Chapter 20

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain
November 2
Hyora slowly opened her eyes to see a white room. She sat up and looked around. The moment she passed out flashed in her mind suddenly. 'Oh no...they all know....' She thought. She bit her lip and sighed. After sitting in the room alone for several minutes, the guys streamed in.
"Omo! You're awake!!" Yoseob exclaimed. They all sat Around Hyora.
"Hyora.....we know about your condition....." Hyunseung stated. Hyora looked down, avoiding all eye contact.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Junhyung asked.
"I-I didn't want you guys to worr-"?hyora began.
"You didn't want us to worry?? Really?? Do you know how WORRIED we were when you passed out. From now on, I'm not going to leave your side!" Junsuk interrupted.
"This is why I didn't tell you too...I don't want you to stop working because of me.  My fate is already decided..." Hyora softly said. Junsuk let out a frustrated groan.
"I have to go..." He said and walked out. 
"I'll go check on him," Gikwang sighed and followed Junsuk.
 Hyora watched as he exited the room. Tears slowly fell down her cheeks. "Hyora, it's ok..." Doojoon comforted and gave Hyora a hug. She slowly nodded wishing that it actually was ok. 
Outside the room, Junsuk let his own tears flow. Gikwang stood by his side awkwardly.
"Junsuk-Hyung, everything will be ok." He comforted. Junsuk shook his head.
"My baby sister...She is going to die....How is everything going to be ok??" Junsuk choked out.
"She'll be going to a better place. But while she still is alive.....let's make her life a bit happier.." Gikwang proposed. Junsuk stared at Gikwang in confusion. "Let's show her all her good memories, make her laugh and smile and forget about her illness.." Junsuk nodded in inderstanding. He wiped his eyes and sighed before reentering Hyoras room.
Hyora clung to DooJoons hand like a baby as she let tears fall. No matter what he said to comfort her, it didn't help. She was facing her problem head on. Hyora was facing the fact that she was going to die. Suddenly, Junsuk and Gikwang reentered the room. Junsuk saw his sister panicking and quickly went to her side.
"Hyora calm down...." He softly said while trying to keep in his own tears.
"O-oppa...Mianhe....I didn't want you to be sad about this but I......" Her words were cut off by her sobs. Junsuk pulled her in for a hug and tried to calm her down. After several moments, she wasn't crying anymore. She pulled away from Junsuk and sniffled.
"Hyora, don't feel sad ok? We'll be here for you no matter what." Junsuk smiled sadly. Hyora nodded and took a deep breath. 
"Um..oppa, can I talk to Junhyyng and Doojoon alone?" Hyora softly asked. Junsuk nodded and pulled the others outside.
When the 3 were left alone in the room, Hyora looked up at them.
"So you both like me..." Hyora awkwardly said. The boys nodded."I-I can't...." 
"Hyora we understand.....anyways...we kind of knew you like Gikwang but wanted to say our feelings to you..." Junhyung said. Hyoras eyes widened.
"How did you know?!" Hyora asked.
"It's obvious but Gikwang is too dense to know your feelings." Doojoon replied.
"Omo....Aish...anyways, why do you guys like me??" Hyora asked.
"You changed made me learn how to smile again..." Junhyung said.
"You made my heart beat accelerate to a point a thought was impossible.." Doojoon added. Hyora smed softy and motioned them to come in for a hug. 
"You guys are amazing. I bet some other girls will love you more than anything..." Hyora softy said and pulled away.
Xx/xx/xx.                              11:45 pm
Today was a day full of emotions. I passed out at the carnival due to y disease. The B2St members and Junsuk know all about my illness. I think I cried for an hour after they all left except Junsuk. He comforted me   And stayed by my side. I wish I didn't have to die but that's impossible right? Everyone has to die one day...I guess my day is earlier then others.... Oh, I also figured out that Junhyug and Doojoon had a crush on me... They are like my brothers though. I will always love them but like a sister... 
Let's hope I have better days from now on....
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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(