DarkAngel0730's Author Note

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain

I've noticed alot of you have been messaging me, asking me why she had to die.

The answer is simple.

Not all fairy tales end up with the girl magically getting better and marrying her prince.

If they ALL ended that way, how would we be able to face reality?

They don't always get married under the stars and live happily ever after.

Not everyone has a happy ending.

It's not always sunshine and rainbows.

Not all stories end up well.

This is going to be my last A/N note for "STYHTSTP"

If I could make eveyone magically live and not face death, trust me. 
Everyone would be well in a heartbeat.

When my bestfriend died, it showed me that honestly, you can't make everything go the way you want it to.

We were supposed to get married off into the sunset and live togheter till we get wrinkly and old.

We would die together.

It was a wake up call for me when he died.

You can't always have it your way.




I'm not trying to say it in a mean way, you just have to try and understand.



The last chapter is going to be updated soon.

Thank you to all of those who have Commented, subscribed, updated, and even took the time to check out this fic.

I love you all, I just dont know how to show it.

- DarkAngel0730 <3

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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(