

Days passed and Ray was drifting away; on multiple occasions she found herself in others beds, L.Joe's included. Rising from her slumber she looked over at L.Joe who was sleeping soundly, his jaw slightly opened as he took a deep breathe in. Ray looked over at his sleeping figure with utter disgust. Turning her back to him she looked at her own reflection, hair tosselled in different directions and mascara staining her eyes slightly. Physically she was thinner, seeing as she hadn't had a proper meal in weeks.

"Ugh, what am I doing?" she said to herself as she pulled her fingers through her hair. Laying back in bed she reached for the half lit joint on the night stand, lighting it up she inhaled the smoke allowing it to settle in her lungs. Blowing out smoke she felt her mind become foggy. Taking in another puff of smoke she felt her muscles unwind. 

There was a constant buzzing that startled L.Joe awake, quickly reaching for his phone he placed it to his ear, "Yoboseyo?" he slurred. Ray watched as L.Joe furrowed his eyebrows together in annoyance, "not now." He rolled his eyes to look at Ray a smile painting itself on his face, "I'm busy." Shutting his phone he wrapped his arms around Ray pulling her body onto his. 

"Who was that?" she asked passing the joint to him. 

"Neil, he wanted to hang out," L.Joe responded blankly.

Ray rolled her eyes at his blatant lie, "I'm going to go."

"L.Joe tightened his grip around her waist, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, "No, stay..."

"No," she said pulling his hands off of her. 

"You stayed last night," he countered with a sour expression. 

Dragging herself out of bed Ray pulled a shirt over her bear skin, "Your point?"

"I could be hanging out with Niel."

Ray turned to look at L.Joe pulling up her hair, "Hanging out with Niel? Or ing some new girl?" Ray slipped on her boots and walked out slamming the door behind her. Pulling her cardigan over her shoulders Ray made her way down the street , male eyes lingering over her bare legs. She stopped in the club district remembering the first night she met Daehyun. The way they bumped into each other nonchalantly; the way he really looked at her, not just for physical features but for what was within. 

"Pft, who am I kidding," she said to herself as she pulled out a cigarette.

"Ray?" She looked up to see Youngjae walking towards her holding what appeared to be grocery bags, "where have you been?"


Youngjae rolled his eyes, "Obviously, you haven't been going to class."

"Who cares?"

"We care. Minzy has been asking about you non stop, Daehyun always looks worried these days."

Ray flinched at the mention of Daehyun, "He of all people shouldn't care."

Youngjae watched as Ray became rigid when he said Daehyun's name. He looked at Ray for a moment noticing how she thinned out, the bags under her eyes appeared heavier and her hazel eyes dulled out, "Tallawah."

Ray looked at Youngjae, "Wae?"

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

"I can find my own way," she said as she pushed past Youngjae.

"Look, I don't know what happened between you and Daehyun, that isn't my business. But whatever it is you can't let it kill you."

Ray turned back to Youngjae, "And who are you to say that I'm not okay? Who are you to say that I am letting this get to me!?" 

"I know because when I look at you it's like I'm looking at Daehyun!"

Ray felt her body boil, she rushed to Youngjae and held him by the collar, "Don't push me Youngjae, he means nothing to me. N-O-T-H-I-N-G." Letting go she pushed him back on the wall walking away for good. Youngjae picked himself back up, rubbed his back and watched as Ray pushed through the crowd. Shaking his head Youngjae began to walk away, "Why can't she see the way she is acting?"

Slamming her door Ray pulled off her shoes and threw her cardigan over the coat hanger.


When she heard Chinho's voice she felt herself shiver. Quickly pulling her shoes back on she reached or the door only to be pulled back.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Chinho as he tightened his grip on her arm. 

"Out," she said trying to escape from his grip.

"Where? You haven't been home for the past few days ," he said tossing her inside he trapped his arms around her creating a cage. 

"Let me go," growled Ray.

Chinho gasped lethargically, "I am your father; I'm supposed to enstill discipline and you just left without a word. Your mother was so worried. I was worried," he leaned in closer brushing his lips against her cheek.

Ray pushed him back with force, "you're ing disgusting." She turned to go to her room, but Chinho grabbed her once more slamming her against the wall.

He pushed his body onto hers burying his face in her neck, "Were you out around? Why don't you just around ehre with me, just like your mother."

Ray bit her lip trying to push him off, tears began to brim her eyes, "stop, please stop."

His hand went to graze her inner thigh, Ray felt the tears streaming down her cheek. Chinho began removing her shirt, pushing her against the wall whenever she fought back. Ray felt her body weaken with each push. With one last push she felt her body go limp. Her head lulled and her eyes rolled back, Chinho caught her body, smirking slightly he dragged her to her room throwing her on the bed and shutting the door behind him. 

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Chapter 18: Please please please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!!!!

This story is WONDERFUL~~ please try your best to update soon!!

Even if u dont ur great either way~
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #2
Chapter 15: Ewww Yumi is a female dog!!! Kill her Ray and show LJoe who's boss!!><
MissMinniMii #3
Chapter 15: Wow-
I knew that Yumi was not who she seemed.

sapphire11 #4
Chapter 14: omo....poor ray...daedae just get her back...
sapphire11 #5
Chapter 13: omo...no..daedae go save her....
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 12: NOO!! DAEHYUN AND RAY!!>< Dont fight!!!
bdawn14 #7
Chapter 9: do i sense a fight happening soon ? ughhhh ljoe why?!?!
Chapter 9: finally a dirfferent kind of story! what ive been looking for (': AUTHORNIM HWAITING!
bdawn14 #9
Chapter 8: tsk tsk ljoe !! cant wait until the next update :D
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #10
Chapter 7: OMG LOVE THIS STORY!!!! But I kinda wish Ray is with LJoe Oppa....It's ur choice author-nim^^ I'll still support u for this story^^ HWAITING!!!!^^