Spending The Last Moments With You

Turning Your Dark Sky Blue.


After the call from Kiseop’s company, Kisep couldn’t have a nice sleep. He didn’t want to leave you. He knows you 2 will still see each other in Vogue launch but Kiseop had to fly in advance, but you still knew that Kiseop will support you til the end, and Kiseop already makes you happy, Kiseop cant disappear this time and kind of moment.

“Seoppie? Why still awake?” A sleepy Pigeon infront of his bed asked.

“Mianhe Eli, Something’s bothering me” Kiseop said as he sat up. Eli stood up and walk to their secret refrigerator and grabbed some red bull.

“What is it?” Eli asked.

“I-it’s nothing…” Kiseop said.

“Tell me” Eli took a sip to his red bull.

“Well you see…. I..I have to go back to the US soon” Kiseop sighed.

“But why? You cant leave til the end of the semester” Eli said.

“That’s the problem… Exactly end of the semester, I’ll be leaving..” Kiseop said.

“But.. you have to be there for _______, didn’t you say you’ll support her til the end?” Eli asked.

“Yeah, I will,that’s why I’ll do everything in my last days here, I cant argue with my company though” Kiseop sighed as he laid down once again. Eli finished his red bull and went back to sleep.

Next day, all of them has the same class in the morning which still starts around 8 am. Kiseop was wandering around the locker rooms and found you in the hallway.

“Hey Seop!” You greeted him with a smile.

“Hey ________” Kiseop also greeted you.

“What are you doing around here, don’t you have classes?” You asked.

“Well ,we have same classes in the morning, it’s still early though” Kiseop said.

“Oh well ,that’s great to hear though, I’m already excited to fly to America and be an international model!” You said as you walk with Kiseop. With that Kiseop felt sad remembering that he had to go back to the states in a week or two.

“Kiseop? Are you alright?” You asked. Kiseop smiled and grabbed your hand. You was shocked by his sudden action and blushed so hard.

“Yes, yes I am, now come with me” Kiseop said.

“A-alright then” You answered. Kiseop brought you to the lounge and ordered 2 especial ice creams.

“What is going on?” You asked.

“Nothing…I..I still wanted to congratulate you for being you know…qualified” Kiseop smiled.

“Still that? Come on Kiseop” You chuckled.

“Say aaaaahh!” Kiseop said as he offered a spoonful of chocolate ice cream to you.  You gladly ate it.

“Thank you Kiseop” You smiled.

“_______” Kiseop called you.

“Yes?” You answered. Kiseop held your hand again., Your heart started to beat fast again.

“No matter what happens, always remember that I am always here for you, next to you or far from you, I will always here to support you, no matter what” Kiseop said. You instantly blushed at his statement and quickly withdrew your hand.

“W-what are you talking about Kiseop, stop being weird” You chuckled nervously and continued to eat your ice cream. Kiseop just smiled and watched you.  You realized he was staring at you and looked at him but when you were caught in his stare you immediately turned away.

“I-I guess, i-it’s time for class now” You shyly said.

“ Oh yeah, let’s go?” Kiseop asked.

“Yeah” You stood up and grabbed your bag. You were walking down the hallway, your hands were bumping with Kiseop’s. Kiseop instantly grabbed you hand and intertwined his fingers to you fingers. You were shocked at his action, you two weren’t even dating, but your feelings were being developed. But you can never admit it, you wont accept that feeling.

“K-Kiseop..” You called.

“I remember those times when you hated me, and now I’m glad we’re happy, we’re friends, we’re close, it’s a good memory.” Kiseop smiled. You also smiled to his words. Yes, you can remember those times. He dragged you to the classroom and you two smiled at each other.



Will Kiseop ever leave you? How can heleave someone too precious for him?

Well!! Ending is near~~~ I'm planning to do a sequel to this story, but the sequel will be.... *drum rolls*

2SHIN~~!! My Top bias and my favorite OTP!~ <3

Sooooo!!~~ Please read this till the end! <3 Love you guys~!!

Please read my other stories too!~

Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 23: Omg I love this story so much!
Chapter 20: i hate Victoria ! ( here in the story )


Please update :D
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 20: ahhhh victoria is so stupid..what will the people at vogue think when she appears with all her belly fat?idiot.....
sighhh kiseoppie oppa please cheer her up..jebal
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 16: !!!!!!what no modeling?!ah well its your own choice hehehe;)
Wahh...are those feelings coming out?wiggles eyebrows
Great chapter dongsaenggie!
ukisskevinlover #5
Chapter 15: DONGSAENGGIE is that youuuuuu?!?!?! Aigoo aigooooo my little dongsaenggie is so pretty sniffleeee and you wonder why they didnt pick you -.- aigoo(acting like an ahjumma right now)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 14: Kiseop....is so hot and adorable at the sAme time sighh
Yayy triple update :)))
ukisskevinlover #7
Chapter 10: Wahh chukahaeyo on being qualified for modeling!hwaiting ;)
Wahhh hehe dongho is gay wowwwww 2shin is real
stellaxh #8
Chapter 10: Waiting for more chapters ><
Nice story ! ^^ hwaitinggg
Chapter 1: Interesting Story !

I'll wait for you to update ! FIGHTING :D
ukisskevinlover #10
Chapter 2: hehe pigeonnie is so cute!wahhh....seoppie...seoppie is very determined to find that girl!..
ANYWAYS!great chapter dongsaenggie