chapter 2

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain

Sometimes, you just have to share the pain… (Chapter 2)

As soon as Hyora was ready, she left her apartment and headed next door. Junsuk left her a note saying that they will be having breakfast at Beast’s dorm. Since it is only breakfast, she just wore a polo T-shirt along with a skinny jeans.

She rang the door bell twice before her brother finally opened the door, with a cake on his other hand.

“Welcome home!!!” Junsuk together with some of the Beast members shouted. Junsuk smiled widely seeing his sister’s shocked expression.

“Sorry, it was a little late,” Junsuk said, pouting his lips.

Hyora smiled looking at his brother acting cute. “No, it’s ok. Thank you oppa!” Hyora went to her brother and gave him a hug. After pulling away from the hug, Hyora heard the Beast’s members giving a little cough.

“Ouh sorry! Hyora, let me introduce to you. This is Dongwoon, Yoseob, Gikwang, Hyunseung, Doojoon and that one over there, is Junhyung,” Junsuk said. Junhyung, who was at the dining table, gave a little nod when his name was called.

Dongwoon, being the youngest, was excited to see Hyora. He was smiling widely when Yoseob hit his head. He gave Yoseob a glare and smiled at Hyora again. Hyora on the other hand, forced a smile like she always did. Junsuk felt a little disappointed. But he knew he had to give his sister some time.

“So, you just came back from US?” Gikwang asked as they joined Junhyung at the dining table. Hyora nodded and gave a small smile.

“How is it like there?” the fair-skinned Yoseob asked.

“Hmm…Not much different from Seoul actually. They experience the four seasons, there are tall buildings and traffic is just as bad. Only difference is, they speak in different language,” Hyora said, smiling. The Beast members laughed at Hyora’s sense of humour. Junsuk was happy to see Hyora relaxing a bit. He really hoped that she will return to her bubbly self again.

After they had finished with their breakfast, Junsuk told Hyora to get ready as he wanted to bring her out. Since it was Sunday, Beast did not have any schedule and Junsuk was given the day off.

While in the car, Hyora thought of the 6 guys that she just met. Well, her brother was right. They are very handsome.

Doojoon, the leader and eldest among the 6 of them, has a very strong feature. When he is not smiling, he looked fierce because of his eyes. But because of that very feature, it portrays him as someone who is responsible and reliable. Hyunseung, the lead dancer and the second oldest, is the exact opposite of Doojoon. He looks like a girl. When Hyora first saw him, she thought he was a girl. He have pretty eyes and his lips is very thin. In fact, Hyora even thought he was more to pretty than handsome.

If Hyunseung is pretty, then Gikwang is handsome. He has a great body too. Junsuk told her that Gikwang is the most popular among girls. Well, Hyora could not deny that he has the features that a girl wants. As for Yoseob, when Hyora saw him, she thought he was the youngest. She was surprised when she found out that he was the same age as her. He really has a fair skin and is more to the cute side.

The youngest member, Dongwoon, looks older than Yoseob. Hyora realised that he was the tallest among the members. Dongwoon do not looked like a typical Korean. For one, he has double eyelids. But he was cute though. Then there is that Junhyung guy. When Hyora first looked at him, her attention was on his lips. He had such full and cute lips. Then it occured to her that she have not heard a single thing from that cute mouth of his.

“Oppa, is that Junhyung guy…err…dumb?” Hyora asked her brother hesitantly.

“Huh?!” Junsuk was shocked by his sister’s question.

“I mean…He didn’t say anything at all just now.” Hyora defended herself. Junsuk burst out laughing.

“Ya! How can a rapper be dumb?” Junsuk said. Then he started to laugh again.

“Ouh, he’s a rapper?” Hyora pursed her lips and nodded.

“He’s been like that recently.” Junsuk sounded worried. “I don’t really know what happened. The guys probably know something but they’re not telling me.” He shrugged.

Hyora nodded. “Where are we going anyway?” she asked as it has almost been 30 minutes since they left their apartment.

“To meet mum.” Junsuk turned to the shocked Hyora and smiled widely.


Hyejin was told by his son to meet at the restaurant of Hotel President, a five star hotel. Since she is a well-known businesswoman and was among the Top 10 richest business people in South Korea in the previous year, the hotel suits her. It provides a private room in the restaurant. Junsuk did not give her any reasons or details on their meeting. He just said that there will be a ‘surprise’ for her.

Suddenly the door of the private room slide opened and Hyejin saw a familiar-looking girl standing there. Her eyes widened when she finally recognised the girl.

“Mum!!” Hyora shouted and ran over to her mother.

“Hyora-ya!!” Hyejin shouted in return.

The mother and daughter hugged each other like there is no tomorrow. Tears started to flow down from each of their eyes. It is true that Hyora was not that close to her mother. But living for 5 years without a mother made her realised how much she needed one.

“When did you come back?” Hyejin asked after letting go of her daughter.

“Yesterday…” Hyora replied, sniffling.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have fetch you.” Hyejin was a little disappointed.

“It’s ok. I know you’re busy,” Hyora said while shaking her head. Hyejin frowned at what her daughter said.

“I could always find time for my children, you know.”

Hyora smiled at what her mother said. Junsuk was happy to see his family together. This was what he had always dreamed of.


“Hyung! Don’t you think Hyora is soooo pretty? Like, who could have imagined that Junsuk hyung has such a pretty sister?” Dongwoon said, smiling to himself.

“Yeah! We got it!” Yoseob, Hyunseung and Gikwang shouted together. They were all getting irritated by Dongwoon, who kept on repeating how pretty Hyora is.

Dongwoon stared at them and then continued smiling to himself. Doojoon, who was using the computer at one corner, smiled at them. Suddenly he remembered his conversation with Junsuk a week before. He was preparing for their tour to Japan when Junsuk came into his room. He still remembered Junsuk’s disturbed look.

“Doojoon-ah…You know, I’ve never asked for a favour from you before, right?” Junsuk started. Doojoon nodded. “But I need you to help me with something.”

“What is it?” Doojoon was getting worried with Junsuk’s seriousness.

“You know that my sister is coming next week right?” Doojoon nodded.

Junsuk sighed. “My sister has always been a bubbly, talkative and happy-go-lucky type of girl. Until our parents divorced. From then on…she’s been very quiet, gloomy and always keeping to herself. And recently…she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. That’s why I asked her to come back to Korea.”

Doojoon was a bit shocked but he nodded, asking Junsuk to carry on.

Junsuk continued, “So…I need you to help me Doojoon. Help me bring my happy-go-lucky sister back. Make her return to her usual self. Please…I believe that you are able to do it. Please Doojoon…” Junsuk then started to cry. It was the first time Doojoon saw him crying. And he knew then, how much his sister meant to him.

Doojoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Hyora did seem gloomy just now. He wondered why Junsuk have to give him this responsibility. He thought that Gikwang would be a better choice. But then, he knew that Junsuk has his own reasons. Doojoon was reluctant at first, but after he saw Hyora, he thought that he had to do this. For Junsuk. For Hyora.


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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(