. She was fuming in rage that she did not even care when Junhyung gave her a deathly glare when he opened the door once again.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’m nobody in this house and shouldn’t freaking care about your well-being. I shouldn’t give a damn whether you have eaten or not. But what about the others? Who are they to you? Do you even know how much they care for you? Well obviously you don’t. Because you are such a selfish jerk that only care about yourself! The least you could do is eat when the food is already there for you. Show to them that you’re ok even if you’re not. Why do you have to be so selfish and make them worry about you!” Hyora was breathing heavily, controlling her anger while glaring at Junhyung. He, on the other hand, was stunned by what the petite girl infront of him just said.

The house suddenly became so still as if someone just pressed the pause button. Hyora took a deep breath and turned away from Junhyung, walking towards the other members.

“Oppa, I’m going home,” Hyora told Doojoon. Without waiting for Doojoon’s reply, Hyora headed to the door, leaving the Beast members speechless.

“Wow…” Yoseob said, breaking the silence. It was the first time that the Beast members had ever seen Hyora angry. They did not even realised she was capable of doing what she just did.

What surprised them more however, was the fact that Junhyung, the ever so stubborn Junhyung, actually went to the dining table and started eating. The members watched him with wide eye. They looked at each other in confusion. Junhyung is not someone who take orders from other people. Especially not from a girl.

Junhyung ate in silence, thinking about what Hyora said to him. It was the first time he had a conversation with Hyora and yet they were arguing. Unlike the other members, he had little knowledge about Hyora. The only thing he knew about her is that she is Junsuk’s little sister, who came from US. But after being ‘scolded’ by her, he felt the urge to know her better.


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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(