

Ray checked her phone every fifteen minutes, impatient she walked around her room trying to find something to wear to the club. Ray finally decided on a black dress and slipped it on pushing all her hair to one side revealing her .She grabbed her long gold chain necklace and snapped it around her neck letting the remainder of the chain to fall on her back. She quickly went to her door quietly opening it making sure her mother and stepfather were asleep. After hearing their heavy breaths Ray ran to her bedroom window and threw out her heels, before sliding down the rain gutter. She hoped off with a silent thud looking around to see if anyone had seen her. Once she felt it was safe Ray slipped on her heels and checked her phone one last time before walking to the club.


"And your cousin can get us into Banned?" asked Daehyun as he, Yumi, and Youngjae spotted the club a few yards ahead of them.

"Yeah! He works at the bar! He said to just call him once we're outside."

"Well... CALL HIM!" shouted Yumi in excitement as she adjusted her skirt. Youngjae went off to the side to call his cousin, Yumi grabbed Daehyun's hand and pulled him close, "Are you excited?"

"Yeah I guess."

Yumi looked at him her smile fading. Youngjae came back to the two with a smile on his face, "Kaja! My cousin is at the front!" The trio found a guy about Youngjae's height with short black hair and a slanted smile at the front of the club.

He walked up to them smiling brightly, "Youngjae-ah!" He pulled Youngjae into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Minwoo hyung! Can't breath!"

"Oh mianhae," Minwoo turned to Yumi and Daehyun smiling, "are you guys ready to go in?" The three nodded and followed Minwoo into the club. House music blasted in their ears as smoke clouded their vision. Daehyun surveyed the club watching people mingle with one another; the dance floor was filled with people swaying to the beat, each person connected by a silent bond.

"Here! I got you guys a booth, order any drinks you want it's on me tonight!" shouted Minwoo.

Yumi bowed profusely,"AH! Kamsamnida oppa~!"

Youngjae slid into the leather cushion of the booth and peered at the drink menu, "What do you guys want to start with?"

"How about shots?" suggested Yumi. Youngjae nodded and called the waitress over. Yumi looked at Daehyun who was staring blankly at the dance floor. "What's wrong?"

Daehyun blinked and turned to Yumi with a kind smile, "Oh, nothing."


Ray finally made it to the club, the bouncer gave her a sly smile as she walked by and into the club not even bothering to check her ID. Ray scanned the club for the bar hoping to find Bizzy quickly, as soon as she found it she walked down the stairs and took a seat.

Minwoo noticed Ray and walked up to her, "Looking for Bizzy?" Ray looked at Minwoo nodding slightly, "I'll go get him." Minwoo put back the glass he was drying and went to the back of the bar.

"You new around here?" asked a man with red tipped hair. He looked Ray up and down his lips greedily. Ray reached over and grabbed his drink sipping it slightly, she looked into his brown eyes smirking. "How about I buy you a drink?"

Ray leaned into him her lips barely touching his she bit her lip as she looked him up and down, "No." She stood up from her seat and walked down the bar leaving the man dumbfounded.

"Ray-ah!" called Minwoo from the end of the bar.

Ray smiled as she walked over to Minwoo, "Ne?"

"Bizzy is buisy waiting tables tonight, but he told me to give you this," Minwoo held out a small plastic bag filled with white powder. "Angel Dust?"

Ray took the bag from his hands and opened it, "Old habits die hard I guess." She dipped her pinky in picing up some of the product. Sniffing it quickly Ray felt a rush of energy flow through her body. She held out the bag to Minwoo silently offering him some.

"Ani, not my thing." Ray shrugged putting the bag in her bra where it wouldn't fall, "But Ray be careful okay?" Ray nodded as she headed towards the dancefloor colors dancing in front of her sending her into a daze.


"To relaxation!" said Youngjae as he held up his drink.

"Relaxation!" They all took the shot and slammed their glasses on the table.

"Let's go dance!" urged Yumi.

Daehyun shook his head,"Let me get a few more drinks in me before that happens."

"Come on!" pushed Youngjae as he stood up.

Yumi grabbed Daehyun and pulled him towards the dancefloor. Youngjae had already started dancing with a girl, Yumi began swaying to the beat. Daehyun stood there awkwardly not in the mood to dance.

"Come on I know you can dance!" said Yumi as she pushed her body closer to his.

"I'm gonna go to the bar!" Yumi frowned slightly before nodding and moving to the middle of the dancefloor.

Daehyun took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.

"Not dancing with Yumi?" asked Minwoo as he handed him his drink.

"Just not feeling it," Daehyun replied taking down his scotch in one shot. 

Ray moved with the music as the lights shined in her eyes causing her pupils to dialate. She opened feeling go dry; slowly she dragged herself to the bar.

"Minwoo!" she called. He turned from his conversation and nodded to Ray, "two shots!" The man he was talking to turned his body and was facing Ray. His sandy brown hair swooping just above his eyes. Ray stood up from her chair and weaved her way to him. 

"Ra-ra-ray-ah" stuttered Daehyun.

Ray tilted her head peering into his eyes, "Hmmm?"

"Two shots!" announced Minwoo as he placed the glasses on the bar.

"You're going to drink both of them?" questioned Daehyun.

Ray grabbed one shot and drank it down, "You want one?"

"Aniyo, that's okay."

Minwoo came back to the duo and joined in their conversation,"Still going up Ray?"

Ray drank down her other shot, "Minwoo, I am flying on a state of ecstasy I plan on going all the way up to where ever itis they call heaven."

Daehyun looked at her confused, "Up?"

"Oh, poor little Daehyunnie here is innocent as can be, he probably hasn't even been with a woman," cooed Ray as she pinched his cheeks.

Daehyun swatted her hands away, "I'm not that innocent."

"So you have been with someone?"

"I have a girlfriend," said Daehyun as his ears began to turn red.

"I am sure she is pleased," shot back Ray sarcastically. She called for another drink and stepped closer to Daehyun fitting herself between his open legs, "Does she love you?"

Daehyun felt his heart beat quicken as she began to close the space between them, "Nn-ne."

"How cute," said Ray as she place her hands on his legs moving them towards his pelvic area.

Daehyun found himself leaning into her touch before he caught himself, "Stop." Daehyun looked into her hazel eyes as she looked down and stepped back into her seat sipping on her drink once more. 

Youngjae and Yumi walked over to the bar panting.

"Why aren't you dancing?" asked Youngjae. He turned to see Ray drinking another shot, Youngjae turned back to look at Daehyun with his eyes wide.

"Is that the new girl?" whispered Yumi.

Ray continued taking shots feeling their shocked expressions burning her back. She reached for the little plastic bag once more bringing some white powder to her lips rubbing it against her gums. The sudden jolt of electricity gave her the confidence she needed to face them.

"You're in my class aren't you?" Ray asked Youngjae. He nodded his head quickly, "Do you want some?"

"Wh-what is it?"

Ray scoffed, "You haven't seen a bit of dust before?" He shook his head once more.

"We don't do drug," said Yumi as she looked her over with cold eyes.

Ray raised her eyebrow challenging her, "Well suit yourself." The group stood there awkwardly, Ray looked over at Youngjae smiling at him, "Youngjae is it?" He nodded, "Are you going to dance with me or make me wait here all night?"

Youngjae felt the blood rush to his cheeks as he lead Ray to the dancefloor. Daehyun watched as Ray pushed her body against Youngjae's swaying effortlessly to the music.

"Who does she think she is?" said Yumi in a bitter tone.

"Don't know," replied Daehyun.

"Why were you talking to her?"

"Just having a civil conversation."

"About what?"

"Yumi, don't start."

"What I can't be curious?"

"Yumi, I am your boyfriend. I am with you not her, and I am not leaving."

Yumi smiled wrapping her arms around Daehyun's neck pulling him in for a kiss, "I know."

As their lips touched Daehyun felt the butterflies that were once in his stomach die, all that was left was an empty feeling. Whatever it was that him and Yumi shared died with that kiss. He looked towards the dance floor finding Ray's hazel eyes staring at him, he felt the butterflies rustle once more. He felt a bit of relief and a bit of jealousy. Why wasn't he the one dancing with her? His mind dropped him back into reality, that's right; because I am with Yumi.



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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^