Chapter 18

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain
Hyora sighed as she gathered her styling supplies. It was her birthday and she was still working. Hyora frowned at the thought of her last north day and how she was spending it. " I should be out having fun" she thought. Hyora stomped her feet and sat down. Suddenly, Hyunseung walked in. 
"Oh, Annyeong Hyunseungie," Hyora smiled.
"Annyeong Hyora! So what are you Doing?" Hyunseung replied. Hyora motioned to her supplies and sighed. "Aah, I feel bad for you. Um...but I need you to do something else too.." 
"Whatever. It's not like today is special or anything. Just lay the work on me," Hyora said, annoyed that no one had actually remembered her birthday either. Junsuk didn't even wish her a happy birthday. Hyunseung handed Hyora an envelope and ran off. Hyora huffed and stared at the envelope. 
"Open Me Hyora"
Hyora stared at the written words before tearing off the top to find a note. 
"Hi Hyora!!! Did you think we forgot your birthday?? Bwahaha! You are funny! We would never forget!! But there is a catch to us remembering!!you need to find your present!! Start with going to the parking lot and searching for 4Minute.
-Junsuk and Beast"
Hyora smiled at the note and walked to the parking lot where 4minute was waiting for her.
"Hi Hyora!!! We have a card for you!!" They exclaimed. Hyora laughed and took the card before reading it "go to your bus stop and look for M4M" Hyora pouted because she had to walk even more.
"Saengirl Chukka Hamnida Hyora!" Hyuna smiled. Hyora thanked her and headed off to her next destination. After a few minutes, se saw Yubin.
"Oh!! Bin!!! Hi!!" Hyora waved. Yubin waved back and held up a note. Hyora quickly went up to him and grabbed it. "Go to your house to find Btob!" Hyora groaned. Suddenly she felt a hat on her head. The other M4M members emerged and smiled. Hyora noticed that the put a BIRTHDAY hat on her head. Hyora laughed and said her goodbyes before heading to her home. 
At her front door, Btob was waiting there with yet anther note.
"Get some comfy clothes on and head to your final destination, B2sts dorm!!!" Hyora smiled since she was done with the muddle of a scavenger hunt. 
"Happy Birthday Noona!!" Btob exclaimed before heading off since they had a schedule to finish. Hyora quickly went inside and changed into a casual dress before heading to B2ST.
At the dorm, Hyora knocked a few times before Junsuk opened the door.
"Aahh!! Hyora!! My beautiful Sister!!!" He exclaimed and hugged Hyora. Hyora giggled and hugged him back before heading inside. She was mesmerized by the sight. Streamers, balloons, cake. Hyora saw the beast members come in with a present ad smiled. They handed it to her and motioned for her to open it. Inside, she found all he favorites.  From candy to magazines.
"We were going to buy you lifetime membership to a amusement park but Doojoon said we shouldn't." Yoseob sighed thinking Hyora didn't like it.
"I love this more!!! You guys are the best." Hyora felt tears of happiness -and sadness- slide down her cheeks. 
"Omo! Don't cry!! Group hug guys!" Gikwang exclaimed. Everyone crowded around I to a hug causing Hyora to giggle.
"I'm going to miss them so much" Hyora thought. 
"Hyora, we love you!!!" Junsuk exclaimed. Hyora smiled and gave him a big hug. The rest of the day was spend with them hanging out together, singing,dancing, eating and having fun.
Xx/xx/xx.                          11:40pm
Right now I'm at the BEAST dorm. The guys had a surprise for my birthday! I was on a scavenger hunt looking for them!!! It was tiring but fun. I'm just glad they made my last birthday the best I've had in a while. I..really dont. Want to leave them. They've treated me like family..Family...Junsuk....i don't want To leave him the most. He's been such a great brother To me and I....nevermind.... Junsuk oppa, I love you!! Thank you and Beat for my birthday. You guys are Jjang! "
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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(