

"Jaiga, what do you want to do tonight?" L.Joe asked as he put some raymun in his mouth.

Ray shrugged, "I don't care."

"Well pick."

"Let's just go to the club again, Bizzy got new stuff in."

L.Joe slurpped his ramen in agreement, "Youngjae-ah, do you want to go?"

Youngjae opened his mouth to answer but Daehyun's voice beat him, "No." He turned to Yumi pulling her in close and kissing her hair. Ray looked away from the couple holding onto L.Joe's arm. Looking through her hair she saw Yumi looking at them, no looking at L.Joe with a glint in her eye. Ray furrowed her eyebrows in confusion wondering why.


The heat from the club brought goosebumps to her skin. Rubbing the powder in between her lips she let her body numb to the music. Ray felt hands hover over body as she moved to the beat. Eyes dialated and mind in a fog L.Joe held her close to him, but he himself was slipping. They lost each other, Ray finding herself taking shots with strangers, while L.Joe was lost on the dancefloor looking for someone. With eyes wandering the crowd he spotted the tiny brunette he was looking for. She turned her body towards him, her eyes gleaming. Flashing a smile he cupped her face and kissed her gently.

"Does he know you're here?" L.Joe asked. 

"Aniyo, he is out with his brother tonight." 

L.Joe nodded looking around the club for Ray making sure he wouldn't be seen. Still at the bar she was chatting with the bartender, probably discussing a new product that he had for her. Averting his gaze from Ray he pulled the tiny brunette closer to him. He never knew she had this side to her, he could hardly believe that she was still a . Pulling his neck towards her face she kissed it gently and whispered, "Let's get out of here." L.Joe smiled and dragged her out of the club.

Ray took down another shot and turned her chair looking for L.Joe, her vision was slightly blurred; probably from the alcohol. She finally spotted him with another girl causing Ray to stare in confusion. She knew she recognized the bob of her hair, but she couldn't properly see her face. Ray struggled trying to stand up, but staggered a bit before tripping over herself. Picking herself back up she found her way to the club's exit and found L.Joe and his mystery girl walking down a side street towards his house. Ray felt anger boil inside her as she watched him touch her; caressing her waist placing kisses on her face. Keeping her distance she stopped before entering the street light where the couple had stopped; the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passiontely. The couple continued on their lust for each other growing with each passing second. Finally opening his door and turning the light on he pushed the girl up against the wall kissing her in every way possible. Ray squinted her eyes finally cathching a glimpse of the girls face. The bob was all too familiar, her piercing brown eyes were intimidating. 

"No," whispered Ray in disbelief as she watching Yumi loose her self in L.Joe. 

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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^