Victoria's Plans

Turning Your Dark Sky Blue.

“I’m  not learning those ” Victoria said as she plopped down their couch, opening her iPAD. She is home schooled so teachers come to her house to teach her, but she was too harsh sometimes, well always, that whenever she doesn’t feel like studying she just walks out from their session and does everything she wants. That’s why you win over her in education.

Her phone suddenly rang and she checked it, it was her producer.

“Nae, yeoboseo?” She answered as she signaled her hired teacher to go away already. Her teacher obeyed, she bowed and went away.

“Ah Victoria my girl, you have to my office, we have to discuss about something” Her producer said.

“Ah arasso, I’ll be there in an hour or 2” Victoria said.

“No, I want you here now!” The producer.

“I’m the model, I decide when to go” Victoria hang up and went to her room. But then her phone rang again, but now it was from her boyfriend, Kibum.

“Hey my baby” She answered sounding flirty.

“Ooh~~ Hot greeting from my babe” Kibum chuckled through the phone.

“I know I’m hot” Victoria said.

“Anyways, have you heard of the news?” Kibum asked.

“What news?” Victoria asked.

“About ______” Kibum said.

“Aww yeobo, what about her, I don’t give a about her!” Victoria chuckled.

“Anyway, lunch?” Kibum invited.

“Yeah sure! Pick me up in 10?” Victoria asked.

“Of course, I wont be late” Kibum said as they hang up. Victoria was very stubborn, she only seems nice to company managers that gets her and other boys. She’s even more stubborn than how you were.  She got ready for their lunch. She didn’t know about your good luck yet. After a few minutes, Kibum picked her up.

“So, where are we going?” Victoria linked her arms to Kibum while driving.

“To a restaurant of course” Kibum said.

“Can I use this?” Victoria asked permission for his boyfriend’s iPAD.

“Yeah sure” Kibum said. Victoria smiled devilishly as she saw her picture as Kibum’s wallpaper. She scrolled down to her Twitter but stopped when some of your fans were congratulating you.

“What the heck is this?” Victoria looked closer. Kibum just smirked. A fan posted the link of the news where it said about your qualification to VOGUE International. Victoria opened it and was shocked.

“! ! ! What is this?!” Victoria read. She couldn’t believe that you were the one chosen instead of her. Victoria threw Kibum’s iPAD outside the car, and frowned. Kibum just frowned and sighed.

“Why did you do that?!” Kibum asked angrily.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ing buy you a new one! Even ing two!” Victoria said.

“Scratch our date! Head to my company!” Victoria commanded. Kibum just sighed and went to her company and dropped her there.

“Pick you up by 7 maybe?” Kibum asked before leaving.

“Yeah, I’ll look forward” Victoria said as she leaned down to give a hot kiss to Kibum. When Kibum left, Victoria stormed to her producers office.

“Ah Victoria, you came early than I expected” The producer teased.

“What’s going on?” Victoria asked furiously.

“What’s going on? It’s you going on!” The producer seemed angry.

“What about me?” Victoria asked.

“Well, I’m not the one who was stubborn enough so I wasnt picked in VOGUE International” The producer said sarcastically.

“So, what’s the problem with me, you weren’t producing me very well if you ask me” Victoria blamed.

“The problem is that your photos weren’t accepted. And that! That belly fat! How will you model with that?” The producer said.

“Then what? Diet? Is that your problem?” Victoria asked.

“Mine? Oh no, it’s your problem” The producer walked out. Victoria rolled her eyes and went to the editing office.

“Oh good morning Ms. Victoria” A staff greeted her.

“Don’t good morning, good morning me! What’s up with you guys?!” Victoria yelled.

“What do you mean?” The head of the editing staff asked.

“Why don’t you edit my pics better?!” Victoria asked. “ Why does my belly fat still appear?!” Victoria asked.

“We only edit the lightings and texture” The head answered.

“But from now on! Edit my body figure as well! Got it?” Victoria said as she stormed out. The staff began to work on the edits again, making Victoria’s photos more y. In the photoshoot, Victoria will just pose naturally not minding her belly fat or something imperfect. At the end of the day, the editors edit the pictures, taking out some belly fat from Victoria’s photos. She should be thankful she has a professional crew. Even her face shape, they edit it to become perfect. She roam around the edit office to see it they are doing it the right way.

“Hey! You! Fix my hair! Look there’s split ends! That shouldn’t appear there!” Victoria commanded.

“Mianhe Victoria” The staff apologized.

Next day, the editors showed her the pictures and she was happy for it. IT was way better than your pictures already, ier, hotter, cuter, it was way better, thanks to photoshop and editing. She smiled devilishly ready to take over.



How far can Victoria ruin your dreams?! How can you react about this? Ending is near I'm telling you people~!


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Chapter 23: Omg I love this story so much!
Chapter 20: i hate Victoria ! ( here in the story )


Please update :D
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 20: ahhhh victoria is so stupid..what will the people at vogue think when she appears with all her belly fat?idiot.....
sighhh kiseoppie oppa please cheer her up..jebal
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 16: !!!!!!what no modeling?!ah well its your own choice hehehe;)
Wahh...are those feelings coming out?wiggles eyebrows
Great chapter dongsaenggie!
ukisskevinlover #5
Chapter 15: DONGSAENGGIE is that youuuuuu?!?!?! Aigoo aigooooo my little dongsaenggie is so pretty sniffleeee and you wonder why they didnt pick you -.- aigoo(acting like an ahjumma right now)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 14: so hot and adorable at the sAme time sighh
Yayy triple update :)))
ukisskevinlover #7
Chapter 10: Wahh chukahaeyo on being qualified for modeling!hwaiting ;)
Wahhh hehe dongho is gay wowwwww 2shin is real
stellaxh #8
Chapter 10: Waiting for more chapters ><
Nice story ! ^^ hwaitinggg
Chapter 1: Interesting Story !

I'll wait for you to update ! FIGHTING :D
ukisskevinlover #10
Chapter 2: hehe pigeonnie is so cute!wahhh....seoppie...seoppie is very determined to find that girl!..
ANYWAYS!great chapter dongsaenggie