Chapter 21

Sometimes, You Just Have To Share the Pain
5 1/2 months later
Hyora had been in the hospital since the carnival incident. Everyday, someone from B2ST would visit her. Hyora felt happy during the visits she got but lonely when no one was there. The fear of death slowly seeped into her mind but she tried to ignore it so that the others wouldn't worry for her. 
It was a cold morning that contradicted the time of the year,May. Hyora weakly sat up in her hospital bed and called a nurse.
"Can I please get some water...I don't feel all that great," Hyora said. Lately, her condition had been worsening and everyone could tell. She had gotten thinner and paler. Her temperature would rise dramatically at times too. The members of Beast and Junsuk didn't want her last days to be fille with misery so they came up with an idea to make her happier.
"Hurry!! We don't have a lot of time!!  Afternoon Visiting hours are from 3-6 !!" Yoseob exclaimed. Everyone piled into the van and drove off to the hospital. 
"Do you have the food?" Gikwang asked Hyunseung.
"Yeah! Who has the videos?" Hyunseug questioned.
"I do!! Who has-" Junhuung began but was interrupted.
"Guys! We have everything we need so calm down!" Doojoon said. The guys chuckled. After a few minutes, they reached the hospital. They took out all of their supplies and headed to Hyoras room.
Hyora heard a knock on the door and her head snapped up.
"Come in,"she croaked. Suddenly, all the boys came into the room with Hyoras favorite food, movies, games, and a set of videos she hadn't seen before. "What is this...?" 
"This is your day to have fun in this boring place!! We brought you all the things you like and made a video for you." Junsuk smiled. He took te unfamiliar DVD and put it in the TV. The video revealed the boys all standing together.
"Saranghaeyo Hyora!!!" They exclaimed and did aegyo. Hyora chuckled and looked at the embarrased boys.
"These are our individual messages to you!!!" They said in the video. Each person went to the camera one on one and said what they wanted to say.
Hyunseung: Annyeong Hyora!! Through the time that I have known you, you've made me smile a lot. You changed us into better people and I will never ever ever! Forget you! Saranghae!
Yoseob: Hyora!!!!! SARANGHAEYO!!! Haha, I've loved joking around with you and playing around. You're always fun to be around and you always put a smile on my face.
Doojoon: um..Hi..haha, I really don't know what to say. I can't find the right words since you are so special to me. No words can express how much I love you. You are one of the reasons I smile. Saranghae.
Dongwoon: Noona! Saranghaeyo! Noona, you know how special you are right? You are so important to me that I will actually do special aegyo for you. -Buing Buing- haha. Sarnghaeyo!!!
Junhyung: Annyeong. Hyora I want to say thank you. You have made me into a better person and showed me how to smile again. You are extremely important to
Me and I love you a lot. Yeongwonhi Saranghaeyo!
Gikwang: Hyora!!!! Saranghae Saranghae!!! Wow, I have realized how many amazing times we had together. You were always smiling through all of Those. I admire how you always find good in a bad situation. Saranghaeyo!  
Junsuk: Hyora, I love you. You and I have been together since you were born. I never could've asked for a better sister. You were perfect to me. Your playfulness always made me smile. You're simply one of a kind and going to miss you.
I love you Hyora..
Hyora felt tears slowly well up in her eyes. 
"Yah! Don't cry!! Hajima!" Gikanag exclaimed. Hyora chuckled softly and motioned for a hug.
"You guys are amazing..." Hyora sniffed.
" you are too!" Hyunseung smiled. 
"Ok! Stop the tears!! We are going to to ale a photo now!!!" Junsuk exclaimed. He set up the camera and they took a group photo.
After visiting hours ended, Hyora began writing a letter.
To My Oppas:
Thank you all for today. You have made me happier than I've ever been in the last six months. Thank you for caring for me so much. I love you guys so much. Please stay together as a group years after my death. You guys are the best when you're together. Never break up ok? If you do, I will haunt you guys!! Seriously..... I'm really going to miss you all. Promise that you won't cry when I'm gone though! You guys know I hate sappiness. Smile for me ok? I get to go see my parents. I howl you guys live happily and I know years and years later I'll see you again but that's not for a long while. I love you guys infinitely!!
Hyora put the letter in an envelope. She called the nurse.
"Could you give my brother this after I pass....." She softly said. The nurse nodded and took the envelope. Hyora sighed and layed down in her bed. She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep. 
(A/N: the next chapter may be very angsty.. I hope you guys like this one ^^)
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Allo! I WILL SURVIVIE! Zico is confuzzling me.


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Chapter 30: Goodjob . Fuhh i cant imagine beast without doojon and junhyung hahaha .
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Its a good story
mehmehme #3
Chapter 30: Love it! <3
shujun #4
Chapter 30: congrats on finishing this~
Chapter 30: At least it ended well for Beast I guess...
Well done for writing the story! :')
It was nice to read :D
kpopj3 #6
Chapter 30: i feel like the ending was sorta rushed and i thought it was gonna be more emotional but still loved the story <3<3 keep making more!
shujun #7
Chapter 28: omo~its gonna end soon..TT^TT

kpopj3 #9
Chapter 28: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYY WHY WHYY? :( she died :'(