Ray & Daehyun


Ray woke up the next morning, light hitting her face. "Ray....Ray....Raaaaayyy," opening her eyes slightly her vision readjusting itself as she looked at Minzy hovering above her.

"Bwoh? What time is it?"

Minzy turned her head to look at the clock, "8:30 AM?"

Ray shot up knocking Minzy off the bed, "We're late!" Ray quickly grabbed Minzy and dragged her towards the bus stop by her house. 

"What about our uniforms?!"

"We'll pick some up there!"

It took another half hour before the two reached the school. Ray ran into her classroom, all eyes turning to her sudden appearance.

"Ray-ah! You're late," the teacher stated. Ray bowed as she went to take her seat. "I won't even address your attire." Ray looked down at her dress from last night and shrugged. She watched as L.Joe scanned her bare legs smirking. Rolling her eyes she looked in the opposite direction meeting a pair of chocolate brown eyes. As if on cue she looked away from Daehyun touching her lips, remembering their kiss from the night before. Remembering how he held onto her and sent chills down her spine. Shaking her head Ray pulled out her books and began to jot down notes, but no matter how hard she tried to focus her mind kept drifting to Daehyun.

"Sangsanim!" the teacher turned to Ray nodding for her to continue. "May I go to the nurse; I'm not feeling well."

"Ne, and when you're there pick up a spare uniform. I will not tolerate your lack of dress any longer. Byunghyun will you to the--"

"Ani," Ray said quickly causing the class to look at her strangely, "I know where it is."

The instructor nodded, "Ne, kaja."

Ray her heels and left the class, sliding the door behind her. She walked a few paces before stopping and leaning against the wall. Slowly silding down the wall she brought her knees up to her chest as an attempt to keep her thoughts and desires within. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a cigarette and lit it quickly. Taking in the embers, she let the smoke settle in her lungs before breathing out. Touching her lips once more she remembers the way he had cupped her face, the way he held the small of her back as he kissed her lips with such passion.

"Smoking again?"

Ray looked up to see his chocolate eyes boring into her hazel ones. She felt her heart quicken as his eyes lingered on her lips. Breathing in once more she pulled the cigarette from her lips, smoke dripping from them. 

"Ray," Daehyun said catching her attention.

She smashed her cigarette on the ground fizzing it out, hoisting herself up she turned her back to him.

"Ray," Daehyun started again grabbing her wrist.

Ray turned to Daehyun her lips in a snarl, but her eyes pleading, "What? What do you want?!"

Daehyun took a step closer to her, "I just wanted to talk..."

"Talk?" she questioned stepping back, "you've already said enough."

"I haven't said anything-"

"Your actions are enough."

"About last night--"

Ray yanked her hand away, "Just forget it--"

"Forget it!?"

Ray stepped closer to Daehyun their noses touching, "Yeah forget about it, the kiss, the club, everything!"

Daehyun felt himself stung by her words, "How can I forget last night? You can't lie to me saying that you didn't feel anything!"

"We aren't supposed to FEEL anything! YOU have a girlfriend! Stop confusing me and confusing yourself!"

"Confusing myself?! Confusing YOU! Tell me Ray how is it that you're confused? I remember you leaning in more and clutching onto me--"

"You're right."

"And you--what?"

"You're right, I did kiss back." Stepping away from Daehyun she walked down the hallway once more.

"Ray," called out Daehyun.

She stopped in her tracks clenching her fists, "Don't, don't call my name, don't even think of it. Just don't."


A/N: Thank you so much for the support! It would be cool if I had artistic skills to make a poster for this story or something, but sadly I don't. I will try and update as soon as possible!

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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^