Ending: I Am ThankFul

Turning Your Dark Sky Blue.

“Hey what? What are you doing?” Victoria asked as she tried to break free fromt the police.

“Ma’am you are under arrest, for using edited pictures for qualifying to VOGUE International” The chief informed.

“WHAT?!” The producer was shocked, he didn’t know anything.

“WHY?! WHO?! HOW!?” Victoria shouted.

“I’m sorry ma’am you have to come with us” The police dragged her out.

“Wait! Producer-nim! Help me!!” Victoria pleaded.

“I’m sorry Victoria, I’m out of that business.” Victoria’s producer shrugged.

“ y—“ Victoria wanted to shout but the police already dragged her out of the producer’s room and down to their car.

Meanwhile, you woke up in your room. It was Sunday, there were no classes. You changed your clothes and went out of the building. You jogged around the campus with your earphones on. You stopped infront of the boys dormitory building. You were still thinking about Kiseop. You missed hanging around with him, but you shook your head and remembered that he took advantage when you were drunk.

“Aish~ Stop thinking about him” You slap yourself and jogged again. You went to the cafeteria and bought some drinks. You remembered when Kiseop used to buy you drinks and snack whenever you are alone. You frowned and head back to your dorm. You took a shower to erase some loads from your head. You keep remembering and picturing your times with Kiseop.

“That pain will relieve, don’t worry” Kiseop said.

“I don’t know if I can forget..: You sobbed.

“I’m here, I’ll help you. I promised you that when you need help, I’ll always be there for you. If you need someone, I’m here. I always tell you that, and now you need help, I’m here for you” Kiseop said as he tightened the hug.

“Kiseop…” You called him.

“Yes?” He answered.

“Thank you, Kiseop, thank you for everything, I..I just appreciated it now, I’m sorry if I ignored you when you wanted to help me. I’m very very sorry and Thank you so much.” You told him.

You kept remembering those sweet times with him. He never left your head. You knew you were inlove but was afraid to admit it. You knew you were inlove but never admitted it. You knew you were inlove but you were scared to let him know.

You wore a nice outfit and went to your desk to clean and clear some stuff. You were curious that an iPAD was there. It was black, but your iPad was white.

“To whom is this?” You asked yourself. You were the only one in your dorm. Nobody shares dorms with you.

“Did someone visited my dorm?” You asked again.

“Is this manager-nim’s?” You were talking to yourself. But you noticed there was a note, but outside it says ‘ OPEN THE IPAD FIRST THEN READ WHAT’s INSIDE’ You obeyed what the note said and opened the iPAD. It contained pictures of Victoria’s edited pictures, the videos and recordings. You were shocked to see all of those. You looked at every picture and video. You gasped and wondered why someone wanted you to see this. You opened the TV and they were reporting about Victoria’s arrestment.

‘Victoria, the young model was arrested for using edited pictures to qualify for VOGUE International’ The reporter said as they play the video clips which were also in your iPAD, and also the pictures. Then they showed a clip of Victoria.

‘Damn you! Whoever who did this and stole the info! You’ll get caught soon! You’ll die here with me!!’ Victoria said as she went in jail. You turned off the TV and opened you e-mail. And there it was, you are the representative again for VOGUE International. You don’t know if you’re happy or confused. You didn’t know who did this. You opened the note and started to read it. While you read it, tears fell down from your cheek.

Dearest ___________

                I’m sorry if I caused you too much trouble. I came there to make you happy but it seems I caused more trouble than I caused happiness in your heart, but you know, I was happy when I was there, seeing you and bonding with you. Nothing can change my happiness. But I have to tell you the truth, you misunderstood, you were the one to kiss me in the bar but I insisted not to argue because I knew you were depressed. I chose to be hated than you to be depressed. See that? I already fixed your problems in VOGUE International, so you wont have difficulties in life now. I hope I made you happy right now, I hope I made you smile. Yes, I was the one who personally get those stuff. For you, I will risk my life, to make you happy. Before I leave I wanted to tell you that I love you, but I insisted not to, after what happened. Don’t forget that, I’m always there for you, even if you hate or not hate me. Remember the promise I told you, I will forever support you even if I am there or even if I’m far. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I’m leaving soon, well, tomorrow 8am,  instead I’m hoping to see you modeling in VOGUE, it’ll make me happy, it’ll make you happy. Please stay happy and reach your dreams. I love you so much, thank you for making me happy.  And I’m sorry.

-Lee Kiseop’

You didn’t know that while you were reading his letter, you were crying. After reading the letter, you sobbed. Kiseop loved you more than ever and you were so selfish not to admit your feelings to him but instead you hurt him. Now, you know, you loved Kiseop more than ever too. You needed him, and you cared for him too. You realized your mistakes. He was the one who always made up your day and the one who always make you smile.

“_______” Kiseop called you.

“Yes?” You answered. Kiseop held your hand again., Your heart started to beat fast again.

“No matter what happens, always remember that I am always here for you, next to you or far from you, I will always here to support you, no matter what” Kiseop said. You instantly blushed at his statement and quickly withdrew your hand.

You couldn’t regret it anymore. You really love Kiseop.

“No, Kiseop, I cant let you leave, i..i need you!” You said. As you look at the clock it was still 7:02 am. And you looked at the note, Kiseop’s flight was still 8am. You ran fast. You ran out of the school and called a taxi. Good thing your school was near the airport.

“Incheon Airport please! And fast!!!” You demanded. You have to catch up with Kiseop, he needed to know how you felt about him. You arrived fast at Incheon Airport, you paid the taxi driver a whole 100,000 Won and ran off.

“Oh no! Too many people!” You worried. “ How will I be able to see him?” You worried. You ran everywhere to find him.  It was already 7:48 am. Only a few minutes more til Kiseop fly away. You ran to airplane’s gates.

“H-he should be here, somewhere!” You panted.

‘All Seoul to L.A passengers, please board, the plane will take off in 20 minutes, thank you’  You heard. Until you got a glimpse of a tall man, facing his back to you. You knew that figure, you knew it too well. It was your love, Kiseop. He was about to board.

“Well, Kiseop, we need to go, almost 20 minutes, whatever you’re thinking scratch them out alright?” Kiseop manager said.

“Alright, let’s go” Kiseop said as he look last at Seoul. ‘Goodbye my beloved _______’ He thought.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me goodbye, Kiseop?!” He heard from his back. He turned to see who it was, and he saw you with tears in your eyes. You showed him the letter he left.

“No good bye to me?” You asked. Kiseop went to you.

“Why are you here?!” Kiseop asked you.

“K-kiseop, I don’t want you to leave” You told him.

“_________ Mianhe, but I have to, Sorry for everything” Kiseop still apologized.

“No, no, I’m sorry, Kiseop please, don’t leave me, I don’t know what will happen if you’re not here, with me…” You cried.

“W-what do you mean?” Kiseop asked.

“Kiseop, I’m sorry.. For hurting you, I didn’t realize your feelings for me, until now, I’m sorry” You cried.

‘All Seoul to LA Passengers please board now, this will be the last call’ The lady said.

“__________ It’s alright, Everything’s fine. Everything will be fine I know it, but I have to leave now, I know we’ll meet soon” Kiseop was about to leave when you hugged him.

“Don’t leave me Kiseop! Don’t!” You sobbed. Kiseop just stood there.

“You’re important to me Kiseop! You’re the one who makes me smile! You’re the one who brighten up my day! You’re the one who changed me! Don’t leave Kiseop! I….I love you !” You sobbed. Kiseop was shocked. He faced you.

“W-what?” He asked.

“Lee Kiseop, I love you So much!” You told him again. A large smile grew on Kiseop’s face.

“I..I love you more ________” Kiseop said as he kissed you. You wrapped you arms around his neck and kissed back. You were glad for everything. It felt like sparks fly around you. Finally, you were able to admit everything. Finally Kiseop was the one who changed you to a better person. Finally Kiseop was the one who made you smile again.

“I’m glad I saw you.” Kiseop said while hugging you.

“And I’m glad you came to me” You answered. Everyone in the airport was clapping to you and Kiseop. You knew you and Kiseop is an official couple now. He was the one who melted your heart again. He was the one who made you smile again.

‘Last minute to all Seoul – LA passengers’ they heard.

“Are you still going to leave?” You asked him.

“No, not without you now” Kiseop smiled and gave you a quick kiss on your lips.

“I’m sorry manager, You have to go on without me, I’ll handle everything here, don’t worry” Kiseop told his manager in English. His manager just nodded and quickly went in the airplane.

“Saranghaeyo” Kiseop whispered.

“I love you more” You answered, as Kiseop pulled you into a tight hug. But Kiseop phone rang.

“Yeoboseo?” Kiseop answered.

“K-k-k-kiseop?” It was Kevin but he sounded scared.

“Who Is it ?” You asked.

“IT’s Kevin” Kiseop told you. “ What? Yes? What’s going on? What’s with your voice?” Kiseop asked.

“Kiseop..I-it’s DongHo! H-he was in rage! S-so angry! H-he was crying too! We tried to ask him what’s going on, a-and he just pushed us a-and went away, w-we tried t-to follow h-him but, he w-went outside the s-school!” Kevin was completely scared.

“WHAT?! He couldn’t be that mad at least someone broke his stuff or something bad came around him and Soohyun!” Kiseop said.

“T-the thing is….”Kevin paused a moment and breathed.

“Soohyun has a girlfriend….”


Well, that's the end of this fanfic!~

But WAIT!! What about the end??

HEhe? Soohyun and DongHo?? Well, we're making a sequel~!! Just wait for it!~

IT'll be about 2SHIN i swear!!~~

And for this sequel, i will be working with ukisskevinlover!~

I hope you'll look forward to the sequel!

Thank you very much for reading!

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Chapter 23: Omg I love this story so much!
Chapter 20: i hate Victoria ! ( here in the story )


Please update :D
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 20: ahhhh victoria is so stupid..what will the people at vogue think when she appears with all her belly fat?idiot.....
sighhh kiseoppie oppa please cheer her up..jebal
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 16: !!!!!!what no modeling?!ah well its your own choice hehehe;)
Wahh...are those feelings coming out?wiggles eyebrows
Great chapter dongsaenggie!
ukisskevinlover #5
Chapter 15: DONGSAENGGIE is that youuuuuu?!?!?! Aigoo aigooooo my little dongsaenggie is so pretty sniffleeee and you wonder why they didnt pick you -.- aigoo(acting like an ahjumma right now)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 14: Kiseop....is so hot and adorable at the sAme time sighh
Yayy triple update :)))
ukisskevinlover #7
Chapter 10: Wahh chukahaeyo on being qualified for modeling!hwaiting ;)
Wahhh hehe dongho is gay wowwwww 2shin is real
stellaxh #8
Chapter 10: Waiting for more chapters ><
Nice story ! ^^ hwaitinggg
Chapter 1: Interesting Story !

I'll wait for you to update ! FIGHTING :D
ukisskevinlover #10
Chapter 2: hehe pigeonnie is so cute!wahhh....seoppie...seoppie is very determined to find that girl!..
ANYWAYS!great chapter dongsaenggie