Daehyun & L.Joe


Ray woke up the next mornin to a strong pair of arms wrapped around her small frame. Turning her body she faced Daehyun quietly studying his tanned features, from the shape of his eyebrows to the softness of his lips. Moments later she was greeted by his fluttering eyes, on instict he pulled her closer stretching out his legs in the process.

"Morning," he said stifiling a yawn.

Ray felt herself smile at his cute expression, she thought herself that this was where she belonged; with Daehyun and with no problems. Her fantasy didn't last long when images from last night reentered her mind. Pulling herself out of Daehyun's hold she rushed out of bed and began looking for her clothes, "I need to go."

Daehyun laid in bed with a confused expression on his face, "Why? Just stay a little longer."

"No, I can't. Things might happen again."

"Things?" Daehyun sat up and scratched his head, "Like last night?"

Ray kept searching around for her clothes, "Last night didn't happen."

"What are you talking about? You aren't making any sense right now, I thought-"


"What's wrong with you?! You weren't like this last night!"

Images from last night scanned through her mind, Yumi kissing L. Joe, Ray running to Daehyun's house, them having . "I'm no better than her now," Ray said to herself.

"You're no better than who?" Daehyun was trying to catch Ray's attention as he pulled on his boxers.

Finally finding her clothes outside the bathroom Ray pulled her shirt over her body and grabbed her shoes, "Nothing just leave me alone. Forget that last night happened." With those last words Ray rushed out the front door leaving Daehyun dumbfoundead.

She kept running without looking back, no matter how many times Daehyun called out to her. Looking back meant going back to the fantasy she once hoped would become a reality, and she knew there was no room in her life for dreams. One foot in front of the other she continued running down Daehyun's street pushing past some pedestrians.

Yumi was walking up to Daehyun's house when someone rudely pushed past her, "YAH!" The gil was already turning ono another side street before she could scold her. Yumi rolled her eyes, "Rude." With her eyes landing on the floor she noticed the girl had dropped her phone. Curious about the owner she opened it and peered at the screensaver with wide eyes. Before her was a picture of Ray and L.Joe smiling at each other in what seemed to be a photobooth at some random club. Her grip on the phone tightened as she shut it and shoved it into her pocket. With a slight repositioning of her hair she continued to Daehyun's house.


At school Ray avoided both Daehyun and L. Joe, knowing that she would falter at the sight of either of them. She purposely took alternate routes to her classes so she didn't have to face anyone. She could finally be alone with her thoughts, but even then she wanted those to be erased from her mind. One person she was unable to avoid was Youngjae.

"So, you're back for good now?" Youngjae asked as he took the a seat at the desk in front of her.

"Looks like it." Ray avoided lookin at Youngjae fearing that he would see right through her, that he would see all her faults. 

Patting her head lightly Youngjae smiled, "It's good to have you back."

Ray felt guilty, guilty for having Youngjae smile that she was back. He should have been cursing her for leaving his friend so harshly. She felt guilty towards Daehyun and his constant attempts of capturing her attention, it took all of her will power to not look back. It would be the end of her if she looked at the man she had true feelings for. She didn't want him to love her, deep down she knew that he deserved better than her. Lost in her own thoughts Ray jumped at the sound of the bell. Gathering her things she left the class ready to head to the rooftop where she could be alone. But L. Joe stopped her in her tracks, "I've been looking for you all day." L. Joe reached out for her only to step back, "What's wrong?"

Ray looked around at the crowded hall, watching as people passed by staring at them as they passed. "Don't touch me."

L. Joe took another step towards her causing Ray's back to hit the wall of lockers, "What was that?"

"Don't touch me," she whispered.

L. Joe traced her jawline with his finger, "You liked the way I touched you before." Ray pushed his body away so she could get out of his old before he grabbed onto her wrist and turned her violently to face him again. He grabbed her face and held her cheeks tightly, "You know how I like it when you're fiesty." He stared at her with fire in his eyes and for a second Ray could have sworn that she saw Chinho in front of her. People in the halls began to crowd around and watch the couple. She didn't want to admit it, but she was scared.

A tear fell from her eye, "Please, just let go of me."

His grip on her wrist tightened cutting off her circulation, "And if I don't want to?"

"Just let her go L. Joe." 

Ray and L.Joe turned their stares in Daehyun's direction who was clenching his fists tightly. L. Joe let go of Ray's wrist and slung an arm around her waist, "What I do with my girlfriend is none of your business."

Ray looked into Daehyun's eyes silently pleading with him, "I'm not your girlfriend."

"What?" L.Joe looked at her with a warning glare.

She turned to him, her expression stoic, "Why would I want to be with someone who goe around cheating on his girlfriend?" L.Joe looked at her shocked. "You think I don't know? You think I'm stupid?" L.Joe looked at Ray fury in his eyes as he raised his hand when a fist collided with his face. He was knocked ono the ground spitting blood, looking up he saw Daehyun hovering over his raising his fist for another blow. Pain reached his nose as Daehyun contiually threw punches at L.Joe's face. L.Joe threw a few good punches at him trying to knock him off of him, but Daehyun's anger was no match for L.Joe's strength. L.joe clawed at Daehyun's arms leaving scratches on them as Daehyun sent another fist to L.Joe's ribs causing them to crunch.

"Stop, Daehyun stop!"

Daehyun looked up to see Ray standing there with tears streaming down her face, almost immediately Daheyun's anger subsided.

"YAH!" Yumi came up to them and shoved Ray to the floor throwinf her phone at her face causinga huge gash to form on her forehead. "And you talk about L.Joe sleeping with other people when you were doing the same with Daehyun! MY BOYFRIEND!"

Ray sat there her eyes wide and agape.

"Yumi, it isn't like that-" Daehyun started.

"Oh, it isn't like that huh? How long have you been sleeping with this for it 'not to be like that?'"

"However long you've been sleeping with L.Joe." Daehyun froze and looked at Ray who was now standingup, blood slowly dripping down her face. Yumi stood in her spot anger flowing through her veins once more. She took a step towards Ray , but Daehyun stopped her before she could do anymore harm.

"Is it true?" he asked her. Yumi stood there with her head hung low. "YUMI IS IT TRUE?!"

Before she answered L.Joe punched Daehyun causing him to hit his head on a locker. Twisting his wrist around L.Joe smirked, "I guess I forgot to tell you, but man your girlfriend is a great ."

Daehyun picked himself back up and spat out blood before hitting L.Joe again with just as much force as the first time. He threw him onto the lockers and wrapped his fingers around L.Joe's throat. Ray watched as L.Joe gasped for air, pushing Daehyun's face away from him. He lossened his grip a bit to wrap his arm around his back and shoved his face into a locker causing his nose to break. Ray stood there watching the boys fight wishing that everything would stop. Suddenly Daehyunlet go of L.Joe and left him gasping for breathe, and with one last shove L.Joe lost conciousness and fell to the floor with a light thud. Daehyun raged through the crowd that formed around them and left the hallway in a rush. Yumi snapped out of her trance and went to L.Joe trying to wake him up. "THIS IS ALL YOR FAULT!" she screamed at Ray.

Ray just stared at the two tasting her own blood as it fell from the gash on her forehead. She loked around at the students whoonly seemed to glare at her. She saw as the words '' and '' fell from their lips. Coverin her ears Ray felt herself scream trying to block out the noise from the outside.

Now she was completely alone and now she was her own worst enemy.

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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^