Ray & Daehyun


Before anyone begins this chapter I suggest listening to Rihanna's "Stay" for a certain section, this song sets the tone for the chapter and plays great in helping you visualize what is happening. SO DO IT! Thank you ^^


Breathe in. Breathe out. She felt closing in on her as she ran through the streets and alleyways, pushing people aside as she went against the crowd. She was lost internally and externaly, grabbing the wall her vision blurred. Tears slowly began to stream down her cheeks, she didn't know why she was crying; it wasn't all for L.Joe. She looked up wondering how Daeyhun would feel if he knew he was being cheated on. Her feet were shuffling on once more; reaching her destination she faced the gate before her. The gate was slightly open as if it was inviting her inside. Pushing the gate open she walked up to the front door knocking silently on its oakey texture. She stood in the doorway waiting; waiting for something to happen, for someone to open up. She stood there for what felt like forever with no response. Turning around she looked up into the night sky watching as it e shade darker, the rain clouds finally rolling in. Walking out from her shelter she felt the first rain drop hit her face, it was followed by millions of little droplets each one like a knife upon her face. She felt her body shiver trying to conserve its warmth, but she couldn't move from her spot. She was at the halfway point between the gate and the front door. Stuck at a crossroads of being herself or being someone else. Her body began shaking once more, not from the cold but from her sobs. Her tears were blending with each rain drop that fell on her face, going into the fetal position she felt like a lost puppy trying to find its way home, and that just lead her to Daehyun's. She didn't know why she was there, it just felt like the right thing to do. At one point he had wanted her just as mich as L.Joe did. Hugging her knees to her chest she tried to push the pain back inside. The fear of not being wanted, the fear of being touched by those she hated, the fear of being lost. She didn't know where to go or what to do anymore. 


If you want to start playing "Stay" now. I highly recommend it.



Lifting her head she felt water drip from the strands of her hair.

"Ray-ah, what are you doing?" Brown eyes appeared before her undera hood trying to hide from the cold. "Ray-ah," Daehyun waved his hand in front of her face, her puffy hazel eyes stared at him blankly, tears continually falling from them. Daehyun wrapped his arms around her forcing her to stand up right. He tried urging her to walk inside, but she stayed in place unmoving. Picking her up bridal style he carried her inside away from the wet and cold, away from her harsh reality. Setting her down on his couch he took off his hood so he could look at her. The girl crying in front of him wasn't the Ray he knew. She wasn't confident, cocky, or sharp tongued. She was silent, broken, and closed of from her own environment. Daehyun didn't know why he brought her into his house, but seeing her hurt and silent. It crushed him. Taking off his sweater he walked into the bathroom drawing a hot bath for her. Walking back into the living room he found Ray sitting in the same position, silent and unmoving. "Ray-ah," he called to her. She didn't even flinch when he called to her. "I drew you a bath, so you can wash up. I don't want you to get sick." 

Ray turned to him, her eyes glazed over with tears, "Kamsamnida." She stood up and slowly trudged to the bathroom removing her clothes and leaving a trail to the bathroom. Daehyun watched as she sunk her body into the warm water, keeping the same position that she had on the couch. Daehyun watched as she sat silently in the tub, not even bothering to close the door. Sighing he grabbed a clean wash cloth from a cabinet nearby, entering the bathroom he grabbed the soap from the tin and lathered the cloth.

"Ray-ah, give me your arm."

She lifted her arm allowing him to wash her. Still silent her guard was down as he washed the rest of her body with care. She remained in the tub when he finished, both of them silent and still. Ray felt a ripple go through the water as another body joined her. Looking through her veil of hair Daehyun sat there with soaked boxers and a wet shirt. Reaching out to her he moved her hair away from her face and behind her ear, tilting his head in the process as if to ask her what was wrong.

"Ray-ah, what happened to you?"

Ray moved towards Daehyun, water spilling over the brim of the tub. Daehyun watched as she moved towards him, feeling her arms wrap around his neck. IN return he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her body closer. He her damp hair comforting her, looking at her he wiped her tears away. Clearing her cheeks from her sorrow, she pulled back from Daehyun peering into his brown eyes for the first time that night. He cupped her cheek as she leaned into his touch. A single tear dropped from her eye and ran down her cheek. Daehyun came to her immediately kissing the tear away. 

"Sarangheyo," she whispered gazing into his eye. Coming closer, his lips met hers in a soft kiss. The kiss wasn't needy, nor was it one of lust. Ray melted herself into Daehyun's arms, she returned his kiss whole heartedly. Moving his hands from her cheeks Daehyun grazed over her arms and her back pulling her closer with each touch. Pulling away for an intake of breathe the two stared at each other. Daehyun pulled himself out of the tub, water dripping from his wet shirt that clung to his torso. Quickly he pulled his shirt over his head discarding it on the floor. Holding out his hand he helped Ray out of the tub wrapping a towel over her bare body. Holding her hand he lead her into his bedroom laying her on his bed. Hovering over her body her voice came through, "Daehyun-ah?" He nodded to her allowing her to continue, "Are you sure about this?"

Daehyun gazed into her hazel eyes knowing what he felt, "Saranghe."

Their lips met once more, with more passion than the first time. Ray wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer, arching her back in the process. She was savoring the kiss, she felt something for the very first time. He was gentle with her as he untied the knot of her towel exposing her bare body. He drew his hand to the arch of her back, pulling her up more on the bed taking in every inch of her soft skin. She ran her fingers through his brown locks; she moved her hands to his broad shoulders tracing each muscle. Hands traveling down to his bare chest she felt her legs wrap around his torso holding him tight. Placing kisses all over he moved from her lips to her neck and then down to her bare chest, making sure he was gentle everytime he touched her. Her breathe became heavier with each kiss he laid on her . Moving back up he caressed the back of her head kissing her softly. 

Turning him over she pushed her body against his letting him know that she wanted him, all of him tonight. She touched the brim of his boxers pulling them down lightly until they were completely off. Setting herself on top of him the two looked into each others eyes fully taking in the situation. He sat up kissing her with even more passion, touching her back he laid her under him once more. Pushing stray hairs away from her face she closed her eyes as he kissed her eye lids. With one last kiss on her forehead he entered her causing her breathe to hitch. softly she kissed his soft lips as he pushed in and out of her with care and gentility. Touching every inch of her skin Daehyun made sure no area was untouched. Her arms wrapped around him as he went in deeper. He heard her moans of pleasure, his name leaving her lips every now and then. He took his time to make love to her; looking into her eyes the whole time kissing her and whispering how much he loved her.

It was then when Ray knew that she loved him. She was in love with Jung Daehyun, and it scared her. 

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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^