The Beginning

Turning Your Dark Sky Blue.

Lee Kiseop, an ulzzang that lives in America. He’s a famous model in their city. HE models for fashion malls, clothings and everywhere.  This ulzzang has a ton of fans, every girls wants him as boyfriend but the problem is, Kiseop likes a student model in South korea, his true hometown. He’s willing to go back to Seoul to meet you, the student model.  So this how Kiseop found out about you.


“Hey Kiseop!” His friend called. They converse in English since they are in America.

“Hey...” Kiseop said faintly.

“How’s audition?” His friend asked.

“I wasn’t accepted as always…” Kiseop said.

“What? Those companies really doesn’t know which person to choose,  you’re even better at those boys” His friend slung an arm over Kiseop’s shoulder.

“I just wanna die!!” Kiseop groaned.

“Ya! Don’t say that, just relax, there are more opportunities!” His friend confidently said.

“Fine, I..I just wanna go home..”Kiseop said.

When he arrived home, he just dived over his bed. He buried his face to his pillow. He cried. Everytime he auditioned, he would never be accepted. It hurt him a lot.

“Honey?” His mom called. He didn’t answer. His mom opened the door and sat beside Kiseop and caressed his soft red hair.

“Seoppie, please don’t do this, don’t starve yourself to death, I’m always gonna be here for you. Come on? I’ll bring your food here if you don’t want to go out.” His mom said, she stood up and went out. Kiseop stood up and wiped his tears away. He the TV and watched some news til she saw you on TV.

‘So tell us ________ what is the secret to your success?’ The reporter asked.

‘I don’t know, I just worked hard because this is what I wanted. I post pictures at my blog, I take pictures of me wearing new clothes or stuff, I also take care of my skin, I guess my career started there.’ You said.

The moment Kiseop saw you on TV he felt inspired. He searched about you and found out that you’re a model. A student model. He felt courage that time. When he saw you smile on TV, it also made him smile. Starting that day on, he began to like you. He searched the web and found out that you’re a little bit mean and harsh but that’s your signature, because you being mean, people even like you more. Not by only your fashion sense, and your looks. In your school you are also famous. And that’s where Kiseop’s career also started. He felt inspired of modeling. His friend helped him to try modeling and when he was accepted, it became the start of his career.  It became a hobby too. And there little by little he felt close on meeting you someday.


“Dear, is your luggage ready?” His mom shouted.

“Yes mom, I’m almost ready to go, just fixing my scarf.” Kiseop also became a fashionista after being a model.

“Hurry, your manager is waiting for you.” His mom called once again.

“Yes! I’m coming!” Kiseop said as he took one last glimpse at himself.  “You’ll meet her finally Lee Kiseop, but when you go back to Korea, you’ll be a normal person again..” He reminded himself.

Soon he went out to his manager and his mom. Saying his goodbye to his mom.

“Always wear the best clothes honey, and remember to put sunblock if its too hot, take care of your skin, especially your face, eat well, and don’t lose your diet” His mom reminded him.

“Yes mom, we have to go now.” Kiseop kissed his mother’s cheek and hopped into the van. He waved for the last time to his mom and their van drove off to the airport.

“Make sure to call me if you’re in Korea already, spend some good time there, I already enrolled you to that high school you said. I’m impressed, such high class school. Have fun, I don’t want my model to return here with big eyebags or smashed face or even fat” His manages joked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I just missed being a normal citizen now. Time to relax” He said.

Finally they arrived at the airport, theu knew they had to arrive early because Kiseop will be surrounded by fans. And they were right, when they got off the van, fangirls surrounded Kiseop. Kiseop did what they wanted since Kiseop is a sweet and kind guy.  Kiseop signed every autograph book that was given to him and received many gifts until it was time to leave. The fangirls happily said goodbye and Kiseop boarded at the airplane.  He remembered the reason why he wanted to go to South Korea again.



‘_____ vs Victoria? News has been up that nation’s young model _________ has a rival, Victoria, she’s having problems in school today too and in popularity. It’s The Evil Cutie Modle vs The Sweetie Romantic Model. Even though _____ is still famous, Victoria is little by little getting her popularity.’ The reporter said.

“Aww, no! She cant beat _____, Victoria is such a wimpy!” Kiseop groaned. He remembered what the reporter said. ‘ trouble in school’ He thought of going to Korea and help you out on your troubles and win over Victoria.


Then suddenly a man sat beside him. He was at the first class area.

“Oh mianhe” The man apologized. He was Korean, Kiseop was thankful he was still fluent in Korean.

“Ah Kwaenchana”  He said. The guy seems to be rich. He was carrying a big paper bag, a girly paper bag, must be for a girlfriend or something. Then he fellasleep, it was still a long trip to Seoul.


SO here's the first chapter~~!! I hope you like this fanfic <3 ~~

Thank you for reading!!~~

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Chapter 23: Omg I love this story so much!
Chapter 20: i hate Victoria ! ( here in the story )


Please update :D
ukisskevinlover #3
Chapter 20: ahhhh victoria is so stupid..what will the people at vogue think when she appears with all her belly fat?idiot.....
sighhh kiseoppie oppa please cheer her up..jebal
ukisskevinlover #4
Chapter 16: !!!!!!what no modeling?!ah well its your own choice hehehe;)
Wahh...are those feelings coming out?wiggles eyebrows
Great chapter dongsaenggie!
ukisskevinlover #5
Chapter 15: DONGSAENGGIE is that youuuuuu?!?!?! Aigoo aigooooo my little dongsaenggie is so pretty sniffleeee and you wonder why they didnt pick you -.- aigoo(acting like an ahjumma right now)
ukisskevinlover #6
Chapter 14: so hot and adorable at the sAme time sighh
Yayy triple update :)))
ukisskevinlover #7
Chapter 10: Wahh chukahaeyo on being qualified for modeling!hwaiting ;)
Wahhh hehe dongho is gay wowwwww 2shin is real
stellaxh #8
Chapter 10: Waiting for more chapters ><
Nice story ! ^^ hwaitinggg
Chapter 1: Interesting Story !

I'll wait for you to update ! FIGHTING :D
ukisskevinlover #10
Chapter 2: hehe pigeonnie is so cute!wahhh....seoppie...seoppie is very determined to find that girl!..
ANYWAYS!great chapter dongsaenggie