Another day

One Shot, One Chance

That night, was a bit of a hassle - the B.A.P members conducted a private meeting amongst themselves, whispering quietly to one another while you sat in the main room, a bit antsy and impatient.

They were talking about where you would sleep in the hideout - the boys had shared the huge merged bed and slept in close proximity, but you were a girl - so you couldn't exactly squeeze inbetween the members.

They finally came out of the bedroom a few minutes later, looking a bit uneasy.

Yongguk was the one who announced their final decision. He cleared his throat and said, "We've decided that you'll be sleeping on the bed with three members while the other three will be sleeping on the floor. We're obviously going to put up some pillows between you and the boys..." He quickly added after seeing your shocked expression.

"Is this...really necessary?" you asked, cringing at your imagination of sleeping in the same bed as three boys...Probably three boys with terrible sleeping habits.

"Do you want to sleep on the floor?" Jongup asked, an expression of scorn on his face. "I actually volunteered to sleep on the floor to give you some space."

You blushed, feeling embarrassed and flustered by his kind gesture. "Uh, no. And thank you for that...Then I'll just listen to whatever you guys say...I don't own the place, anyway."



You woke up suddenly, the feeling of something long and heavy draped over your stomach. Blowing a raspberry, you grunted as you lifted the heavy leg off of you and threw it away. Himchan snorted in his sleep and rolled over, his back facing you.

You sighed and sat up, supporting your body weight with your propped up arms. Sleeping this way had no point at all - the pillow fortress that Youngjae had created between you and Himchan, Yongguk, and himself went crashing down as the night passed. 

You looked around in the dark - there was only one lantern with a tall candle burning brightly on the kitchen table, the only source of light in the windowless hideout.

You moved your pillow to the farthest edge of the bed as you could and slept on your side, wanting the night to be over.




A scream startled you out of your restless sleep. Your eyes shot open and saw Zelo standing in front of the bed, his eyes rounded and his jaw dropped. He pointed a shaky finger at you and squeaked, "What did you and Himchan hyung do last night??"

Confused, you turned around in your lying position - but you realized you couldn't move. Himchan's face was right in front of you, still sleeping. His arms were around you and one leg draped over your waist - again.

Your eyes widened as well and you screamed. Himchan woke up and saw the awkward position you were in with him. He scrambled away from you, the blankets getting tangled up in his mess of arms and legs, bumping and rolling over the still sleeping Yongguk.

Yongguk was startled awake, and he was definitely not a happy camper this early in the morning. He whipped around and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE??"

Zelo tried hard to not faint - he held onto the wall and leaned over, breathing fast and quick. "Hyung...I think...I'm scarred for life..." he muttered.

Yongguk sat up, "What?"

Himchan looked at you, his eyes wide open, stammering, "Bokyung-ah - it's not w-what it looks like! I have a sleeping habit where I hug people in my sleep - "

"You were hugging Bokyung in her sleep??" Yongguk roared,  shooting laser eyes at Himchan.

"No, I swear, Yongguk, I didn't do anything stupid - "

"You get over here, you little ert," Yongguk growled, getting out of bed.

Himchan squeaked and ran off, Yongguk chasing after him and screaming curses like "YOU DESERVE TO BE CAUGHT BY THE POLICE, YOU ERT!", "WHAT KIND OF MORALS AND COMMON SENSE HAVE YOU LEARNED IN THE PAST 20 YEARS??"

You stared blankly at the ground, your arms tightly wound around your shoulders. *Did he really not do anything to me?* you wondered.

"Don't worry about it - he didn't do anything to you," a low voice answered your thoughts. 

You looked up and saw Daehyun bending over to pick up the blanket that Himchan had escaped from earlier. He folded it slowly and calmly, placing it neatly on the bed. He gave you one last look and left the room, leaving you and Zelo still shell-shocked.

Zelo slapped his cheek lightly repeatedly, walking out of the room muttering to himself, "Himchan hyung, you're not the hyung that I used to know..."




After cooking breakfast for them, it was free time for everyone. 

"Don't you have to, you know, steal stuff?" you asked, wiping the dishes dry. Youngjae was stacking the dry plates in the cabinet while the others were hanging out around the hideout, doing whatever.

He gave you an amused smile and replied, "Would you steal something in broad daylight if you were a theif?"

You blushed in embarrassment and shook your head, "No, I guess not."

"Yah, Yoon Bokyung!" a voice called.

You turned around and saw Zelo siding up to the sink, a frown deeply etched in his face. "Can you go out and buy snacks? Himchan hyung ate up all my chili-flavored potato fries."

"Junhong-ah, don't order Bokyung around like a slave. That's not why she's here," Youngjae gently reprimanded.

"No, it's okay, I'll go. None of you guys can go to the supermarket anyway," you quickly said, flashing a smile at Yongjae.

You cleaned yourself up and wore your pink shirt dress that you had packed before running away from your house.

Youngjae pressed five dollars into your hand before sending you off. 

You walked down the street and looked at your surroundings, more clearer in the daylight now. It was still a relatively dirty and poor neighborhood, but after walking a few blocks, the streets became more cleaner and the buildings more brighter, signs of civilization bustling about.

You came back to that same supermarket that you went to the other night and strolled down the snack aisle. You found the snack that Zelo wanted and picked up three of them so you didn't have to constantly buy more.

As you were in line for the cash register, the bright moving screens of the televisions hanging from the ceiling caught your attention. You gave a little gasp when you saw what was on the screen - the news channel was on, and they were reporting the recent vandalization of an expensive sword from the Joseon era of Korea. Pictures of B.A.P flashed on the screen, the big red letters saying "WANTED" next to it.

You realized that you were next in line, so you quickly paid for the snacks and left. You sprinted the last few blocks until you reached the hideout. Youngjae had let you in, looking a bit concerned but a smile of relief on his face.

"You came back safely," he commented while taking the bags from you. 

You nodded, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Just...precautions," Youngjae muttered. You tilted your head in puzzlement, but before you could ask, Zelo bounded into the room, his eyes on the snacks you bought.

"Yes! Thanks, Bokyung-ah!" he said gleefully, taking up the three bags in his arms and zooming back into the bedroom.

"Where is everyone?" you asked, noticing the relatively quiet hideout.

"Yongguk's cooped up in his little room, Himchan, Zelo, and Jongup are watching TV in the other room, and Daehyun went out for a walk," Youngjae replied.

"Isn't he not allowed to? What if he gets caught?" you asked in concern.

He laughed and waved it off, "Don't worry - Daehyun is the fastest member of our team. He literally blends in with his surroundings. You've seen how quiet and mysterious he is - you've got nothing to worry about. We'll see him in an hour or so."

You bit your lip and nodded anyway, still a bit worried about Daehyun. *Why am I overreacting about him? It's not like he's that important to me...*


Just as Youngjae promised, Daehyun came back at sunset, his mask covering his nose and mouth, a dark cap on his dark brown hair. You glanced at him uncertainly. He looked at you at the exact same time, his eyes almost hidden under his hair. You quickly turned away, blushing a little bit.

"When's dinner gonna be ready?" Jongup asked, suddenly appearing next to you. You jumped a little bit but answered smoothly, "Not until six. It's only three in the afternoon, oppa."

He opened his mouth but froze, staring at you, caught off guard.

You blinked. "What is it? You want dinner earlier?"

He shook his head, his eyes wavering as he walked away, rubbing the back of his neck. His cheeks were a bit pink as he muttered to himself, "I've never been called 'oppa' before...This feeling is weird..."

You shrugged and got to work on your homework. You did run away from home, but you still felt the responsibility to go to  school and get an education.

Five minutes later, Zelo sat next to you at the dining table, watching you do your work in silence. He finally spoke up, "Whatcha doin?"

"Homework," you answered, trying to calculate the math problem that you were having trouble with.

He nodded. He whispered, "I haven't been to school since I was in middle school."

You looked up at Zelo in surprise. You asked, "What? What grade?"

Zelo looked up at the ceiling, then thoughtfully said, "Was it eighth grade? I stopped there and dropped out of the orphanage with the other hyungs."

"Oh..." you could only say, feeling a bit awkward. "You in an orphanage?"

Zelo nodded, smiling a little as he went back in time. "Yeah. It was terrible there. I hated being there every second of the day. Those nuns kept us inside the building all day, never letting us out. I met the other hyungs at the orphanage - all abandoned by their parents or brought there because their parents had abused them so badly. We secretly decided to ditch the place late at night, and we did. We didn't get caught. But..."

Zelo fell silent, lost in deep thought. You waited to him to continue. He said softly, "Yongguk hyung had to leave his sister, Yongmi, behind at the orphange to keep her safe, so she could have a future..."

It was quiet, only the sound of the TV faintly sounding in the other room. 

*I see...It must be difficult for Yongguk to deal with all of this...He probably misses his sister so much...* you thought, feeling sad for him.

Zelo stood up slowly, smiling down at you. "You have'ta teach me stuff that I missed out on, Bokyung. So that I don't feel like a total uneducated idiot."

You smiled back at him, nodding, "Sure. Hope you didn't forget how to add or subtract."

He lightly punched your shoulder and left, leaving you alone at the table.

You sighed and thought back to what Zelo had revealed to you. 

I met the other hyungs at the orphanage - all abandoned by their parents or brought there because their parents had abused them so badly...

*I can kind-of relate...My parents haven't physically abandoned me or abused me, but they mentally and emotionally abandoned me...Same amount of hurt and pain...* you related. In this mood, you didn't really feel like finishing your homework now. You closed your math book and got ready to make dinner.



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Chapter 25: read this in one shot and omg this was so good.
awesome job author-nim!
normalgirl #2
Chapter 25: Kyaaaaaaa~ this chapter is the cutest XD
There were aome chapters that i was holding my breath waiting for what's gonna happen ... But you really did a great job in this story .... I LOVE BAP!!!
I kinda gusset that she will end up with daehyun .
Please make more BAP story ... Maybe yongguk as the main guy
BabySpiritCc #3
Chapter 25: I really like this story ^^ Will there be a sequel I'm so curious! It will be interesting if there is xD
Jinboa #4
Chapter 25: When i started reading this fic, i thought "Shes going to end up with Yongguk or Kai" and i never saw what was coming.... She ended up with Daehyun....hahhahahhaha...But interesting story...i liked it
Chapter 25: Awwww.....(no ccomment) .....0.0

I was awesome it made me think,laugh and cry i love it love it ^^
Wow no words can express...can it have a sequel (makes puppy eyes)
Pretty pretty pleawessss^^
Chapter 25: It was really good, thanks for the awesome writing!!
karollovesbacon #7
Chapter 25: It's done! NOO! OMG, I wanted more! I was too good! Oh Lord, this was such a good story! I'm going to shred an emotional tear... Thank you for sharing your awesome writing skills to the world and for baring with all of us crazed fans of your stories! :D
Chapter 25: I really wanted her to end up with Yongguk... But it was awesome ^^ such a lovely ending!! I want a sequel. Her family and brother what did they doooo??